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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Maybe they'll announce Wasteland: Suvival next year. A true FPS sequel to the acclaimed RPG.
  2. On an unrelated note, Androvich is possibly the coolest family name ever.
  3. Thanks for the reminder, forgot about it completely. Hurlie, friended you on Steam so I can play your work.
  4. First time I see this game and ...WOW.
  5. Translation: The glass is half empty - Pessimist The glass is half full - Optimist I drink it. What happens? - PC
  6. Finished the campaign. Gosh, I love this game. I really liked how they tied it back into the 2xs novel in the end.
  7. Look what I missed. Happy Birthday!
  8. Oh please, that would make sense. Clearly they are the devil incarnate, trying to crush the last shreds of our belief in humanity into a fine dust, using our own money no less!
  9. I actually like this idea. You get a straigthforward quest: rescue some pigs. Probably from predators, or bandits. Then you step on the first landmine, boom. Reload, slow and careful, Search turned on. One mine..another..two more...five, ten.. WHY IS THERE A MINEFIELD HERE AND HOW DID THE PIGS GET OVER IT?! I mean, it would be a funny surprise. And very Fallouty/Wastelandy. :D
  11. From what I saw on Steam, people complained about everything.
  12. Can't wait.
  13. I was thinking something similar, maybe they put it in as an option, but figured it has no real place in the main campaign, so they didn't bother.
  14. I don't think I've found a conversation so far that had a socialite response. >.>
  15. Options.
  16. I use an elf pistol/quickness+charisma runner person, and she rocks with her pistol. Infinite ammo sniper lady. :D Granted, if Coyote had the same skill level with her shotgun she may be scary destructive as well, but *shrug* I shoot and stuff dies. :D Now I'm just not sure if Double Tap works. I noticed my damage doubling, but it was at the same time I bought the Cavalier revolver, so not sure what caused the dramatic increase.
  17. Yeah, it's pretty goofy overall. You know something's up when the first significant armor available for a quickness-centered character is a ninja costume. Most of the ones that look good have a mediocre armor rating and really specialized bonuses. But it doesn't really matter since the character models are so small due to the perspective and so low in polygons. It's not like that stealth catsuit is going to make your ass look better when your ass is 12 triangles. Sure, it's no big deal graphically, but I know that my character is walking around dressed like a lunatic.
  18. I wish some of the armor didn't look so retarded. A bunny head? A gas mask with a huge glowing tendril in my face? I can accept the tourist shirt as the decker being ****y at least, but the rest?
  19. Wholeheartedly agreed.
  20. Well crap. I got his panicing scene, but didn't think he could add anything if we checked the body again. I guess it was a bug. Rewinded the save and did the exact same things and the quest was finished this time.
  21. About the ..what was it called? Pike Square Murder? The Blind Lucy quest.
  22. Could someone perhaps send me one of their save files? I want to check if the game doesn't run, or it has just trouble loading char gen. Redownloaded the game from the HBS website this time and it works. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!
  23. Nuyen. I want to play it toooo.. ;_;
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