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Everything posted by Oner

  1. AFAIK D3 currently holds the title of Most preordered game in history?
  2. It has a LOT more fanservice. It's plot is overall weaker. That's what I was afraid of.
  3. Cathing up a bit: Bakemonogatari is awesome. Is Nisemonogatari any good? I've only heard about the toothbrush scene. Attack on Titan I really like, at least the manga. The protagonists are young because they are fresh recruits into the military, and the writer makes good use of slowly unveiling how the world works through their experiences. The protagonists aren't some mecha-wielding thrump cards, despite appearances. They are part of a woefully ineffective military trying to catch up to the giants. Anyway, random AMVs: (I admit I like this one 90% for the music) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_QmuHsXLWM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nY0NwvFqzU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJN90mPtgis Not an anime, but: (also english version) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-Uvc2-JIFc (beware of loud, screamy metal) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJiqpJ-qHbw
  4. Live action movie? Neat! And yes, that would be totally sweet.
  5. Er, when the Conquistadors arrived in South America (in fast, hi-tech galleons) with plate armour, groovy hats and velvet codpieces (not to mention cannons), the locals were wearing feathers and had failed to develop even basic metallurgy. Except Conquistador's came from a place that was completely isolated from the indians, whereas the cultures of PE share the continent. Africa's state-of-the-art modern cities vs tribesmen in huts would be a better example.
  6. Capable, but sterile. But of course nothing is beyond Dark Gods' powers... In books there were slaaneshi traitor band called Violators under command of hedonistic Dradnought. I don't recall ever seeing that in any bit of fluff. There is nothing implying they are sterile...at all. Altough their offspring probably wouldn't have any gene-seed benefit. I have read about their sterility too somewhere once. No idea where though.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPkByAkAdZs
  8. I loved the Star Trek wibe the orks were channeling in Retribution.
  9. The Revan book explains exactly why that is, and the importance of it. It tells the Exile's story about as much as it does Revan. Drew (naturally) wrote that part of TOR. Let me rephrase: My problem is with the Exile floating next to Revan, talking in the style of a stereotypical, lame ghost out of a children's story. "Beware ~oohoooohhhhh!"
  10. To be honest I was bummed when I saw the video of the Exile booo-ing about is a ghost. Maybe somehow the character is better when you play the game, but then I could just think: Is this the best you could do with a character like that? And here's hoping Obs can make a deal with EA.
  11. I wish you were a professional artist, this pic would be all kinds of awesome.
  12. You noob! It's a TPS! Get it right!
  13. Tried the demo of Game Dev Tycoon. If only the unwashed would masses appreciate the true genius of my 2D medieval story/world focused RTS..! Ed: missed a word. >.<
  14. It did have quite a few actually, they could just all be skipped. Navarre, Gunther (though in his case, skipping=LAM on the wall), Simons, etc.
  15. Not playing WOD until they put in Tzimisce.
  16. Funny, I didn't get these negative impressions aside from the occasional arrogant dimwit. Though I don't bother keeping up with the 20,000,000 page threads.
  17. Why is Boon such a troll? http://devinwatson.com/SteamSchema/230800.html
  18. https://twitter.com/noobde/status/325023456666214401
  19. Well, the original game on 3DS was my 2012 GotY across all platforms and what I consider to be the best Resi game ever made. As long as the port is good, it should be terrific. At the very least, I can tell you that it's a throw back to the likes of Resi 1 & 2, minus the horrific camera and controls (assuming they translate the controls to m&kb and controllers well) of those classics. Thanks. I have heard it's supposed to be great, but not why.
  20. I'm curious how RE:Revelations will turn out.
  21. Okay..so at 10 bucks I get a potion that I can use ingame. But I only get the game at $25?
  22. The Super Adventure Box!
  23. Firing up The Knife of Dunwall tonight.
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