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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i actually hope they do share with wasteland 2. if the two companies work together on a new, easy to use engine for these types of rpg's then it would allow for even more games in a similar vein to be made over the next few years.
  2. i want them all! javelins/short spears long spears one handed swords two handed swords polearms one handed axes two handed axes daggers scimitars whips picks hammers flails clubs claws/punch daggers/knuckle weapons morningstars bows crossbows pistols rifles i want unique mechanics for all of them, and special perks/abilities that can be learned for each type maybe by type they could be broken into more general categories: slashing, piercing, crushing etc and a tree of perks/feats for each type. so i could specialize in using a shortspear and shield and get perks to complement that style of fighting, or instead focus on two handed axes and get entirely different perks to complement a style more befitting that weapon choice. gimme!
  3. i'd rather they scale back on this and just have the game autopause for new orders after each "round"
  4. nothing about that outfit is armored (except one shoulder) thread title is misleading. i have no problem with a sneaky gymnast thief wearing an outfit like that, but a warrior should be wearing plate mail. if you want the warrior to be a sexy girl wearing plate mail, then make her gorgeous and fight without a helmet, but don't give her armor cutouts, thats just dumb.
  5. i like the idea of certain rare monsters being immune to some types of damage. but those immunities should be well known in advance to all characters. "there is a vampire lurking somewhere near our town, it has been kidnapping villagers for weeks, please slay it. dont forget to take holy weapons with you or you won't be able to harm it."
  6. thats not armor, its an outfit. maybe for a rogue/catburglar/gymnast type? looks like annah from torment
  7. i still like the idea of spellcasting being a tactical decision, it should take time, and require careful planning to throw a giant fireball into your enemies. there doesnt need to be a per-day limit or anything on the spell, because the nature of the spell should be sufficiently limiting magic missiles should take 2-3 times as long to throw out as swinging a sword once. the damage should be in proportion to the time involved in the casting. super powerful insta-blasts should be reserved for items of limited use, or given some other type of downside. a disentegration ray that takes just a moment to cast should require both a very high level caster, and also a drain on their hp or something.
  8. items should have two different encumbrance numbers volume weight you have a limit on both, dictated by character strength/endurance for weight, and the types of bags/packs for volume too much management? stop picking up everything you see, or wait until you get some magic bag of holding or something.
  9. i hate the art direction of torchlight 2. i really wish they had tried to emulate the style of diablo 1 instead of a saturday morning cartoon if it gets good reviews i'll probably get it though, its only $20
  10. ferelden can go burn in a fire. they should set DA3 in a completely new area and cut off all ties from parts 1 and 2.
  11. started replaying dark souls. regular enemies are so easy now, but the boss of the undead burg part 1 is still a jerk face.
  12. just a quick thought on the issue of resting: the decision to rest mid-dungeon should be roughly the equivelent of saying "wow, we can't do this, the creatures of this dungeon are beyond our abilities, we need to retreat and heal our wounds, level up some more, then try again to tackle this dangerous place" in other words, the system should be designed so that a dungeon should be completed without needing to take a rest, and if you get to the point where you need to rest and recover, then that means you failed and will have to come back and try again. resting "mid dungeon" should not provide enough healing to enable you to push forward and "beat" the dungeon. unless we are talking about a dungeon that takes multiple days to explore. then resting is not to recover from wounds but instead to actually get some sleep etc. a dungeon like that should still abide by the rules of resting not healing your party though. tackling a dungeon should be a big undertaking that requires planning and strategy not just plowing through it and miraculously healing up after every fight. in my D&D games, resting mid dungeon comes with a very high chance to be ambushed, provides only 1hp per character level of healing, and grants spellcasters only 1 spell. if you want to rest, go to an inn. if you HAVE to rest mid-dungeon, there is a good chance you are all going to die.
  13. a locked camera allows the designers to create atmosphere akin to a movie director/cinemetographer. mise-en-scene etc its rarely used to good effect in video games though
  14. well if the game is all about souls, i could see the main character being immortal, like the nameless one, and capable of resurrecting his own companions. or maybe his companions are all immortals too and they are trying to discover the source of their immortality? the villain could be another group of immortals, a dark mirror of your own group seeking the same source?
  15. i think that a toolkit for modders would be fantastic, a great way to add to the lifespan of the game. i fully support the idea
  16. you know, i'd normally love to write up a whole long winded post about weapon mechanics, but with Sawyer involved, im gonna trust that he's going to pay appropriate care to the weapon system. so i'll wait until he posts some of his ideas/plans edit: ok i can't resist a little i really prefer systems that make weapon choice really matter. a warrior who specializes in using a shield and a shortspear should feel very different from a warrior who specializes in fighting with a two handed sword.
  17. i want a 2d game with glorious hand painted backgrounds. glorious.
  18. i think its something best saved for a sequel, its a lot of work to implement well for not nearly as much reward as would be derived from investing that same work into encounter design, level design, magic system, combat system, dialogues, choice & consequence etc etc etc
  19. im just gonna come right out and say it. baldurs gate 2 isnt that great. baldurs gate 1 is better. icewind dale is better. planescape torment and fallout 1-2 are WAY WAY WAY better. oh wait, whats this thread about again?
  20. cash should have no weight. ammunition and other supplies should. i'd guess this is what we end up with as well
  21. agreed, the icewind dale 1 and 2 portraits were fantastic. i'd love to see similar quality for this new game. i think most people can agree that would be preferred over, say, the portraits from Torment...
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