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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Papers, please...please?
  2. Someone once complained at me how I should be ...ashamed was the word he used I think? Or something like that... because I *gasp* had a female character in Lineage 2 despite being a guy! It didn't bother him that he played a dark elf despite being human himself. About 6 years passed since then and I still find it funny. I guess maybe he was just trying to provoke me, but still. The irony!
  3. Transistor is up for pre-purchase, and I did. Though I'd recommend buying it from the dev's site instead of Steam if you're a Euro using country.
  4. It costs a lot of mana? Couldn't he just spam mana potions afterward like in most video games? Maybe he forgot to keybind the potions? Or he's out from spamming them earlier.
  5. It costs a lot of mana?
  6. Don't make non-combat builds. And personally I don't think seduction is that useful.
  7. If you don't want gameplay changes, just bug fixing, look for Tessera's True Patch (site is NSFW, so I won't link to it).
  8. Thanks. As for the name, I guess the person who did the english translation hasn't stuck with Stradal and co.
  9. Sacred 3 is comming out later this year. Hope it's good. Actually, due to that game being developed by a different developer and being more of an action game, I'm looking forward to, I believe it's called Unbending which has only started development. Interesting - thanks for the tip I'd seen the UNSACRED announcement but couldn't find anything else - turns out the name is now UNBENDED - http://www.unbended.de/ I might buy Sacred 3 if it turns out to be interesting because I like action RPGs, but right now it seems kind of generic. Definitely a different approach to the game series, ditching the open world. Seems almost more CHAMPIONS OF NORATH than old Sacred. So, is it like Gothic 4 vs Risen? Sacred 3 made by somebody, while ex devs make Unbended?
  10. I don't know what your problem is, Xana is awesome.
  11. Play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic if you want more physics fun times.
  12. No the looks of WD was actually degraded, it was ..controversial. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/8876-Watch-Dogs-A-Vertical-Slice-Of-Steaming-Bullshots
  13. Hey, now I know what it's about! How nice!
  14. "Shot a guy in the knee and his head exploded. 10/10"
  15. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1skcvr_videogames?start=2
  16. Soooo, CoD: Crysis Warfare has been revealed.
  17. What is dead may never die, but rises again, stronger and harder.
  18. I don't know, my shortbow thieves in the IE games were always effective. Granted, no backstabbing that way, but the corpses still piled up.
  19. Sooo Unreal 1 is one of the most unique games ever? That would be kind of cool if it didn't leave us without good clones.
  20. I can't think of anything that you could call a strict Unreal clone either. Shame really.
  21. Ah, good old Binary Domain. I should replay it at some point.
  22. I'm happy to say that a few days ago I managed to unlock the Rock, Federation and Lanius ships. At the same time.
  23. Outcast was (maybe eve still is) imo a pretty unique game back in its time, and highly entertaining. While I wouldn't say it had a "deep, intricate storyline" the writing was strong. I don't mind a HD remake, but hope they get to do OC 2.
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