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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. they could be included, but not be so mandatory as they were in torment. perhaps make similar rewards also accessible via fighting in tunnels?
  2. i WOULD like to see, if necromancy is to be included, some depth and power to that type of magic. the necromancy spells in baldurs gate always felt very lackluster to me, particularly compared to the sexier evocation and conjuration schools
  3. not sure what else to call them, but they were most prevalent imo in Torment. From the get go you are given tons of dialogue to explore with all manner of characters, and sometimes, hidden in those dialogues were valuable items, upgrades, xp etc etc one of the first encounters in Torment (still in the mortuary) was a mute woman with needle fingers who could, with the right dialogue choices, do some work knitting your flesh or something, which resulted in an hp boost (i'm going by memory, this could be more or less completely wrong i havent seen those types of rewarding dialogues in most rpg's since torment. F:NV had some, and there were maybe a few sprinkled around in some other recent rpg's, but nothing even close to the level they were found in Torment I remember when i first played Torment thinking to myself "wow, this is the future of rpg's, gaming will never be the same, from now on all games are going to be trying to copy this masterpiece for decades".... instead the gaming industry completely shifted away from deep rpg's and nothing has come close since. dialogue puzzles were not the only ingredient which flavored the delicious stew of Torment, but they were one of my favorites. so yeah, more of that please!
  4. they could implement a system where magic spells had a lengthy casting time but no limit on the times per day. so using a nuke spell requires a bit of planning, but does away with one more need to rest after nearly every encounter. just a quick thought
  5. the romance with annah in planescape torment was good. i'd rather they not bother with them unless its tied into the plot in some meaningful way
  6. pledged $100 for now, will probably bump it up to $250 in a week or so
  7. sure you can, but invaders or my own invasions are a very important part of the game for me. oh, then in that case, yeah i can see how that would be really frustrating. its almost certainly not going to get fixed either since the devs sound pretty lost when it comes to pc development. i guess if you cant beat them you must join them?
  8. im still infatuated with league of legends, i'll get around to guild wars 2 in a month or so...
  9. i also trust the developer and i want to encourage more tactical turn based games being given more than an indie budget. i'll buy it on day 2, just to make sure its not a total mess of a game
  10. couldnt you just play dark souls in offline mode? in my experience the online added only minimal enjoyment to the experience, playing offline to eliminate potential grief seems like the best way to go
  11. what skills does a melee demon hunter use?
  12. i want the dark souls port so i can cheat (only a little!), the game was too hard for me to finish on ps3 (got to the 4 kings but couldnt beat them), but i really want to go through to completion and i can use mods etc on pc to make it easier (but not too easy, dont want to ruin the experience)
  13. LoL until borderlands 2, re 6, and ac3 Also, I have soooo many steam sale games to play...
  14. what can men do against such reckless hate?
  15. interesting, at the low skill level, sejuani seems better to me, she's faster and does more damage quickly (though she is very reliant on skills). i guess malphite is better at competitive level because his skills slow enemy attack speed instead of slowing their move speed? or maybe i was just not putting the right items on malphite... either way, i really like both characters, just slightly prefer sejuani so far i seem to like characters that have really good defense, and the ability to hit everything around them instead of just focusing on one enemy at a time.
  16. last week i tried all the free characters and decided i liked malphite the best, i almost bought him this week i've tried most of the free characters and have discovered that sejuani is similar to malphite but even more fun so i guess im going to wait until next weeks characters, and see if i can find one i like better than sejuani, if not, im gonna buy sejuani (and maybe malphite too...)
  17. still playing league of legends, the claws are sunk into me, i want to buy a champion.
  18. i remember hearing that the game was only good to see the storylines, if so, then i wonder how they will make money if that part is free and the "other stuff" is what costs money? or will they make all their money selling hats/skins/pets?
  19. started playing league of legends this week, its actually pretty fun, i can see why its popular. havent run into the "bad crowd" problem yet, probably because im playing coop against AI on easy...
  20. i would love a hd version of the original diablo. give it a few gameplay tweaks and improvements and shiny new graphics, but keep the music and the atmosphere the same will never happen though
  21. i think my problem is that i liked playing diablo 2 in normal mode. i'd get a character up to around level 32-35, kill baal, then start over with a new character and play the game using a new build it was challenging and it was fun diablo 3 normal difficulty is WAY too easy, and there are no new character builds to try (all the "builds" are done via equipment and skill swapping, which destroy your "character")
  22. yeah im pretty bored with the game now, i got a lot of time out of it, but since there is no point in making new characters to try new builds i just don't have anything else to do in the game
  23. i'll probably pick it up when the price drops to $5. i've played baldurs gate too many times to spend $20 on this i think
  24. i didnt really care for benjamin button. a little too "oscar bait: the movie." for my tastes. i like comic book movies, keep em coming. edit: so long as we see more like the batman trilogy, kick ass, avengers, iron man. and fewer like captain america, xmen 3, and iron man 2
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