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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Isn't restarting a finished game already an advantage? I'd think you'd want to restart with more of a handicap in order to make it more challenging. Providing benefits from a previous play-through is going in the opposite direction. Mmm, perhaps they could provide some type of NG+ but limit it to replays at a higher difficulty mode; say Expert or Ironman.
  2. Crap! I was SO hoping for illogical character departures! . We'll just assume that's what MuseBreaks wants, too, and now you can enjoy double the hatred, 8D! You mean you don't want an NPC that rage-quits the group? Hmm, well an NPC may choose to quit the group for reasons that are not communicated to you. That could still be logical, yet not necessarily understandable by the player.
  3. Who the hell is noone? How does (s)he figure in to this? "noone" is a typo for "no one".
  4. Skill minigames probably make more sense in single-character, first-person perspective games like Fallout 3 and Oblivion where the primary character responses are strongly influenced by the player's physical responses. In a party-based game, the player should be more like a squad leader--giving directions and planning actions. You can't really model varying characteristics through the finger movements of a single player. Hence it's better to use abstractions.
  5. Hmm, I wonder what book is he talking about? Sounds like a cracking good yarn, as long as the good guys win in the end.
  6. Usually when I see game situations like that, it's implemented by means of a clock countdown. That should limit your ability to loot because stopping to look through chests and such will eat into your time allotment. The designers could use the simple mechanic of restricting access to the deeper inventory in certain circumstances. Doing so would present the player with interesting tactical decisions, particularly when there's a lot of loot available.
  7. For me, build-your-own spells and items usually end having a generic, cookie cutter feel. They typically allow a fixed set of effects that you can only apply to a limited set of target types. Perhaps greater uniqueness can be provided by allowing a choice of one or more limitations? For example, a "spirit blast" spell is an explosive burst of spirit energy that only effects undead, and is half as effective against corporeal undead.
  8. "Dicing pickles is not something I relish." "Farmers do it in the dairy air."
  9. A thought about factions: rather than just presenting the player with their standings among different factions, make them go and have a few rounds at a pub. The rumor mill will then present their current standings among the neighboring factions.
  10. I'm 100% sure Sawyer knows. The market for estoc can be pretty volatile. Make sure you put some of your earnings in utilities.
  11. In a civilized setting with observers present, I think that successful stealth should be a prerequisite for lockpicking. Different locales and environments should have different stealth minimum requirements. If you can't pick a lock under the circumstances without having a very small (1%) chance of being observed, then the attempt should just auto-abort. Come back when it is dark or raining, or use a potion of invisibility. Alternatively, lockpicking a door belonging to a particular faction will just run the risk of decreasing your favor with that faction. You need to make a stealth check based on the circumstances to avoid the negative result. (The game probably shouldn't even notify you at the time; you'd get a notice later on.)
  12. As of last July, sales of PC games were up by 230% while sales of console games were down by 28%. It's mostly due to the pending release of the next gen consoles, of course. I'll be curious to see what type of market impact the Steam Box has in 2013.
  13. Finally almost passed that darn kidney stone today. It's been fun... in an "at least I don't have a brain tumor" sort of way. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend. It's funny; this is my 11th. I'm prone to the stone, and I'm almost getting used to them. Most of the time I barely notice them making their way through any more. They must be scraping the cruft off the plumbing as they go. Yes, I have really clean pipes...
  14. I'm afraid I can't really bemore specific, because there isn't anything specific I dislike about it, other than the wonky proportions/anatomy that I already mentioned. It just felt pedestrian and unimaginative, especially compared to some of the P:E concept art that's already out -- I really liked Orlock Holmes and Sagani, to name two. How would I have done it? Dunno, I haven't really given it much thought. Maybe I'd either have gone for way more over the top, or much subtler. Think Elric of Melniboné, or Mazikeen from the Lucifer comics, or something like that. But whatever it is, that ain't it. The thing about computer gaming is that in many ways it's a very personal experience; we're never all going to like the same thing. That's clearly true in this case. Fortunately CRPGs usually allow a wide variety of choices to be made, so we can usually find a set of elements of the game that we enjoy the most.
  15. Logically, if you are pursuing, taking an attack should slow you down briefly--allowing the defender to move out of your range. You would then need to catch up again. So it's difficult to see how you can perform consecutive attacks in that instance.
  16. ^^^ Now there's a beastie I'd love to see in Project Eternity!
  17. I concur. I didn't realize that when they said the god-like would be similar to the plane-touched that they might turn out exactly like the plane-touched in all but name. It is still too early to tell, though, so I am hopeful that these are initial drafts towards a more original race. Planetouched-like is pretty much what I had expected when I heard godlike; IP rights and all that. But that still leaves plenty of room for future inventiveness. (Mechanus-touched humanoid, anyone?) Her slightly unusual proportions I wrote off as a legacy of her birthright.
  18. I'm not sure. Some deities may not have an obvious associated feature type. Take Woedica, for example. Plus, we don't know if the deity of a godlike character is necessarily the deity that formed them. A cunning deity may choose to obscure the origins and aspirations of "their" character.
  19. Might it be that they need to get far enough along in the design process that they know what type of information they should collect? I would speculate they'll reach that point near the end of the first six months.
  20. Hello Noisefolk#1, Well your English seems pretty good. However, I'm not quite sure what you mean by PG. Player Character (PC) perhaps? My understanding is that the developers want to allow you a variety of ways to build your character, starting from the initial class.
  21. I don't think you would enjoy a barrel full of buckshot in the gut. But if that has no deterrent value for you, then I suppose that speaks for itself. Troll.
  22. Human Dwarf Aumaua. Any sufficiently advanced civilization will develop stretchy pants...
  23. I guess the godlike... have a little trouble with helms, hmm? Love the artwork, and thank you for the update!
  24. Wandering randomly probably works better at lower levels because the opponents at that difficulty rating are more common. Higher level opponents are scarce and you have to travel to where they are located, resulting in a more linear experience. I suppose a game could switch between low level and high level groups of PCs to mix up the experience a little more; maybe send lower level lackeys on missions that you can control. Or they could split up the party and provide handicaps for the higher level characters.
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