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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Happy B-Day!
  2. Does my vote count?
  3. http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/292120/ FF XIII on Steam
  4. What's this about streams?
  5. You can actually, you only have to max trust with everyone. Including the guest party members.
  6. Thanks for the Civ voucher, I bought the game.
  7. I'm getting Civ: Beyond Earth with my first paycheck. I was just joking, of course.
  8. You only asked so you could crush my dreams.
  9. In a suprising twist, it's the comments that actually make more sense than the article IMO. I mean at one point the guy is lamenting that he couldn't make a "refugee-in-bus-window-at-border-crossing image", despite the target being a: not a real person, therefore having scripted expressions b: not a refugee. She's been a survivor for most of her life c: if she didn't have what it takes to survive in that world, she wouldn't be alive at that point (and d: there's no borders either). So he's complaining about something being not there that he expects to be because it messes up his photo fantasy. Talk about being desentisized. Also, pseudo-sexual neck bite? What?
  10. Buy Civ Earth then tell us how awesome it is. : 3
  11. I'll just point out that there was a redhead and the dispersing crowd, mentioning youknowwhat would've upset their frail little minds. Plus I probably would've had to execute them afterwards.
  12. The game that literally ruined Curt Schilling. Burn it. I hear you and I am familiar with the story but I just thought what is $6? That's the price of Mcdonalds meal Typical rich people. For $6, I'd eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and an evening meal. For shame Brucie, for shame. It's not even dollars, it's euros. I could feed the whole family!
  13. Nice, very nice.
  14. My ending: Now, on to S3, where every NPC get's killed early on or you'll be railroaded to Wellington anyway!
  15. TWDS2 Season Finale is out now. Pretty early.
  16. Replaying Master of the Wind because the last two arcs haven't been out when I first went through. Gawd, the story and minigames and puzzles are still awesome.
  17. *shrug* I like analyzing games, but I'm playing to have fun, and I had fun. And credit where credit is due. I see the players whining left and right about this and that but most of those don't concern me. "Waaaah, crafting the LGV takes two hours, how dare they waaah" Go kill things 'till it's done. Sheesh.
  18. Played a lot of Firefall. It's kind of a weird game. On one hand, it's a bit too light on content (just launched, but still). OTOH what is there is pretty fun. 5 classes with unlockable "prestige" variants that you can swap at almost any time. (Though the graphical design of some are pretty hideous.) The main story and other instanced mission are pretty darn good and doing related achievements adds a nice bit of extra challenge. Also, you can be a healer and still facetank stuff and murder your way through a horde. Though the game does demand that you play well. A free to play model that is so free to play, I have no idea how it could possibly work outt for them. The main story is intriguing and the questlines/areas have good storylines too and most characters are memorable. The voice acting is pretty good as well. On the flip side, storylines are dropped so suddenly sometimes that I barely noticed. I still don't know what the hell the Midas is supposed to be. - _ - Or when during a ration distributing mission I was randomly got an objective to kill a group of enemies. Neither the dialogue that sent me there nor the follow-up chat had mentioned that fight. Others appear without mention (Ophanim). Or the psychics introduced in the prequel comic that are absent from the game for now (though you could explain that part at least.) Well anyway, it's a fun game for now, though I'd recommend bringing friends.
  19. I did, but I'm actually downgraded for the instance. Normally I'm 31.
  20. Didn't know you could pilot jets in Firefall.
  21. You realize you have name dropped a person we shouldn't watch, but haven't given any useful info on the person we should watch?
  22. For all the crap Gearbox has pulled since then, at least they repayed those preorders generously.
  23. In the IGN video the interviewer asks how a standard barbarian would be built stat-wise. I'm curious if someone *cough*Josh Sawyer*cough* could describe how the standard for other classes looks like, particularly ciphers. Pretty please?
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