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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Out of boredom / lulz, who do you think should demonstrate Pillars of Eternity at PAX East We've seen Josh Sawyer demonstrate the game on stream from the Obsidian offices, Brandon Adler has played at E3 and at PAX South. Adam Brennecke played at Gamescom Germany. Chris Avellone and Tim Cain have never played Pillars of Eternity for the public Who would you like to see play at PAX East? I'd like to see Tim Cain play myself. Poll Included.
  2. Lurking or posting? Haven't seen you stick your head out yet
  3. First off I'd advise trying this: Verify Integrity of Steam Cache A few times when I have downloaded a patch, my game files have become corrupted and weird stuff has happened. Verifying Integrity of Game Cache checks to make sure your files are correct and re-downloads them if they are not.
  4. I agree it would be nice if they segmented those pieces too, because then we could move them in the UI mod.
  5. Druid is the best class in the game at the moment, and according to the PAX stream, I think they fixed their Shapeshift - it now looks like it's useful. Every party should have a chanter. Wizards are useful, but in this game they are just pure AoE damage dealers, which is disappointing. I think the majority agrees that the wizard design doesn't feel as good as it could have been. You're right about the Cipher, they've been nerfed too much because they were the best class to begin with. Paladins have also been nerfed too much I think, they used to be really good. Monks are OP atm. Rogues are actually really good, especially as melee dual wielders, but they've been nerfed in the upcoming patch. Priests are about right for me but yes - they are lacking domain based casting. I agree 100% there. I would like to see deity based spells in the expansion. Fighters are alright. And yeah I agree that Barbarians and Rangers are a bit lack luster. I think both classes will be a bit more useful in the upcoming patch. For Barbarians you really need to focus on dual-wielding, to get the most carnage hits. -------- Most of the imbalance can be tweaked, but the core issues with classes won't be addressed until the expansion.
  6. Well since there's only going to be one more, I wonder if they'll push it another week or two?
  7. I'd like to hear more from some of the other developers a bit more tbh. While it's obvious that Josh is 'more equipped' than most of you to answer most questions, it would be nice to hear a bit more from the rest of you how you feel about the game, what you like about it, what you think you could have done better. People on the Codex (where ᴲ The "Church of Cain") were disappointed that Tim barely said a word. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to show the public some companion dialogue as that's the main thing that most people play your games for right ?
  8. Yeah I'll bet that's like "I have been working on this for literally 20 minutes so far"
  9. Call me crazy, but after reading this thread I get the impression that this isn't actually about communication or whether the devs hang out on the forum or not. It's about who the game panders to. The people that are annoyed at the 'lack of communication' are the people pissed off with how the combat (among other things) has turned out, and don't find playing the game very fun. The people white knighting the other side just happen to be the people who are happy how the combat in the game has turned out. Case in fact: I don't think anyone on the Obsidian dev team is an 'IE grog' like myself, Sarex, Stun, Hiro and the others (which is a shame) so it's unsurprising that the game caters to the 'goons' instead. Josh has also expressed a vocal dislike of many of the things that made BG2 combat really fun and I don't think any of the devs recognize or enjoy the RTS-isms of the Infinity Engine style combat, from all the dev gameplay examples I've seen they all play it pretty bog standard. I understand and share the frustration that many of the people that are pissed off in this thread have with the game's combat, and it is equally frustrating when when our points are either ignored or shrugged off. I have also participated in some pretty nasty stuff because of this frustration in the past (see the engagement threads) but my frustration was mostly aimed at the other backers who were pro-engagement. Badmouthing the developers due to that frustration aint gonna get you anywhere though and it is self-defeating as it means that they will spend less time here. I have busted my guts out in the beta trying to get some of our agenda through via my suggestion threads, and help make the game more playable by submitting ~50 bug reports per patch. The less time the developers spend on the forums, the less of that stuff gets noticed. So if you wouldn't mind, consider taking a different approach with that in mind next time. Alas, much of the damage has probably already been done. @Tigrin, if you're still reading - IME most "General Discussion" areas of any forum on the net are best-avoided. There are plenty of people here who would willingly engage in conversations about the game, and the animation side of it.
  10. If you're not going to use the solid UI, then why would you care? The only suggestion I made that has anything to do with "like the IE games" is the gems bit. Everything else has nothing to do with anything that was in the IE games, and is related to functionality support only.
  11. Yeah I would personally never pick a Utility talent. I mean why would you do it lol?
  12. At like 4:34 or something, and he has multiple videos where he fires quickly and punctures chainmail - this one, his original video from 2009 and a few others. Mail is for protection against cuts though, not piercing, so it's unsurprising.
  13. It was definitely a lot like a BG2 combat track, but still felt a bit lacking. Will need to listen again.
  14. I dunno man, some of us find a fair few bugs that the devs themselves don't find (at least, to my knowledge anyway). They probably have pretty tight schedules to follow ... we on the other hand can, if we so choose, go through everything with a fine-toothed comb at our own pace and will. Organizing a build for that may not be worth doing though if the programmers already have full plates right up until release.
  15. Huh? I don't have anything against the way intellect worked originally, not all the melee classes get much benefit from AoE - but sure it's the absolute #1 option for Priests and Druids.
  16. I don't, but supporting that kind of stuff is expensive (programming time wise) and I'd prefer to see that time spent elsewhere.
  17. The game kept saying "not enough food, build more farms". Couldn't figure out how to do it - the UI is terrible. So I quit.
  18. When the new system comes out I might try modding Accuracy back onto Per and chucking Interrupt over onto Dex, and see how that plays.
  19. I think this might be related to some stacking bugs which I reported that have now been fixed for the next build.
  20. Not to mention, PJ that the thing that made him go cuckoo over (mine and matt's attribute thingo) had both Interrupt and Deflection in the attribute system. I couldn't understand why he was complaining about it in the first place ...
  21. I've never heard of someone LARPing to a make believe system in a game before. There you go.
  22. In this video (you need to run it in 720p60 or 1080p60) you can see that when you change weapons and have a bow equipped, a pink arrow is displayed for a split second during the change from another weapon set to the bow. Sometimes the pink arrow is persistent. The War Bow 'Cloudpiercer' has an arrow with 'lightning' at the back of it, but the arrow in the model is not used when fired, it just stays there even when the bow is drawn and fired. All other bows have a normal arrow that shows briefly when changing from another weapon set into a bow.
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