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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. I hate ME3, but I did find this particular complaint nitpicky. It's not wrong as a complaint, it just doesn't seem as serious as people paint it out to be. Earth isn't even the seat of human governance. So, it being the focus is kind of odd, granted. But the humans are going to focus on human stuff. And nobody drops everything just to help the humans, they decide they need to be helped first. And they are helped. And they reportedly do fantastic after being helped. Or that's how it seemed to me, which lended support to the idea that a traditional victory should have been approachable. Otherwise, yeah, they should have just destroyed the Earth relay and yelled "VICTORY." However, in further hindsight, Earth is still conspicuous. The mcguffin just happens to be next door to Earth. The Reapers are obsessed with defending Earth. Why wouldn't the Reapers have taken the Citadel to Thessia? Heck, why move it at all? If they're clearly so superior in fleet engagements, why put it somewhere with ground access? Earth is oddly convenient. It's not really nitpicky, it's a valid complaint. They bend over backwards in ME2 and 3 to go on about how humans are the most special snowflakes in the Galaxy, the only ones to defeat a Reaper, the only ones to interfere with "THE CYCLE," etc. despite being the new kids on the galactic stage (yet they're depicted as one of the most technologically advanced.) Earth is still divided into current-day nation-states. "The Alliance" is just a military organization. There's no world government for a homogeneous Earth/human culture. Hell, by ME2 they've completely forgotten that the Normandy and its much touted stealth systems and fancy pants warp core or whatever were a joint Turian-Alliance project. The fact that every other race is culturally homogeneous and ill-developed makes it that much worse. "Salarians are scientific and sneaky!" "Asaris are CULTURAL! Also they're all girls and their CULTURALNESS demands they have sex with anything!" "Elcors are big and slow!" "Volus are Space Jews!" "Turians are Militant drones!" "Krogans are space dinosaur ****roaches!" Edit: Yes, this forum does not allow us to say ****roach. So I'll say it Scarface style and see if it's still verboten. ****AROACH! Edit 2: The Revengening Chockroch (yiddish pronounciation rules apply. Put some phlegm into that 'Ch'.) That's... not really special at all. And they were already existing maps but with those environmental variables added.
  2. ...This is a game about souls, not corpses. What kind of... just... The gravitational pull between my face and my palm has just increased by several orders of magnitude. That was a painful impact. How does this even make sense to you? Your party continues your quest, a quest driven by a soul no longer present, while carrying around your rotting corpse? Even if it were a good idea, which it isn't, they would have to write a bunch of ludicrous justifications for companions you just met to want to finish your journey without knowing what it was about.The information currently out suggests that the PC's soul has been changed in some way that is world-changing due to a chance encounter/witnessing some event of mythic proportions.
  3. True, it's not as bad as Oblivion, but it's hardly better than Oblivion. Wait, you're defending Oblivion's level scaling on the basis of metagaming to circumvent the level-scaling? That's a completely invalid argument. An endorsement of powergaming as a means to worm your way out of the level-scaling system is not an endorsement of the system by any measure.
  4. AGX-17


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLXOO9PnnMQ After tonight, I had to.
  5. This year's Special and the preview were the best presents anyone could ask for. The only way I could be more excited is if the name "Omega" were uttered in the preview.
  6. I'm still convinced she's only popular because of female readers/viewers who want to be ravished Harlequin-novel style by a ripped exotic war chief. The only thing interesting about Daenerys is wondering how she'll react when she learns she's not the only Targaryen left, and the possibility there might be people with a stronger claim to the Iron Throne than her. And you're right to assume I'm even less interested in Sansa chapters. The only known living Stark to the people of Westeros also happens to be the most astonishingly boring.
  7. But this is a PC game, PCs don't run games off of discs (at least not for over a decade.) And most players will be playing via digital download. It should fry your HD in hardcore modes. Maybe if the PC get killed then the game should send the coordinates and someone should come to your home to kill you. That would be super hardcore and really immersive. Obsidian can't afford to hire assassins or the legal fees they'll need to defend themselves from all the mass murder and conspiracy to commit mass murder charges.
  8. I don't celebrate anything, I accept gifts despite insisting all year that "I don't want any, you don't need to go to the trouble, etc."
  9. When the player character dies, that's generally called "game over" in most games. But this is a PC game, PCs don't run games off of discs (at least not for over a decade.) And most players will be playing via digital download. It should fry your HD in hardcore modes.
