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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. I haven't checked this thread in a while (I immediately hit NO in the poll and ignored the other options,) but I just noticed "Yes - fully playable race with good background. Something like green qunari. 'from Dragon Age' " And laughed my ass off. The Qunari are nothing like orcs. The Darkspawn are the blatant Orc stand-in for that series. The Qunari are the mysterious and exotic Easterners obsessed with honor, discipline and obedience to authority (all commonalities in the Confucianist world.) that is as far as you can get from orcdom. And the tags "barbarian" and "tribe." P:E doesn't need orcs, barbarians don't need to be orcs to be barbarians. Quite the opposite, in fact. We've already got barbarians. The word barbarian comes from ancient Greece (Hellas, to use their own name for their lands,) and was a derogatory term for anyone who didn't speak the Hellenic language, as to their ears, foreign tongues sounded like "barbarbarbarbar."
  2. A game is a set of artificial limitations. That's why you don't win a game of chess by flipping the board in frustration because you're losing under the artificial limitations of the game. Anyway, the bigger issue at hand is that the OP is confusing clarity of design intent with the player agency in character growth. The example J.E. Sawyer has used more than once is that the weapons and respective skills in Fallout and Fallout 2 were tiered, with Guns being the lowest, Big Guns being the middle and Energy Weapons being the highest. Meaning players couldn't make an informed decision on which skills to take when creating a character. Not to mention all of the garbage skills that you use half a dozen times in the game, or the utterly useless ones like Gambling. This is never expressed to the player in any way over the course of either game. Although Fallout 2 mitigated some of the weapon skill issues with weapons like Gauss pistols and rifles (whose ammo had the best armor mitigation,) it was still the Pulse EWs that did the highest damage-per-shot.
  3. What? Why wouldn't you just pause the game? Why would they "punish" you for doing something other than playing the game in the first place? That's ridiculous. That's why pause buttons exist. Most (i.e. all,) devs would prefer you don't kill yourself like some WoW and Starcraft players have by going 24-48 hours+ without leaving their seats or ever stopping.
  4. You seem to have a weird fixation on Japanese comic-derived visual representations of emotions, which it's blatantly obvious Obsidian is not going to do. And the things you're thinking of (the sweatdrops and the bulging veins and so on,) are, as far as I've seen, almost exclusively restricted to comedic scenes/scenarios outside of old video games made in an era when characters' faces consisted of a skin color and eyes in a 256 color palette. Even then, emotions are frequently expressed with physical bodily motions (see Chrono Trigger, for instance.)
  5. When you say "finishing moves" all I can think of is over-the-top japanese games and cartoons where the character rushes forward screaming something like "HISSATSU!" and attacks, then it cuts to a shot of the character looking at the camera with the enemy motionless behind them, then they say the name of the attack and calligraphic kanji of the attack name appear on screen before the enemy explodes/gets sliced in half/their head comes off/etc. Usually the blood geyser or explosion happens right as the attacker sheathes their weapon.
  6. He's busy with his anti-NATO propaganda efforts.
  7. Indeed. I'd like to tell you what a Magnificent Bastard he is, but this is a game music thread.
  8. The great irony: "how to write good." Just because I was curious about those neanderthals at knowyourmeme, I checked to see if they even knew North Korea is Best Korea. Of course they don't.
  9. Finally someone uploaded it to youtube. And also finally someone else posted in this thread (I ain't no intentional double-poster, buddy.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeDfK9UqIeA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_bMwES8U2M
  10. Don't make a mistake! Megaten started out with tentacle sex. (In the books at least, having never played their original game adaptions) Personally, Persona 2 is my favourite. One of the best JRPG's, imo. Random Info:. It's a game series that contains 45 entries. Not counting adaptions in other media of course. Random Info 2: Applies to most Megaten games. LEARN TO USE BUFFS EFFECTIVLY Well, the Megami Tensei games are unconnected to the Shin Megami Tensei games outside of the name. The original storyline of the Megami Tensei books has nothing to do with the SMT series or related spinoffs. Random info: My own personal favorite Japanese game series, Super Robot Wars (although it's strategy/TRPG rather than JRPG,) has 62 entries. Not counting adaptations in other media of course. ...What? You started it.
