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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. I said this before in a more-or-less the same subject thread, but I think character creation should be more about background than race (with backgrounds to choose from like Arcanum, but with a better game to be in, with maybe the option to customize a background,) and various attributes and skills should be modified by the chosen background (which would also, ideally, be reflected in the narrative to some degree, i.e. imagine if in New Vegas you could choose to be a former Enclave soldier/descendent or banished BoS member and you would get totally different relationships with Arcade and the Remnants or Veronica and BoS, respectively.) It admittedly makes some sense for different races to have different physical attributes, it's undeniable that say, an average Masai man living on the East African Savannah tends to be taller and lankier than, say, an average Taiwanese woman, but these shouldn't be as extreme/racist as they are in games like The Elder Scrolls ("black people, err... REDGUARDS are physically strong, and are well suited for manual labor due to their dull minds and great stamina,") so long as we're dealing with different "races" rather than different species. If a Godlike or Aumaua is a different species from a Human or a Dwarf then it's fine for them to go nuts with different base stats. Nobody can reasonably argue that it's speciesist to say that an Elephant is orders of magnitude stronger than a human, or that a human is orders of magnitude more intelligent than a squirrel.
  2. Neither is the main character, so who precisely are we supposed to relate to? Oh okay But it's GRIMDARK and EDGY to prove the new DmC by a different, western developer is NEW and IMPROVED and DARKER and EDGIER. Like the Fox News level! SO EDGY. Hideki Kamiya will have ample opportunity to say gaijin on twitter soon enough.
  3. That article was meant as a joke. The article is comedic commentary on the game's content. He didn't just make it all up, like he did Miguel for Fat Chicks in Party Hats. Don't expect this to improve. Expect it to get worse. Expect your "ruthless" reputed renegade Shepard to angst like a JRPG protagonist while everyone else says "Snap out of it Shepard! You have a Galaxy to save!"
  4. It's normally Handsome Jack unless you've finished the main story, then it'll be Claptrap, as far as I'm aware. The Jack version is a lot better, yeah.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfLu7GRMR7g Also: ahahahahaha
  6. Kind of obvious.
  7. Sexist, not sexism. It's not a subtle analysis of sexism, it's sending a misogynistic message. http://www.cracked.c...on-hates-women/ "The female characters in Red Dead Redemption are only there to nag and complain before a passing murderer uses her as a knife storage. Every woman lies to you, and most of them try to kill you. It's the first Western based on a passive aggressive letter to some ****'s ex-wife" "I got scared when I tied a pleading woman to the train tracks, watched her turn into a cloud of chili and then realized that was a secret achievement. It felt like the game was saying, 'Ha! I knew there was as much wrong with you as there is with me!' I suddenly got the feeling that Red Dead Redemption had been keeping track of and masturbating to my long string of whore slayings."
  8. Back to BL2, (go **** yourself Arcanum, MCA was right all along,) since they're doing themed loot-drop promotions in the wind up to the next DLC release. The 5 gold key shift code didn't hurt either. Right now it's increased numbers of and stats for grenade mods, not really my thing. Playing new characters to actually make it matter, the game is pretty boring once you've hit the cap and gotten a lv 50 +5 Legendary class mod to go with your lv 50 vlad the impaler shield and lv 50 infinity pistol. Ordered some games to go with my newly acquired PS3. RDR (despite its sexist undertones, it still looks fun.) Dark Souls just because I missed it on sale for PC on Steam, it's $18 on Amazon and it seems like it would be better with a controller. First time playing console games in at least 4 years.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJmggSHS1w4
  10. As someone who's been diagnosed with and suffered from depression since puberty, all I can say is that you're an ignorant idiot. You started with the ad hominem attacks out of ignorance and generally being an ***hole, so I feel quite justified responding in kind. Mental illness is just that: mental illness. It's a psychological disorder whose sufferers have no control over. It's not a matter of "oh I had some setback in life and now I'm going to kill myself," it's a matter of emotions which won't stop plaguing you even when you succeed and thoughts which force themselves into your consciousness whether you want them to or not. Thoughts of suicide aren't conscious choice, acts of suicide aren't a rational choice. Essentially, get educated, you ignorant ****. Or join the church of Scientology where they agree with your positions on the sciences of psychology and neurology. Take, for example, Meriwether Lewis, of Lewis and Clark fame. As his friend Thomas Jefferson (as in founding father and president of the US,) once wrote about him: "a man of good sense, integrity, bravery and enterprise" but also, "prone at times to sensible depressions of the mind...that seem to persist in the family." With all of Lewis' prestige, powerful connections and legendary accomplishments, his life ended in suicide. If you have any functioning brain cells you should be able to infer from that that depression is a disease, and has even been recognized to be hereditary in nature for centuries. It's not a matter of ordinary people having a hissy-fit, it's a matter of people who are afflicted with a disease of the mind which cannot, so far as modern medicine has found, be cured. It's not cowardice, wussiness or what have you. Would a coward have set out into uncharted territories full of potentially hostile natives, the dangers of nature and so forth? People commit suicide because they are plagued by emotions and thoughts of despair, hopelessness, self-loathing, an irrational belief that the world, their friends and their families would be better off without them, and that death is the only way to end that emotional torment.
