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Everything posted by Oner

  1. MGR...25gigs...*cries*
  2. Okay seriously. Why do I have to give out personal information I don't want to and they don't need? Bloom pulled this already and now Consortium.
  3. It's not like Valve only has one team. They acquired several developers to make games for them. I doubt they wouldn't have available manpower for a HL game if they wanted to.
  4. http://watchlist.kotaku.com/a-computer-program-made-a-game-by-itself-well-thats-1494080189/@Stevemarinconz
  5. Finished Resonance (with a walkthrough, because I'm here for the story dammit!) Well wow, they're not afraid to pull any punches.
  6. The only thing I was missing was the big undead melee towards the end of Hel. Otherwise, I'm surprised how good this game was. There's some relatively good environmental storytelling/foreshadowing in there. And good puzzles.
  7. Finished Rune. Nowadays people talk about player agency and all that nonsense, and here is this fun little game about sexy viking hack'n'slash action. What more do you need?
  8. Playing The Lost Viking: Runemastered: Our hero and pillager: Ragnar, son of Jarl, son of Ahnold http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/504700725696123136/D9DA463E3CD81D094B08C864294A2ADF4B34E603/ This guy actually thought his raving lunatic boss only pretended to worship Loki. Whoops.. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/504700725696112311/1015F621CABADAA9568BA7ABED35C74DD5F47200/ Come at me bro! http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/504700725696057319/1209BD4EB693472DEF630C92463862CF289F8CDD/ Blood for Thor! Skulls for Valhalla! http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/504700725696067995/BE6C775E6B901E4EF5FD2554D6208985CC034A0A/ Will our intrepid barbarian prevail against the endboss? http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/504700725696023407/638C892D0788AAB6DBE510CFBC92FE2C81E894F4/
  9. Coughing and wheezing?
  10. Saw *gasp* The Hobbit 2! It was pretty good I think.
  11. Finished Bioshock Infinite, finally. Well that was a barrelful of WTF.
  12. So a woman, some trees and two chicken are art and tell an emotional, imagination driving story. A bunch of trees and two skeletons don't. Ooookay.
  13. I only saw L4D2 for free, but *shrug*.
  14. Did I miss something? There's an R4 (p)review of the AoD demo on Gamebanshee done by Eric 'sea' Schwarz which is in parts not so complimentary as the previous one he did two years ago. Some people on fair codexia agree with him, some do not. For some unspecified reason this is significant as opposed to the other 999/1000 times that people on the codex don't agree with each other. AoD is a fairly divisive game on the codex anyway, it has a lot of ardent defenders but it has snipers and detractors too. FOT's biggest failing wasn't that it was a JA2 clone, it was that it was a bad JA2 clone. Too few action points, too many enemies resulted in TB combat being exactly the turgid and stultifying affair that TTON's combat detractors fear, too many characters and too quick real time combat (plus the horrible switch between the two) meant that it was nearly impossible to use tactics properly in real time and you did need to use tactics. Thanks, you are the awesome!
  15. Merry Christmas!
  16. Did I miss something?
  17. I liked the robots too. Meeting them and going all "They can't be harmed!" sure hammered in the seriousness of the threat. Buuut I kept an energy weapon handy. An my Browning Mk2. Etc.
  18. 2 years?! I'm wasting my youth on this forum! D:
  19. Not true. You can play a machinegun-elf in Shadowrun. But not the bow wielding kind. Unless there is a Turok-esque tech bow in there somewhere.
  20. Only game where you can play a machinegun-elf.
  21. As an afterthought, if you're Hungarian (and why else would you know how to pronounce Csíkszentmihályi correctly?), our time zones are the same. (In which case, if you're interested, welcome aboard.) Haha, cool. I'll see how busy I'll be around February. If it's okay, I'd play an Arbitrator.
  22. Oh I didn't mean the set pieces, I meant the huge buildings with lots of decor, dirty slimy narrow underhives, bio-waste-funnel-thingie-doohikies, etc. Lots of stuff to describe.
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