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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Yeah, the campaign was the wooing period. It ended with a bang and a honeymoon. Now we're settled into the marriage waiting for the first child to arrive.
  2. A sound-based Easter Egg puzzle might be amusing. But it shouldn't have to depend on the acuteness of a player's hearing.
  3. There will always be those who will whine about the final product; it's inevitable in the computer gaming business. Hopefully they'll satisfy most of the contributors though. In addition to the occasionally useful feedback and morale support, I suspect that these forums will probably help to prepare the audience expectations in advance. As long as it isn't too buggy...
  4. This allowed them to encourage people to keep funding. I wonder how many people still pledge money through paypal once a game is officially funded. Or if the amounds pledged are significant enough to allow for real planning of extra development. At the same time, I think they wanted to keep their options open. If they managed to do it, great. If they didn't, they hadn't promised anything. I was wondering how one of these Kickstarters would handle it if they fell just shy of a stretch goal. If they have the resources, then I'd guess that most would probably throw in the extra goal in order to please their contributors. No need to be cynical about it really.
  5. Don't read my post? Don't post in my topic.Err... well yeah. If I don't read your post then I'm pretty unlikely to post a reply. Neither of us have the guarantee the other will interpret their words correctly. Whatever reaction you were hoping for in either of your posts can so far be dismissed out of hand. Likewise, your original post has zero bearing on whether another such game is produced or not, or by whom. So... good luck with that.
  6. Nice. Might be an interesting illustration for an in-game lore book.
  7. Does it matter? Not really. I guess some people might like their backer's badges.
  8. C if you get it...
  9. Huh? I was referring to the dad who wanted to send his kid with autism to video game camp. It seems like he didn't have the money to spare to do it by himself, and was relying on quick funds from a kickstarter to send him there. My main concern was how it was set up, most of the funds received could have been put towards physical goods w/shipping costs and kickstarter fees vs. the actual camp, and the dangers of this possibly happening again in the future if they take Susan Wilson's template as an example of how to do tiers. Right. You want to add additional constraints, rather than letting the consumer decide.
  10. How are you defining artists? I suspect most if not all are artists of one type or another.
  11. Don't read my post? Don't post in my topic. Err... well yeah. If I don't read your post then I'm pretty unlikely to post a reply.
  12. About the only investigative drama series I've enjoyed recently is NCIS. Most are too depressingly real world. Probably why I prefer fantasy and sci-fi.
  13. Don't like it? Don't play it.
  14. ^^^^ I disagree your conclusion. The Kickstarter approach is ideal for the independent developer who is looking for some money to polish up a fun little game. I don't yet see a good reason to control a developer's access to this mechanism when the market can decide just fine by itself.
  15. It's been close to a couple of months since this update came out. I was just curious to know how this is progressing. Thank you.
  16. This was ameliorated in later modules for NWN2. In MotB, for example, you'd get an interface that would warn you about the particular danger level, then would advance the time forward the appropriate amount if you agreed to rest. Depending on the encounter odds, you'd be awakened prior to receiving the benefits of a full rest.
  17. Just out of habitual caution, I'll probably wait for the third major patch release before I touch this game.
  18. It doesn't have to be all about the gold and goods. In fact, it would be nice if some of the benefits of the reward aren't immediately apparent. What about more insubstantial rewards? The eternal thanks of the good people of Whossit de Fylde? An improved reputation resulting in allies and benefits? Maybe a strengthening of your soul? A landed title? The service of a skilled craftsman? The allegiance of a worthy knight? The favor of a patron who can lend you aid at a later date? Members of the opposite sex swooning at your feet? A big parade and the unveiling of a statue? For physical goods, it doesn't have to be equip-able items. Perhaps it could be an alchemical recipe or a new spell? A fine wagon team to make your travels go more quickly. Maybe a mysterious key whose purpose you only discover much later. &c.
  19. Available from Amazon for under $9.
  20. Zach Braff's Kickstarter Project Hits $2 Million Goal with 28,000 backers.
  21. I sincerely hope not. This isn't a wasteland survival game so adding food and water is just a bookkeeping exercise. I'd rather see it abstracted.
  22. Well I don't think they can promise the stars, since it's an isometric view.
  23. Those decisions we come to regret...
  24. Wait... how'd I end up with a negative Charisma score?
  25. That's what a manual is for. (there will be a manual that describes a bit more than hotkey configs, right? right?) We were all newcomers to a genre/gaming at some point or another. One either has the patience/desire to discover/learn all those nuances for fine tuning, or doesn't. I'd guess/hope the game is still playable/winnable even if you don't care to bother too much about such details...it'd just be that much harder. I suspect they may need a tactics guide, in addition to the normal manual. But I suppose that's what walkthroughs are for.
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