  11. Stalin? USA now has more people in its stuffed prisons, 6 million, than were stuck in Stalin’s gulag prison system. http://www.calwatchd...-stalins-gulag/ How armed military/police can protect you against own government? The police and military are an arm of the government. In the US, their ultimate purpose is to protect the wealthy and powerful by way of prioritizing the protection of the property rights of those who own property from those who do not. The US prison population is a direct result of the ignorance/stupidity of Americans in believing the conservative spiel that more and harsher penalties is a successful tactic for reducing crime rates, rather than preventing crime by addressing the root causes (poverty, disenfranchisement, poor schools and lingering institutionalized racism, to name a few.) Anyone who is not delusional would be hard-pressed to name a police force in America that isn't made up primarily of white men, that does not exhibit racist tendencies toward african-americans (especially) and hispanics. Stalin make counterrevolution, exterminate 1 million Bolsheviks and rule as Tsar, but capitalists hate him not because this ( They even awarded him by Men of Year for this ) Western peoples hate him so much after WW2, when Soviets defeat European crusaders, and wipe out they from East Europe. Your "millions killed by Stalin" its just anti-Soviet propaganda without proofs. USSR population growth approved this. Anyway you not answer simple questions - How armed police can protect American peoples from own "Stalin". Even now in USA imprisoned more peoples than in Stalin's Gulag, and it's even only beginning ( Stalin not began repressions before establishing gun control in 1929). Time's "Man of the Year" isn't an endorsement of person, policy or action (at least it wasn't prior to the modern era of political correctness,) it was an ostensibly objective declaration of who was the most influential person that year. American politics and majority public opinion was capitalist/anti-communist at the time. Hitler was named Man of the Year, too, that wasn't an endorsement of his policies and actions. People like Mohandas Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr. were also named Man of the Year. It was/"is" about influence and impact, not some kind of national American poll of who's America's favorite person in the world. It's the editors of Time and contributing scholars/analysts who determined Stalin should be Man of the Year, not "the American people" at large. Though that's not the case anymore (2001 they named Rudy Guliani instead of Osama bin Laden, when the truth of who was more influential that year is obvious to everyone.) Not to mention the fact that you stated he "killed 1 million Bolsheviks" while simultaneously saying "Your 'millions killed by Stalin' its just anti-Soviet propaganda without proofs." Cue the indignant, canned ignorant Russian Nationalist response about how Russia is morally, genetically, racially, politically superior, etc. And how Russia totally didn't lose that war in Afghanistan and the Soviet Union didn't collapse from within, it was a western CIA coup to destroy Paradise on Earth out of spite and envy despite the West's inferior intelligence services. I would not be wrong in assuming you were born after the fall of the Soviet Union, no?
  12. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its campus is not the size of a city, much less the size of a metropolitan area. Yeah, I hope this is baseless BS, especially this "fans complained that fallout 3 is too much like oblivion so let's make fallout 4 more like oblivion" thing, that just flat out contradicts reality. And the Lovecraft stuff was completely out-of-place in F3 unless you view it as a non-canon easter egg like most of the special encounters in F1 and 2, but Bethesda pretty much shot that down with Point Lookout, further reinforcing all the misgivings I have about Bethesda's further installments of Fallout.
  13. I thought there was shark jumping in the rich douchebag intro sequence. Of course, I haven't actually played it yet, so I wouldn't know.
