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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. Cowboy Bebop also: Outlaw Star and Samurai Champloo you already listed Ghost in the Shell, or i would have that show right below cowboy bebop
  2. sooooo many games i've bought 9 games since the sale started.
  3. too many games to play these days, its overwhelming! i still havent started editing my book yet either...
  4. ok for today got crusader kings 2 (so i can play with the game of thrones mod) and legend of grimrock i also have about 12 games on my wishlist all in the 25-40% off range, and will wait for those to get their daily sales (hopefully in the 66-75% off range) before buying. if they never get daily sales, then i'll buy most of them on the last day. and then my backlog will have over 50 games in it.
  5. it never made sense, but people did it for warcraft anyway
  6. let me at least do my first round of revisions on my first 3 chapters before i send them to you, so i can save your eyes from reading any super obvious mistakes! I'll send the first three chapters to you probably on saturday or sunday. but yeah i'll pm you for your email address
  7. 1st draft of book is all finished, vegas vacation is now over, tonight when i get home from work i will begin the process of editing. any advice on the editing phase will be most welcome at this point!
  8. Dont worry monte, when your book gets released I'll buy two copies!
  9. Necrons. They are geth plus reapers but better
  10. Stephen king: geralds game, misery, Carrie, it, the stand, the shining, pet sematery, desperation, salems lot, green mile All those are good or great
  11. Thanks guys! I'm going to do 1 review at latest before I let others read it, but after that I'd like more feedback so insight hire an editor or at least have monte read my first couple chapters to give me some general advice before I'm ready to talk even to an agent Edit also I'm super drunk right now in las Vegas do sorry for any spelling error or other nonseniscals
  12. Fingers crossed for skill trees lol
  13. Ok. I don't know how. But somehow I just finished it. 65,341 words. the last couple chapters flew by a lot faster than I'd planned, but it feels right. maybe tomorrow when I read it again I'll want to add more detail to the last few chapters, but for now. WOW. I haven't felt this good since finishing exams after a semester of law school. Im not as exhilarated as I did when I passed the bar exam, but of course, passing the bar was a hell of a lot harder (and a much larger accomplishment) than writing this 1st draft has been.
  14. 63000 words. Only two chapters left. Will end up around 67k words. On the short side for a novel, but hopefully long enough. I don't want to add padding to it because this sonufabitc is taut as hell. Especially the last act.
  15. im way more excited for this than i was for shogun 2.
  16. i think i'll take up drinking today. to pick up monte's slack.
  17. as graphics have gotten better, gameplay has stagnated, experienced mild improvements, or actually gotten worse, depending on the franchise/type of game
  18. that was pretty interesting. they only went into detail on profit margins for last year though, this kind of "they sky is falling" attitude could be more understandable if we were able to look at numbers for AAA games for the last 10-15 years. fingers crossed for wasteland to be an amazing game, and prove that there is a market for well made "medium budget" titles
  19. i say now that i have no interest in streamed gaming only, and yet if diablo 4 is releaseda streaming only game, whose gonna cave in and play anyway? this guy.
  20. wow that sounds just terrible... I hope the repair process goes smoothly!
  21. i think streaming games is still closer to ten+ years away. streaming movies hasnt even arrived in a way that replaces dvd's yet (ie still issues with buffering, internet pauses, server stutters etc, this coming from someone who streams 3-4 movies a week and watches another 1-2 on dvd) i cant imagine how awful it will be when you try and add latency to inputs etc. fighting games for example: i'm pretty sure that there will *never be a time when the internet infrastructure can support streaming a fighting game. *ie 20+ years anyway when we're all plugged into the matrix anyway
  22. im still not sure i understand what console games and internet tv have to do with eachother. did the nintendo experience a shrinking market share because people started getting cable tv? did the super nintendo experience shrinking market share because people started using the internet? or is it more because of the amount of "casuals" that bought game systems as netflix streaming devices, and those people wont bother buying the next xbox because they will have tvs that do it? i cant see those consumers mattering very much, since they probably had few game purchases
  23. lol, just talking about it helps keep me focused. I didnt get as much done this weekend as I'd intended, but i'm now at 58,500 words.
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