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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. How is the spawning. It was pretty horrid in FC2. You could literally just have finished a quest and the whole encampment would reset. i read in one review that once you clear a camp then that camp stays cleared permanently and becomes an outpost you can use
  2. im very much looking forward to far cry 3 now that i've seen so many positive comments on the game from so many different places i have one mission left in Dishonored, i liked the last couple missions, but am a bit dissapointed in how the game has transitioned into more of a linear affair. the sequel for this game could be one of the best games of all time if they play up the strengths of this one while repairing/reducing its weaker elements
  3. years not over yet, in january i'll put up my 4th annual top ten thread
  4. playing dishonored still, about 15 hours in, this game is really good. the writing and voice acting is very stilted, but the atmosphere is great, and the gameplay solid. its a bit too easy if you just want to win, but if you want to win with panache then it becomes much more challenging. i bought it for $30 during the steam sale and think that is an absolute bargain for a game this good. its closer in overall quality to bioshock than the original deus ex or system shock, but if you enjoyed bioshock or deus ex: human revolution then you should play dishonored asap because its definitely on par with those latter two games
  5. started dishonored last night, good so far, the tutorial dungeon was too linear, but i hope that was just for the tutorial sake the first main area has a decent amount of nooks and crannies to explore, so far the game reminds me a bit of the original deus ex blended with half life 2, but not as well executed as either of those games. still, it seems promising and im looking forward to playing more tonight also, just realized that in torchlight 2 one of the pet choices is a papillon! i immediately named it after mine. so happy right now!!
  6. Well, that's one of my issues. If it's really largely a movie, I'd rather it just be one that I sit on the couch and watch. I remember reading those "choose your own adventure" books when I was a kid, and they were a novelty for a while, but it wore off fast. It's kind of similar. Edit: think I'll play some DK1 before bed. just wait till a nice rainy day when you feel like sinking into some fiction, you won't regret it!
  7. i recommend at least putting in a couple of hours on The Walking Dead, just to see if the story grabs you. think of it more as an interactive movie/book than a game (it really is worth playing to the end)
  8. the only sims game i remember playing a lot was SimAnt, and that was a pretty long time ago... fun tho
  9. What do you mean by "different feel"? It's not action RPG, you don't "swing" the weapons with pushing buttons. Beside animations and maybe a different special attacks for weapon groups like in Drakensang (where you could make a piercing attack with dagger, rapier or spear but not a mace) I don't see a way to make it feel different if the warrior character wields shield + long sword or shield + mace. i meant different as in, the fighter using a spear and shield should be more durable than the one using a two handed sword, and have special abilities or perks that could be earned to make the use of the spear more efficient at what it does (say an ability that grants you a higher chance to critical strike an enemy that misses an attack against you in the same turn, while the two handed sword fighter could earn a skill/perk that grants extra damage against lightly armored enemies or something) so as you earn these different perks/abilities by the end of the game, the two handed sword fighter "feels" very different than the spear user, because the types of enemies they excel against, and the tactics used mid-fight, are different for each of them.
  10. dishonored AND torchlight 2 today, looks like i found what im doing the next couple of weeks
  11. witcher 2 was ok, not that great dead island was fun for about 5 hours just finished The Walking Dead last night. easily one of the best games i've played in years. instant top 50 game of all time for me. it's on steam sale right now, i think its something everyone who likes games movies or books should play it was not perfect, but what it does well, it does REALLY well
  12. watched "The Grey" a few nights ago, one of the worst movies i've ever seen. hilariously awful makes The Edge look like citizen kane also saw Skyfall recently: i really wanted to like this, it had several elements that I loved, but too many plot holes and script problems kept the film from being great. i'd give the director a B+ and the writer a C
  13. for warriors: i really want weapon choice to make a difference in how you play a fighter using a spear and shield should have a very different feel than one using a two handed sword
  14. haven't read anything in months the wife keeps turning on the tv at night and the infernal box makes too much racket to concentrate on words
  15. AC3 liberated 2 more forts, made a lot of redcoats learn to fear the woods i wish there was a system in the game that tracked how scared the enemy was of you. because i have ridden the pale horse o'er the bodies of hundreds of british, and that entire faction should be TERRIFIED of even going near the woods... maybe i've not been leaving enough survivors to tell the tale?
  16. While Dark Souls was made in Japan so I guess by definition it is a jRPG, I've never thought of it as such. It feels so much more like a western RPG. i agree, my post was partly intended to poke fun at the genre "japanese role playing game" being a genre at all
  17. i loved morrowind when it came out, but its not aged very well imo. i even tried adding a ton of mods to it but the world just doesnt draw me in the way it did the first time playing it not sure if its the graphics or the stiff animations or just how long it takes to get anywhere (not to mention all the running back and forth between cities gets annoying after a while)
  18. i have had one mission require me to stay hidden so far, but most of them leave you very open to handle things as you choose. and most of the time i find it most satisfying to play like this: sneak around, scouting the area quick burst of action, slaughter the key targets with my tomahawk escape into the woods and disappear before being overwhelmed it does feel rather last of the mohicans at times
  19. man, when volo looks like a saint you know there are some new folks around edit: so im not totally off topic new vegas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>morrowind>skyrim>fallout3>>>oblivion
  20. ok finally got out of the tutorial for AC3. total length of tutorial was a bit over 6 hours so far, the actual game part is fun, but the UI is pretty bad, distractingly so in some respects favorite moment so far: a fort occupied the british needed taking down, one of the tasks required to do so was to slay the general in charge of the fort. after watching the movements of guards and scouring the walls for other ways inside the fort i finally decided to abandon stealth and just go for it. I hit sprint and charged through the gate while a cart was leaving the fort, i ran straight past a group of bewildered soldiers standing in ranks listening to a speech the general was giving, then used the bayonet at the end of the rifle i was carrying to instantly dispatch the general right in front of his 30+ men. i turned, fired a shot into the crowd of soldiers (who were now charging towards me) threw down the rifle and ran like mad. made it out of the fort and into the woods where i escaped into the trees. hardly subtle, but extremely dramatic and satisfying.
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