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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Will start up Monsters Love You! tonight. Unless I forget.
  2. Except it seems to have a bigger emphasis on the single player (given that a lot of their trailer seemed to be campaign oriented). And Public Quests were a thing. Basically it seems like it's aiming for a model akin to ToR. Hah. So, it's going the League of Legends route then. Umm, not at all? LoL characters can be bought with ingame currency and they give you a weekly free roster of characters instead of one fixed guy.
  3. I can always hope the climax wil be climactic. >.> On another note, the man himself leaks some future spoilers: http://teamcoco.com/video/george-rr-martin-game-of-thrones-spoilers
  4. I hope Joffrey gets in a crossbow vs bow duel with Arya and gets his forehead punctured. >.>
  5. The point of that scene wasn't (just) Ros's death, it was Littlefinger's exposition and essenatially a summary of the show's theme. Ros's part was just the visual representation. How and in what way the climbers reach new heights and how the losers fall.
  6. Bronn sings it in Season 2: They sing it early in season 3 too, when Arya and co. meet the Brotherhood Without Banners. I'm surprised people talk so little of the ending of episode 6. Ros may not have been an important character, but that whole monologue and scene caused me goosebumps. It was like, the Morpheus conversation of Deus Ex. Chaos is a ladder indeed.
  7. Maybe it was a pun on her stand-rack?
  8. Let's see.. Fallout games Deus Ex Outcast StarCraft League of Legends Thief games IE games BattleTech games Freelancer Freespace Unreal Tournament DoW Dark Crusade Devil May Cry 3-4 Disciples 2 etc To be honest there were so many games I loved as a kid and replayed a lot because I had a lot of time and not too many games..
  9. Pic was made by an American. Make of that what you will. ;D
  10. Nationality in Online Games chart (image, humor, language)
  11. Did you like The Neverhood? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1949537745/armikrog
  12. http://pixeljudge.com/en/news/kain-is-deified%2C-the-amds-tell-tales-of-him/
  13. Meh, it's late.
  14. It is, so?
  15. The new Giana Sisters game was funded with KS too and it's been out for a while.
  16. June... ...ish. Thanks!
  17. Cool stuff. When is the planned release again?
  18. *shrug* Sequels are there to change things up. I'd like to see you play a video game with painted minis on your table without holo-projectors.
  19. Yeah. That's how I felt. Well they went from base builder RTS to squad control, like a 40k game is supposed to be like. Understandable change imo.
  20. Caving in and getting Van Helsing. You guys better not have screwn me over!
  21. While I get tired of SMs once in a while too, they are the best tool to make a tactical strong few vs weak horde gameplay, which I happen to like. Not that DoW2 was perfect in that regard, but they tried, and it was kinda fun.
  22. Possibly the only person who can imagine something alien enough that doesn't resemble a work of Giger's is probably Giger himself.
  23. AFAIK D3 currently holds the title of Most preordered game in history?
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