  14. In Skyrim? No, they just let you equip one spell in one hand and another in the other hand, each spell did its singularly listed effect, there was no crossover or combined benefit outside of dual-casting a single specific spell for a slight bonus in exchange for dramatically increased mana consumption (magic is really bad in vanilla Skyrim.) Nothing like Magicka, which has individual hotkeys for each given element, of which there are many more than Skyrim's standard 3 and various ways of distributing the elements selected. It's rather complex, so it'd be better to watch videos or actually get the game (which plays sort of like a middle ground between an action RPG and a DotA-like.) The idea of crossing elements has been done pretty well in other games, like Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, where the protagonist (who is uniquely a mage and a female,) equips a spell "glyph" in each hand (this game was released before skyrim,) and can do a sort of super spell attack that combines both hands' spells. If they're incompatible it'll just be sort of a sonic/air pressure blast that does slightly more damage than the equipped glyphs, but if you combine the same elements they'll (obviously,) do an enhanced spell of that element (i.e. two fire glyphs will result in a big flamethrower type spell that does extremely high DPS,) and if you combine two opposing elements they'll have a sort of matter/anti-matter type effect where the result is more powerful than two glyphs of the same element. The most obvious instance is that the strongest spell in the game is performed by equipping a light glyph and a dark glyph and using them together, which makes a huge fullscreen cosmic-looking explosion that deals the highest damage in the game, and with all of these crossed element type spells, the damage dealt to any given enemy is variable, so if you use the light/dark one, and there's an enemy weak to dark but immune to light and an enemy immune to dark but weak to light on the screen, the damage inflicted to each will be what they're weak to. There are also physical weapon glyphs that do slashing or blunt damage, which can be combined with another of the same phsyical type to basically do a huge version of that weapon, or combined with an element to apply that element to the weapon as well as doing much more base damage. i.e. If you equip a slashing weapon and a dark spell, the effect will be a big bloody scythe, light will be a bright white sparkling sword, fire will be a big flaming sword, etc. The art on the left is so much better than the art on the right, I can't get over it. I really hope the game looks more like that visually than the brown/sepia concept art designs.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1vItVfQajU
  16. You're right... better make it 6, minimum. u_u . But, for reallies, cross-class ability combos would be nice. I mean, if that were worked in pretty well throughout the combat system. I'm talking synchronized ability usages (from 2 or more characters at once) that create different/more potent effects. Not "You put a shield on me whilst I charged the crazy dragon and absorbed a bunch of damage." Also, magic dual-wielding, as a means to access a different style of combat-casting, and not as a means to simply double your delightment with the right mint. I like the idea, it was done in DA2 and not well, I'd like to see a more dynamic concept. Not quite on the level of dual/triple techs in Chrono Trigger, but more than just spells/skills that cause a brief status effect "window" that can only be exploited by one or two specific skills used by a specific class like in DA2 (another problem with that game: forcing you to take the "correct" party class composition in order to be able to succeed in combat rather than the characters you like.) And the mechanic of combining different elemental spells for new and novel crossover spells was a lot of fun in Magicka, though I doubt they'll be going that route with P:E.
  17. That's probably a side-effect of the fact that it's now free. Normally you need to register and provide an activation key with a machine limit (4 machines with my copy of CS3,) for each copy of PS/CS. They probably just did a quick and lazy tweak so that it would work without the activation/registration. Gimp's UI/layout is less than optimal. It also has a habit of jumping its many individual image windows to the bottom if any other windows are open (i.e. your Pictures folder.)
  18. RAM is'nt a big concern as far as mods go, unless they're some kind of huge multi-gigabyte mods (of which I am aware of none.) You're likely not going to need more than 8gb. The Skyrim process only takes about 1.2gb of RAM, tops. CPU bottlenecks and Bus speed are going to be a bigger influence than RAM. All the freezing and crashing that happens when using mods is due to load order problems, mod incompatibilities, scripting errors, etc. I feel safe in saying that if you can play Skyrim on "high" or better settings without problems, you're going to be able to play Fallout 4 without problems. Of course, Bethesda's games are plenty capable of freezing and crashing without mods, too. Bethesda games are not known for taking advantage of the latest and greatest hardware capabilities. F3's visuals were significantly inferior to your run-of-the-mill Unreal Engine game when it came out (aside from UE's texture pop-in.) Bioshock, for example, came out in the same month and had dramatically better visual effects. And of course there was Crysis. When F4 comes out it's going to look as dated compared to the competition as F3 did when it came out.
  19. It's kind of important to keep in mind that P:E will not be using any D&D systems. It also seems as though these developers have learned over the years not to make one single attribute the catch-all "combat improving attribute." After all, how would increasing dexterity make your warhammer hit harder?
  20. Have you beat Arcanum yet? There's a good twist involving that prophesy... And the tech is fun, I love my gunslinger. No, it's kind of nearly impossible to get anything done with a gun-using character early in the game (bullets are in short supply and I get the standard D20 90% misses and 50% of those are critical misses.) I don't like the way the leveling system works (one point per level, this one point is shared by attributes and skills alike,) because if you don't severely railroad a character into focusing on one skill and its relevant attribute you're kind of a jack-of-no-trades.
  21. It already was from the start. You were just being misleading in the titling of it.
  22. The issue is that these are games focused on the player killing a lot of people and creatures, they're not meant to be accurate models of feudal or mercantilist economies. That's a can of worms right there, modeling economies. The idea of mercantile activity as a primary source of income is not a bad concept, it worked well enough in Uncharted Waters, but that was a game focused on somewhat realistic stories and mechanics (despite the standard 16-bit era JRPG visual presentation.)
  23. This. When I started playing Arcanum recently, I didn't know whether to laugh or smash my head into the wall when, in the wreckage of a crashed zeppelin, a middle aged man in a dapper business suit starts talking about how you're the chosen one and you must defeat the great evil one, then some robed monk type guy comes along and immediately proclaims you are the prophecized reincarnation of the great elven mage-prophet (I should have seen the writing on the wall that Arcanum was really a magic/fantasy game and the tech thing was just a red herring.) So you want everyone to be blobs or crustaceans or mollusks? ZIIIIING
  24. Did you just imply wonder twins incest? That's not a "kindred spirit."
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