  11. I've never had major issues in terms of ammo when playing solo except for a couple of boss fights, and my coop Gunzerker never takes that ammo regen skill and the team had no problems in terms of ammo. So... Buy max ammo increases? Slot machines are a great source for Eridium. Or try a different class? Zer0 has an entire skill tree oriented toward melee (no need for ammo when you can do +1000% melee damage,) Gaige... well, Deathtrap practically does all the work (it's near impossible to get gun-based second wind challenges completed with her because Deathtrap is always making the kill necessary for second wind.) The few times I do run out of ammo I switch to a different gun. Even if you plan on just using one weapon type, or even a specific set of weapons, it always helps to have a backup just in case you miss a lot or your guns are underpowered or inappropriate for the task at hand. I'm assuming you're not just equipping four different elemental SMGs or anything like that, btw.
  12. I, to my shame, haven't played Persona 1 or either chapter of 2, but I have played 3 and 4. 3&4 are half dungeon-crawler, half-social/relationship sim (what happens when the screen fades to black is up to you to decide, but there are tangible gameplay/combat benefits to every relationship, platonic and romantic, you get the best Personas by maxing out relationships,) and there are no random encounters, enemies are visible and avoidable while traversing the dungeons. You can suffer a disadvantage if attacked from behind on it, or an advantage if you strike the enemy with your sword first. It is turn based, and relies on rock-paper-scissors style elemental damage for the most part, but major bosses and endgame enemies usually have resistances or even reflection of certain elements. It's turn-based combat with some twists, if you hit an enemy with their weakness they'll lose a turn and become more vulnerable, and you can do big combo attacks where everyone rushes and does major damage to the enemies if they're all knocked down. Persona 3/FES doesn't allow you to control your party members, but P3 Portable for PSP and Persona 4 (PS2)/The Golden (PSVita) do. There's more actual RPing involved than your standard JRPG, as well. The protagonist can be customized by changing/creating new "Personas," and keeping a jumble of them "on-hand" at once with the ability to change once per turn to adapt to different enemies and combat situations, while companion characters are limited to their own single persona, usually with elemental restrictions (a given character's Persona typically represents a given element or physical strength.) There's a big Tarot mysticism theme running throughout the series, with personas categorized by different tarot arcana. Incidentially, from what I can tell about P:E's beginnings (player character witnesses strange supernatural event and is changed/affected in some dramatic/world-altering way,) it's almost the same as Persona 3's protagonists' backstory (P3P adds a choice of a female protagonist.) One thing can be said for certain, it has some of the best music in video games, ever, bar-none. Especially the final boss themes. But hit up any track, even generic schoolday/downtime music and you're like to be impressed to some degree. If there's one word to describe the revived Persona series, in both Japan and the US, it's "stylish." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdMhTL5bZrs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3gEKpGD4D4
  13. Got FTL on Steam earlier today. Learned the hard way to invest in drones.
  14. It's your top 10 of 2012, not your top 10 of 1999.
  15. Use a not-pokeymen source, at least. We all are well aware of the concept to begin with. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi http://en.wikipedia....es_involving_qi Batman's so much a rogue (who tend to be neutral or evil,) his primary universe behavior ranges from lawful to chaotic good. The only god rogue I can think of is "my rogue in 'x' game is good," or Robin Hood, who was a noble and knight declared an outlaw (which is still iffy, would he have stolen from the rich and given to the poor if he hadn't had his lands and title taken away?)
  16. In the old JRPG Tales of Phantasia, the summoner character Klarth literally used literature to bludgeon enemies. I would only support dual-wielding grimoires if they could be used for primary melee attacks like paper/vellum cudgels.
  17. 1. Borderlands 2 2. Borderlands 2 3. Borderlands 2 4. Borderlands 2 5. Borderlands 2 6. Borderlands 2 7. Borderlands 2 8. Borderlands 2 9. Borderlands 2 10. Borderlands 2 Runners up: The Walking Dead Dishonored The 2nd Super Robot Wars OG Civilization V: Gods & Kings XCOM: Enemy Unknown Sleeping Dogs Kingdoms of Amalur Mass Effect 3 Multi-Player Mass Effect 3 Single Player
  18. AGX-17


    I think it's a given to Westerners that Islamist dictators are worse than secular dictators, but I doubt much of the Muslim Brotherhood shares our concerns. The irony, of course, being that it was Mubarak's Western-backed regime and oppression of the Muslim Brotherhood that drove them to extremism in the first place. Yes, they were a conservative muslim group before, but after they got secret-police'd and tortured in Mubarak's prisons they tended to come out a lot more inclined to violence than when they went in. al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri was an Egyptian physician when he went in and a ripe recruit for al-Qaeda when he came out.
