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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah if we haven't heard about it by today I'd say we're not getting it. I think they have some "other stuff" on as well.
  2. Assuming I am free, I will play and submit bug reports as I go. The game will no doubt be rough around the edges even with a day 0 patch, most games are these days. Will probably take a while post-release to get things feeling right. As long as they follow the same trend as Larian and inXile and give good post-release support, listen to feedback and add new features it should end up being alright.
  3. I flat out disagree here. I think a mix of micro-requirements are good. Having played DotA where it can involve as little as movement, using one item and aiming one auto-hit skill to omgwtfbbq the sky is the limit Scepter Invoker, a range is nice because some people aren't into heaps of micro, and some like to alternate between them. For a class based game, it makes sense to have a mix. Fighters and Paladins are two classes that were designed to be low maintenance from the beginning. I think that's fine, and while tweaks have been and will be made, it's more important for these classes to be an effective class, than anything else. Paladins used to be one of the best classes in the game. I think they've been nerfed a bit, or surpassed by buffs to other classes. Some tweaks to their abilities and auras would do enough to bring them back into the game. However a re-design of the class just aint gonna happen. Even at the start of the beta, Obsidian weren't willing to revise any of the classes. They changed some abilities or features, but stuck to the concepts. Other than tweaks, nothing is going to happen here. I'd save your effort for the expansion discussions.
  4. Agree about Lay on Hands. It doesn't heal enough to warrant selecting, and 3/day < 1/encounter. Paladin auras were fine how they were, no idea why they are combat only now. I have a feeling it's because people were using Zealous Charge during Stealth Mode for faster movement speed, but so what? Who cares. Back to always on please. Paladins are getting two talents per Paladin Order in the next patch. Most of them are related to enhancing Flames of Devotion, Lay on Hands or Liberating Exhortation (according to Josh). They probably do need to tweak a lot of the Paladin abilities. IMO they are a useful class to have in the party, but yeah ... Chanters far outshine them for efficacy atm.
  5. Possible bug(s) with damage calculation / weapon damage - fixed internally
  6. No not that type of scaling, like repeating patterns. The combat log uses a repeating 2D wood texture to cover its increased size, for example.
  7. That part is true, although there were other reasons for asking them to be split rather than just one, and the background would also not scale around the log either - which may not look great (dunno yet).
  8. Obsidian actually asked Bester for the sources for his mod so they could integrate it into the game, but they didn't want it for any of the options he added to the game, I think they wanted it for the GameObject Viewer that he made. We will know in the next patch whether they used anything or not, but it looks like they didn't implement any of the options, judging by the stream.
  9. Rain has been added to Stormwall Gorge, but not any of the other beta areas IIRC. I agree it would be cool if it could rain in most of them.
  10. I'm okay with a recovery bar and action icon UNDER the portrait, but not on it. And yeah D&D 4E isn't that great for P&P. I've DM'd and played it, and I found combat really boring.
  11. Yeah when you go to select a portrait, it would be nice if a screen popped up that allowed you to click on a male or female icon or something that browsed that sex's portraits. It's just easier to navigate because you can go forward and back through the selection when you get to the beginning/end - currently you can only go forward or back within the selection.
  12. As a 'customer' for the Solid UI I would like to throw out some preferences for how it is designed/implemented. Here is a picture of Kaz mucking around with it. Here are some preferences/requests that I have: #1: Please segment the Solid UI into three pieces of art. This is for both modding compatibility, so that the three pieces can be moved around on the screen with our IE mod (I would like to swap the positions of the portraits and the log, as then I can actually READ the combat log during combat); and so that people can still minimize HUD elements if they wish. Here is an mspaint example You have a file which has all of the UI 'pieces'. Please store the backing for the three elements separately in the file, so that they can be 'accessed' separately in the code. EDIT: For clarification I meant segment in the file itself and how the pieces are accessed only. NOT for the elements to have visual gaps between each other. #2: Please make the Solid HUD symmetrical and position neutral. No dragons sticking out of the top pointing left or anything, if possible. #3: Allow the borders of the combat log to scale with the element itself. If the combat log has a backing/border around it, please do not limit the ability to be able to resize the log as I assume that most people who prefer solid UI also like to use the combat log, and in this game you need to increase the size to be able to use it properly. #4: Have gems in the top border of the menu and log elements for collapsing rather than horizontal flaps. Like the IE games. The horizontal flaps are a waste of horizontal space and don't look very tidy in the stock UI. Please consider not using them, and having a little gem/button in the center of the solid border of each collapsible element that allows that element to be collapsed. Ideally people with the Solid HUD should get the same functionality as people without, so if people want a solid HUD and want to play with portraits only, they should be able to. That's why I think it's important to make sure the Solid HUD is not just "one backing", but rather three pieces. And finally, make sure that a click on the non-interactable HUD background does not constitute as a click for the purposes of doing anything in the game - such as double clicking to move the camera. Please disconnect clicking on the HUD / doing anything while mousing on the HUD as a separate action from the game. Currently clicking to close the inventory counts as a click for the purposes of doing a double click to perform action (such as moving the camera), which should not be the case - and clicking on the UI shouldn't either.
  13. Both known bugs. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69464-364-hendynas-home-still-shakes/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69776-392-cant-disarm-chests/
  14. No, not really. It applies to player controlled characters on some difficulties (Easier difficulties allow you to rest more), but not really enemies.
  15. Moving the combat idle animation to recovery time would fix this.
  16. I'd like to see the other racial abilities made better. They should be as useful as minor threat IMO.
  17. The game WILL be slower in the next patch due to increased Endurance from CON @ 3%/point, lower damage across the board and no Accuracy from stats, which I think is a mistake, but anyway.
  18. I agree with this one. I don't like this either. If the developers don't accommodate us with this, it can be modded out. This is an option. I prefer it to be enabled everywhere because it makes the inventory less annoying, and since you can craft/enchant anywhere as well. You can in the IE mod I agree about this one. Different kinds of ammo, and special ammo would have been cool. Not super upset about it though. Agree about this one. I too would prefer a higher isometric angle for outside as well as inside, it would also be much more practical. Yeah I think walking would have been better. In future expansions etc they could have a combat movement animation or something. Probably expensive to make though. Kind of agree about this one, but you can simply edit the string file yourself and change it to whatever you want. This isn't a super constructive thread but I might have some more points to add later when I have some more energy.
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