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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Wals baby, empty your inbox. Or add aluminiumtrioxid on Skype.
  2. http://tears-0f-ink.tumblr.com/post/75235895495/pyr0k1tty-gatochick-bag-gins-we-all-know
  3. Don't worry, you can't kill her yet.
  4. I always liked 'Him on Terra' for being needless pompous sounding Ooooohh, that's new for me. Going to use it from now on though.
  5. That's where they could've pulled Liara, Ashley/Kaidan, EDI, etc out though.
  6. Yes people, join uuuuussss! For Kha-yoss! I mean, The Holy Emprah!
  7. I'm totally fine with playing female characters. ^^
  8. On a related note: www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/131538-Update-Fan-Fixes-Mass-Effect-3-Ending-With-A-539-Page-Rewrite
  9. Decided to play some SC2. There's stuff I dislike about it (story, transformers, etc), but the gameplay is still solid.
  10. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1836563008/wakfu-the-animated-series?ref=live Oooooohhh yessssss..
  11. Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that.
  12. I don't think what The Walking Dead has qualifies as "gameplay" Puzzles, dialogue, exploration, combat...
  13. Finished Broken Age. Nice twist at the end.
  14. Not using American history would be even more interesting!
  15. I wish it was a singleplayer game. One that's actually fun to play.
  16. To be honest I think people have an unhealthy obsession with QTEs. There's a difference between cutscenecutscenecutscenePRESSARANDOMBUTTONIN1,5SECONDcutscenecutscene And Cutscenecutscene-slowmo buildup-press the attack button to *gasp* attack in 5 seconds-cutscenecutscene
  17. I've done as you described, no key. Contact Humble Bundle support. I didn't get my key and I contacted Double Fine support who it turn told me to contact Humble Bundle support (since they're doing the fulfillment) and Humble Bundle support got back to me with my key. Thanks, will do.
  18. I've done as you described, no key.
  19. Yeah I've seen otherwise talented people draw some truly disturbing hands.
  20. Note: Tweet at the botom is from the director. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/312/2/e/rwby___answers_only_lead_to_more_questions_____by_jkphantom9-d6thgdh.jpg
  21. http://i.eatliver.com/2013/10380.jpg http://9gag.com/gag/ab51zOp?ref=fsidebar
  22. Seriously though, I loved it as a kid...even if I couldn't get past the first half hour.
  23. Me? Naaaaaaw! Where did you possibly get this idea?
  24. Bloodnet is on GOG Bloodnet is on GOG Bloodnet is on GOG Bloodnet is on GOG Bloodnet is on GOG Bloodnet is on GOG Bloodnet is on GOG
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