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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Fine by me. At least I'll get to go to sleep at a normal time.
  2. If we finish before 10 pm, sure.
  3. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked!
  4. That's just because you didn't invest in Lockpicking (It also totally wasn't overpowered. Not to give ideas to the GM, but I wouldn't really say a (non-damaged) tank can be below level 6, and armor 3 is kind of a joke.) Doors usually don't have tank treads and laser eyes you know. Maybe where you live..
  5. It's Door-Whack-In, you filthy heretic! Meh, that's just silly. As I said during the session already, I never expected to say "That door is overpowered" ever.
  6. Behold Elric Doorslayer! The Doorvahkin! Son of the Thunder God! Vanquisher of the dreaded Lion-Goat-Satan-Door-Tank!
  7. Settlers III tried to be creative with the anti-piracy stuff. Became infamous for the 'blacksmith forges pigs' "bug". I'm sure that helped with sales.
  8. Finished Shadow Warrior. All around a surprisingly good game, though enemy variety really started to get old in the second half. And the lame bullfight minibosses. And after the beautiful Japanese areas we got awesome industrial maps. Because those are never boring. Anyway, story was pretty good, gameplay was mostly fun. 8/10 Would Sequelize.
  9. One shot? But the sequel hoooooook!
  10. Homebrewed. We took turns coming up with nonsense. And tortured alu with delicious, delicious puns. It was rather awesome, if I do say so myself.
  11. I like most of the guns, even if the sword is overpowered and necessary. :D
  12. How about this?
  13. Shadow Warrior http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/549769266091780074/EC065FE1B207A9ED6D192BD7C0ED15BA98F9EC66/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/549769266091793911/FB015367039952E4552121021235943670FF1A42/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/549769266091788940/1B079B602EAF4D501E0648FFB812532D91F55E6F/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/549769266091785721/3E98B9AB44E6952E73B2AE98DA32481E1BABD9BF/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/549769266091801694/70443E32B4A0587C03D68C0E775EC62F96F85D33/
  14. Buried my kitten today morning. "Merry" Christmas and ****.
  15. I don't know what Wushu is, so feel free to surprise me.
  16. Well... I want to sleep around 10 pm, so I dunno. If you guys are okay with a ~2 hour session then it's fine I guess.
  17. Sorry, I have to sleep early tomorrow because of work.
  18. I LIVE AGAIN! Stupid routers...
  19. http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/legacy-of-the-void/#header
  20. The question we should be asking is: Why didn't earopean folks dress like that?
  21. Can someone tell me where the countdown timer for just-hours-away-from-release games was hidden since they rewamped Steam? I want Beyond Earth!
  22. Cute how the lady barely gives a **** about her (presumably) husband being left behind.
  23. Damn, I wanted something along the same lines. *goes back to the drawing board* 20:00 should be good for me as well.
  24. Well, consistently I can only play on weekends. Work has a bi-weekly schedule, so I'm free only every two weeks. As for my character, I need to read the books again.
  25. I'd be interested in playing Numenera as well.
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