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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. No it works with every damage-based attack and spell. 40 Interrupt is considered 'Average', I believe. Base Unit Concentration I believe is 50.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if PE2 takes place in the Vailian Republics, because it's not a Cultural Background you can choose in game.
  3. When you scroll down to the very end of an item description (either using the mouse wheel or dragging the scrollbar with the mouse), text gradually becomes distorted/stretched at the very bottom.
  4. You're right we don't need scripts. I'd prefer they improve the enemy AI, and the pathfinding than spend money doing player AI scripts so the game plays itself for you.
  5. When the next patch comes out, I'll be looking into improving the "Remove Engagement" part of the IE mod. Once the full game is out, it will require some asset editing as well, that may make taking full advantage of the IE mod a bit inconvenient (as you will have to manually replace more files) ... although we'll see.
  6. Even though they said early week, I don't think they've ever managed to put out a patch earlier than Wednesday, their time.
  7. Also keep in mind that it's +6% of the base interrupt of the weapon, all fast attacking weapons have low interrupt values (as do firearms). I agree that Hard difficulty actually limits tactical options. This is my experience as well, particularly with movement and positioning - Engagement makes higher enemy numbers really not fun to play against.
  8. They work literally no different from how they used to, except that you now get +6% per point instead of +3%. Interrupt still relies on Accuracy to actually have an impact. In v257 and v278, Interrupts were actually playing on misses as well (due to a bug) so it 'seemed' more effective than it actually was. Also my apologies, crits are 101+
  9. Higher camera angle for exteriors as well as interiors please. Plus lots more but there's plenty of time for that.
  10. See, I don't know about that. What's more of a concern to me is that Interrupt and (especially) Concentration are horrible as primary stats for Attributes. I would like to try the new patch to see how it plays, but I think it does call for a thorough examination of the issue again. Hopefully Matt will have some time to assist me on that.
  11. And it's a dump stat for anyone who doesn't.
  12. I tell you what I'll be so glad to no longer have this FKN selection lag anymore.
  13. Yeah you are wrong. Miss 0-15 Graze 16-50 Hit 51-105 Crit: 106+
  14. Priest of Skaen with Prey on the Weak.
  15. TBH, the only companion that might suck mechanically is probably Sagani. The others are all fairly good to really good classes.
  16. With the way previous damage multipliers worked, Savage Attack would have probably been valuable on an Accurate character with high Might wielding a Fine or better weapon. Just tried it then on a Fighter and yep, dealt some pretty nice damage dual wielding Fine Spears. Not sure if it would be as useful now though.
  17. The main merit I see from accuracy not being affected by Attributes is that it limits the amount of inputs into Accuracy itself, which makes things easier to balance, rather than having to potentially account a swing of ~0-16. That's interesting. Personally I've never found anything that gives minus accuracy to be worth taking, even with maxed Perception. Whether it be the 'Power Attack' style talent or using an Arquebus over an Arbalest (which I think now are balanced a bit better against each other with how much DT they bypass or something).
  18. The track from the PAX Stream sounded at an attempt to sound like BG2. It succeeded in that attempt but I found it was lacking in a few areas. The same track also repeated almost instantly as soon as it ended which would be infuriating in game.
  19. They do serve a function - you can play an old game at native resolution at a high refresh rate, with no input lag / image stretching or anything like that. Not to mention full color depth, and deep blacks.
  20. Yes there is. You get another backer to buy a beta key for you.
  21. Yes, but my point was that the way that damage was being calculated was the reason Accuracy was more important than it should have been, because when damage was multiplicative you get less damage from grazes and more damage from critical hits - making better attack resolutions increasingly more important. With the change to additive, crits are now less valuable and grazes do more damage - both things that give more credence to the Might damage multiplier (as reliable extra damage on every hit) than Accuracy (a chance of a better attack resolution). Accuracy was removed from the Attribute system before this change was made, and I can't help but wonder if Perception with Accuracy would now be balanced against other Attributes, rather than the flat out best choice. Will be interesting to test out next week how the new system feels anyway. but for me it looks very similar to how v278 was.
  22. v392: Druid, Chanter and Monk edit: oh sorry reasons - they're OP ? Druid spells have hilariously imbalanced damage and CC Chanters Flame Aura is so good, and their summon chants are strong Monks = laf, especially with that knockback disable move
  23. Also since you guys (QA) seem to have the most influence on Attributes out of everyone you might be able to explain this one, what prompted the removal of Accuracy ? And were you aware of the issue with Damage Calculation overvaluing accuracy when you did it ?
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