  10. No. Also wolves don't have "tribes," they're not sentient beings. You may as well propose that every single creature you encounter in P:E be sentient and taught English (or whatever language the game is translated into,) despite having no capacity to learn or speak it. Barbarians? No. There is no "Scholar" class, either.
  11. Yeah, they screwed up some stuff, but they're cramming a 1000 page novel with multiple perspectives into 10 hours of TV per year. Besides, Daenerys stuff is boring.
  12. This has no basis in reality. Here's a random pick of titles you can find on the shelves: Crazy Chicken Soccer Focus Hotbarels Clay Pidgeon Shooting iFluid I doubt anyone ever expected those to sell a 100,000 copies, let alone a few million... That's shovelware. Cheap to make, cheap to sell, and the target audience is not people like us, it's people like... well, Walmart shoppers.
  13. Not analyzing, correcting. I'm just correcting his misconception, which was the starting basis of his idea. I don't see how that's not a valid point to make. If he doesn't want to be corrected he shouldn't use incorrect interpretations as the basis for his ideas.
  14. People have a lot of emotional/mental experiences. Many people have episodes of these conditions as a result of trauma, stress, etc. An episode isn't the same as a chronic disorder, though. A soldier who was in close proximity to an explosion and has suffered some degree of brain trauma might (and often does,) experience one or more of the listed symptoms. In this case it's not a matter of chronic mental illness, it's a matter of incidents or episodes. But any mental dysfunction is something to be taken seriously to some degree. Obviously no two people are the same, and experiences differ between people depending on genotype, phenotype, hormones, etc. I say this from the perspective of someone who has actually suffered from and been diagnosed by medical professionals with chronic mental illnesses (none of the aformentioned,) and firsthand experience with family members suffering from some the conditions named. In the case of this family member, it's an uncle with a history of marijuana and cocaine abuse who was (and still is,) instiutionalized as a result of a dissociative episode which left him unable to recall where he lived, how old he was or what year it was.
  15. Friendly reminder. The guys who bought Interplay and ran it into the ground were the developers of this game: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman_(1999_video_game)
  16. Their TOS says no refunds. At least it did last I checked.
  17. Pure fantasy. Absoludicrous. As likely to gore your fellows as your foes.
  18. A Feast for Crows. UGHHHH. No wonder the cover is red, it's all Lannister crap. If you ever needed proof of how terrible a person Cersei is, this book is it.
  19. Civ V, mine own noble people, the Celts, are the most scientifically and culturally advanced civ in the known world thus far. The Celtic cross will be the first symbol planted on the planets of Alpha Centauri. Also TF2, finally got naughty crates after Valve cheated me last year. They still cheated me this year because none of the items are likely to be as stupidly valuable as last year's haul of naughty crate contents.
  20. But you're not talking about illusion magic at all, then, you're talking about the Geomancer (or Feng Shui Knight, for an accurate translation, Feng Shui falling under the Western category of Geomancy anyway,) class/Geomancy ability like in FFT. The character you're talking about filled the role of Geomancer in FF6 which had no class system. Which wasn't illusion magic. At all. The idea of Feng Shui is sorcery based on spatial positioning/orientation, whose power is derived from the four cardinal directions and the center, these each being associated with an element in Chinese and derivative civilizations (Japan, Korea.) http://en.wikipedia....e_constellation In this case the five Japanese elements being relevant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_elements_(Japanese_philosophy) .
  21. One possible player character background should be "village corpse-stacker."
  22. What do you mean "double-sided," like those lightsabers in star wars with a lightstaber sticking out both ends of the hilt, or a double-edged blade (which is common to the point of being standard throughout history)? Or are you talking about dual-wielding without managing to use the commonly accepted terminology for dual-wielding?
  23. Aesthetic improvements don't equate to making something more interesting. You can have an amazingly well-designed cover for a dry and mind-numbing textbook, that cover won't make it more interesting.
  24. I've got a parrot in TF2. What does it do? Sits on my shoulder leering at me. The dog in DAO wasn't much use. The dog in Fallout was slightly less useful due to the fact that dogs have no armor. The dog in Fallout 3 was not much use until lolbethesda turned it immortal because the Bethesda fanbase. Just the Bethesda fanbase. That's all the explanation you need. The only effective pet (of an earlier, weaker boss,) I've ever seen in a game was a three-legged crow final boss who throws stars (as in those big hydrogen fusion reactions in space, not five-pointed shapes,) at the player character (and the PC will die in one hit, obviously.)
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