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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Oh I didn't mean the set pieces, I meant the huge buildings with lots of decor, dirty slimy narrow underhives, bio-waste-funnel-thingie-doohikies, etc. Lots of stuff to describe.
  2. Thanks, I've been reading the FFG forums, so all my current questions are answered. Just pondering the story right now and wondering how others tell the game. WH40k tends to be bombastic and grandiose with lots of made-up words thrown around, I have to get used to it. And inspiration of course, that's always good to get. Like this suggestion for city fights:
  3. When do you guys play/plan to play Dark Heresy? I doubt our time zones mix, so I don't think I could play, but my local group is going to play DH too, and I'd like to listen in and get some perspective if that's okay. On a related note, does anyone know why Arbitrators start out so piss poor? I mean gear and money. 50-70 Gelt, a club, a knife, a relatively horrible shotgun?
  4. Oh sorry, completely forgot about Double Fine. So, one disappointment so far for me.
  5. http://www.vogue.co.uk/ Open the site, press Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B and keep hitting A for full effect.
  6. No disappointments yet.
  7. TWD S2 Well the introductory part was crap, but the game got better afterwards. And one scene was sooo tense and dramatic that my PC couldn't handle it and crashed.
  8. Firing up The Walking Dead S2 tomorrow morning.
  9. Tried a bit of Sanctum 2. Fun so far, and the rocket launcher girl is funny.
  10. I should start making a list of games I plan to buy at some point. Just the KS projects are hard to keep track of..
  11. Sanctum 2 is the FPS tower defense game, correct? I'd appreciate it if you would.
  12. Ch(eat) i(ntimidate, long I) K (Hard K) Se(rpentine) ntM I(ntimidate again) h i(Phone) y(ou) I(ntimidate again) It means From StripeSaintMichael, btw.
  13. Left out 'Bastion' from my first example.
  14. I found Errant Signal loves to come up with a(n unfounded) theory about a game, then ignores everything and tries to shove the theory down our throats telling us it's true. The Kid's primary motivation is his dead "girlfriend", whose keepsake you find in the beginning, even though NOTHING supports or even indicates this. Dishonored is sexist because Lady Boyle is just an innocent nympho. Nevermind that she FUNDS the brutal tyrant regime you've been fighting all game. And almost every geniunely morally good character in the game is female (Jessamine, Good-Emily, Callista, Ceelia), but hey, who cares! God forbig someone actually does a detailed examination and critique.
  15. I only played the second demo, which is ages old, and only contained a few starter quests. Basically, it was awesomesauce. You get a different viewpoint of the initial events depending on your class, the world is an interesting mix between pos-apocalyptic and ancient Rome, and the characters are very down to earth, believable. I'm not sure how well the character progression will work, because social skills seem to be the One to Rule Them All skills, and mixing and matching didn't seem viable as far as combat/non-combat skills are concerned. They said they wanted combat oriented builds to be the Hard Mode, but IIRC they redesigned combat since then.
  16. What happened? The updates don't mention a scam.
  17. We had a test like that once towad the end of elementary, or the beginning of middle school. We studied before, and I did pretty well, but yeah. Like every bit of knowledge, it only sticks as long as it's used, and personally I've no interest in Yugoslavia. And I'm not going to begrudge anyone for not knowing where Hungary is. Plus our neighbourhood is made up of a dozen "small" countries, harder to remember.
  18. The Skyrim trolls look pretty cool. Didn't expect that.
  19. Ha! This is me, too. If I can't get *any* character names out of the dozen or so I have in a list, (literally, I keep them in a list, ), I just give up. I'm just trying to come up with a proper sounding name, but if the game insists on a nonsensical one..
  20. Tried Path of Exile on a whim. ...then gave up after the 20th Already Taken character name.
  21. Haha oh wow. Sorry, loudspeaker's busted, can't listen to it for a few days.
  22. Haha oh wow.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAKBafR3YTM On of the quotes says the game has great writing. Then a crewmate ries to dissuade a pirate(?) by teling him it's Christmas... Come ooon.
  24. Now that you bring it up, it's weird there isn't one already.
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