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Everything posted by Oner

  1. In the IGN video the interviewer asks how a standard barbarian would be built stat-wise. I'm curious if someone *cough*Josh Sawyer*cough* could describe how the standard for other classes looks like, particularly ciphers. Pretty please?
  2. TWD Ep04 Ouch. I see Teltale is making a trend out of blaming the PC for stealing things they actually didn't.
  3. I kept the holy gun trinity (assautl rifle-orwhatever, shotgun, sniper) constantly upgraded and the guns were fine.
  4. I thought it was a fun game.
  5. Somebody hasn't written any updates in a while. Somebody. I'm not gonna say who.
  6. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8248345600/h733A93AE/
  7. A frothing fanboy and a Mandalorian weapon were involved.
  8. Return to Castle Wolfenstein And there was much fun to be had.
  9. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cloak-and-dagger-roleplaying-game
  10. Earlier in OP the gun of a guy got redrawn into a trigger-activated hammer-gun.
  11. Nice, I'm curious how that game will turn out.
  12. Dunno, she hasn't played, just walked around between the team members. May have been a girlfriend.
  13. The excuse in LoL, the only e-sport I follow, is that mixing genders in teams will lead to issues like poor performance, potential relationships that could/will go bad thus leading to disbanding and similar things of that nature. Which, I guess, I could see being a problem, as the majority of the pros are in their teens (hormones roaring). Worth adding is that it's not forbidden by the rules as far as I know. One of the teams does have a female substitute, or so I was told when spotting her during a match. Who knows for sure though. *shrug*
  14. I see they uppsed this from the original flash game very ambitiously.
  15. Bruce is right. It's not an issue because "nobody" cares.
  16. They "ruined" the shotgun GoW2 onwards, so I'm not surprised.
  17. This is actually just 2/3rds of the whole pic. There's an even higher book column and the guy on can see heaven above the hell.
  18. It does look rough, but as you say it's very early footage. I'm with you on the PS2 bit, that would be a most delightful game to copy as it has all the right ingredients. They'd mesh well. I do like the faction choices they've presented, I wonder how they will represent the Tyranid hive mind... Tyranids are PvE enemies, IIRC. Also, no Tau. Meh. >.> In other, old news, Riot has released an album for the in-universe heavy metal band PENTAKILL for LoL. And it's sweeeeeeet.
  19. I found outdoorsman fairly useful when I first played FO2. Me and Sulik vs 5 highwaymen with guns on level 2-3. And I was supposed to survive that? Running is an option, sure, but you'll be low on hp even if you survive the escape. Cue next fight..
  20. As many times as I've played AP, I've never gone with a martial arts build. I guess I wuss out whenever I think of the boss fights and think about having to take them on with hands and feet. I planned on using AR mainly (then ended up using MA more), so I had a backup for tougher bosses. The ones I used MA on worked pretty well (Marburg, Deng) even without Fury. Brayko and ranged bosses were a no-go though. Beating up Brayko with your bare hands is the best. It's very much doable, assuming you took care of his nose candy first. Mm, dunno, his knife attack was faster than mine and he kept interrupting me. Then at the end he did a backflip and jump out of melee range.
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