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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Looking forward to the next update then. :>
  2. Popped my XCOM cherry. Started on Classic. First turn: Sectoid oneshots one of my guys. Two panic, one kills a second guy. It's exhilirating, in it's own twisted way. :D
  3. Fun fact: In the demo you could turn mouse acceleration off. In the full game, you can't.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/e0LcT6J.jpg
  5. My party: My Cipher Orlan Cipher detective guy Edair Paladin Cadegund Sagani I'm hoping the companion Cipher will be good at range and he'll be the 'wizard' of the group.
  6. http://imgur.com/a/DDxvd/layout/blog
  7. Just press enter again and it'll load.
  8. Don't, you are free brother. RUUUUUUUN!!! I'm not free. You are never free. The urge is always there, deep down. Like a predator, just waiting for the chance to strike, drag you back into it's den.
  9. Young man, if I hear you use the word 'dps' one more time, it's off to your room for the remainder of the week! I won't tolerate talk like that in this house, no sir!
  10. Damn, now I feel like playing LoL again.
  11. I can hear Stephen Russel saying the same lines, and they're just wasted on whoever is voicing him now. "All this time I thought the baron didn't have a heart and here it is."
  12. The DLC is pretty fun, better than the base game imo.
  13. Oner


    You missed out, 33% now. Actually, I bought it.
  14. IIRC, the only new IP they've created is Alpha Protocol, which suffered more from an unfocused direction from Sega than anything from Obsidian. And who cares if the setting has been done to death if it results in a good game? SEGA? Obsidian restarted the project several times. SEGA had it's own f-ups, but the fault lies with both companies.
  15. This is actually a pretty good list.
  16. Oner


    Bioshock Infinite 66% off. Tempted.
  17. I know one. ^_^ A wizard can have a crapton of mana and zero training, or a lot of training and not much mana. Though after a certain level, the mana bonus you get from your magical training helps overtake the untrained mind. Unless you keep spending skill points on branching out your skillset.
  18. I don't think the raised wife would be able to say anything otheer than "muuuuuhhrr! or "braaaains". Ressurection and raising dead are different things. And while it might not be "EVIL evil", you are still desecrating corpses...when you don't have to. With so many magical disciplines and ways to fight, you choose to use the corpse of someones mother as a puppet? Evil or not, poeple will rightly consider you a d***. Not necessarily. Part of the reason why we consider necromancy evil is because of a long history of funeral rites, trying to honor and prepare the dead for the unkown and because fairy tale/old school necromancy was about enslaving the victim's soul. Nowadays it's just as often simple body animation. In the world of P:E, you know where a dead soul goes - corpses are be free game. Unless necromancy specifically works by messing with the departed's soul. It's all about the people's mindset, and theirs doesn't necessaraily align with ours.
  19. Oner


    On a somewhat related note, I find it incredibly funny that a handheld metal detector at work has a GARRETT logo on it.
  20. If I could choose, I'd pick the stuff that was in IWD1. Still drawing with the narrator explaining stuff, and/or the short in-engine cutscenes. Like the cleric person's death toward the end of the game, when they fuse into a gate.
  21. I admit I have a bit of trouble imagining how the class works. I set my Cypher to go medieval on someone, charging his focus. While probably another two melee characters are whailing away at the poor target. Wouldn't the target die too fast to get a proper level of Focus. How much Focus do you expect a Cypher can gather before target #1 dies? Enough for a weaker "spell" against target #2? If they beat down two, will he have enough for a stronger ability/aoe? If you fight alone, I imagine the damage reduction helps to gather high Focus should you need it. I like how fighter-type opponent can "actively" defend themselves from abilities/resistance lowering by being good at defending themselves. Refreshing change from Fighters Are Dum-Dum Their InsertMentalDefense Sucks Hurr Durr. Btw, I assume these small ability sneak peeks are just a fraction of a given class' repertoire. About how many abilities can we expect from a character? How many class specific feats?
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