  19. Do you ever feel racist while playing Civilization? I mean I’m just playing Civ3 and getting attacked by the Japanese and can’t help but say “damn japs just attacked my western border.” I mean at first I think nothing of it, but then there's like a delayed reaction, probably from me being a southerner, that just says “wasn’t that just a little bit racist?” Ohh time to nuke the Germans…Oh playing the Assassin's Creed’s so when I play AC3 the stories well be fresh in my mind. No, because I'm able to discern between concept nation-states and the concept of race. I also look at it on a personal basis. It's not "the japs" attacking me, it's "that **** Nobunaga" or "that insufferable prick Alexander," or "that sneaky backstabber Suleiman." Anyway, I've got a Celtic(me)-Carthaginian(CPU) coalition against Rome. And I just realized, to my great dismay, that there's probably Boudica/Dido erotic fanfiction based on Civ V out there on the internet. I miss Hannibal, regardless of historical (in)accuracy.
  20. I did say modern world, not modern developed nations. There is still extensive use of pack animals in North Africa, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and even some of the poorer parts of Eastern Europe. Plus as established P:E isn't set in a modern world, it's set in one probably contemporary to the 1600s. The idea of the developed, capitalist world is implicit in the use of the word "modern." And you're deliberately ignoring the fact that people who use pack animals in most of the developing world would use motor vehicles if they could afford to. Unless you're living in the Andes and only a Llama (which aren't even very good as pack animals, they're used because they were the only option available to ancient Andean peoples,) can traverse the narrow path to your terraced home village, you're probably envious of that guy in the comical photo of an overloaded truck. Regardless, all my points about the insecurity of pack animals waiting alone outside the dungeon door, clambering down the stairs and slipper cave floors to the mega-demon who lives at the bottom for no particular reason still stand.
  21. It's still fun. I've only got one lv 50 character so far, and I fully intend to have everyone hit the eventual (increased) level cap. Also it's fun to make a new variant of a high level character just to show off to new players with your super rare skins/heads. ....Wow, I play too much TF2. Just because it's a little better numbers wise doesn't make it the better gun. I spent a lot of both BL's using the same darn weapon for 10+ levels simply because nothing else I found was truly better. Especially in BL2, where dmg might be higher but accuracy sucked or it was a gun that has really wobbly sights or weird bullet trajectory or some other very annoying to your personal playstyle thing. ...altho, in BL1, it was a bit different because you'd find a Pestilent Defiler or Hellfire and suddenly nothing else was any good for 15+ clvls. Heh. It doesn't help that the majority late-game enemies and raid bosses are typically shielded and armored so fire elemental weapons are useless against them. Coupled with the resistance applied to all enemies in TVH mode it's pretty troublesome (it seems as though it rolls for each hit to determine whether or not the enemy will resist the damage.)
  22. Why do you immediately assume developers making the intent and capabilities of a race or class clear from the outset is casual hand-holding garbage that will naturally make you the best at everything like Fallout 3?
  23. As opposed to the wealth of open-mindedness we get from you guys... ONCE AGAIN. http://www.something...cial-forums.php Rejecting bad ideas is not the same thing as being closed-minded. All ideas are not good ideas.
  24. And you could just make the exact same dialogue and tactical choices you would have made anyway and you'd still be playing a hyper-casual game where you can't lose. Ridiculous idea, no different from the ridiculousness of "narrative second wind." It takes more than 15 years for a human offspring to reach some semblance of "maturity" such that they would be a viable combatant. You are proposing that the player's companions are immortal and will all sit around waiting (along with the big bad threatening the kingdom/peace/world/universe) for 18 years waiting for the reincarnated Chosen Hero of Destiny to learn how to swing a sword or sling a magic missile again. This is me ridiculing it right now. Ridiculous.
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