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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Yep. And if you stun them the spirit breaks free and goes wild on everyone IIRC.
  2. I'm rolling with my usual Elf pistoleer/face.
  3. xD Is it just me or is there a new running animation - for female elves at least. Looks rather weird.
  4. Downloading at the speed of death!
  5. They're not continuing the original series's plot apparently?
  6. Ooooooooooooooh, shiny! I-I mean..uh...grimdark?
  7. To be honest Returns is the weakest of the 2.5 releases so far, so even if you don't like it in the end, you probably should give Dragonfall DC a go.
  8. After the pilot the TV series took a nosedive when it comes to writing quality. It only picked back up in season 3. If you need anything though, let me know. On PC EU I am EGO 4000+ on PC US just 1000something. Wait, Season 3 is already out?
  9. I'm not so sure about that. A year or two ago Riot games managed to get one of the LoL pro players an official sportsman recognition, which means extra financial support for their work (granted, I don't know what the details are, but I'm guessing travelling fees and such). Second, pros tend to stream games on their off hours and people like Maximus Black, who - pro or not - is frankly a joke, yet still rakes in ludicrous ammounts of donations and subscriptions.
  10. The slice of life atmosphere is really great. As for the characters, I didn't have any real problems with them. Most of them are stereotypes-with-a-twist.
  11. Life is Strange ep 4 coming next Tuesday!
  12. Neocore? This might turn out to be actually decent.
  13. Contains swearing. http://9gag.com/tv/p/a5RjmN/rap-battle-only-using-compliment-is-unexpectedly-amusing?ref=jfs
  14. Well, nothing's keeping me from keeping all of my guys alive, right? Frankly I want Guy to live through it no matter what. Seeing the courier and the halfling taking adventurer classes would just be extra hilarity. Also, a drink to Dan, the beertender who hated wine.
  15. ...:D I'm getting surprisingly fond of my halfling OhmigodwhathaveIgottenmyselfintonow merchant to be honest.
  16. It gets a lot tougher on higher levels, enemies can give you a run for your money. (Though I channel my inner Scottsman and don't upgrade my guns with parts, so there's that.)
  17. No one important then.
  18. Will this come to PC?
  19. Who is he and why am I supposed to care about him?
  20. I still find it funny how Team Creepy got through all that with literally a few scratches. :D
  21. Yeah, I'm sure they sit around and say "Our game is super buggy, but who cares, people will buy it" and then cackle maniacally. Have you been here in the past few years? The games industry says hi.
  22. And of Mary too I'd wager.
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