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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. 6 hours into far cry 3, gave it up, its kinda boring 6 hours into sleeping dogs, this game is amazing so far, can't wait to go home and play it some more tonight!
  2. yeah, i want WL 2 to be released first, but i guess i understand why it needs to be this way, so i'll pitch in $30 or so.
  3. a Warhammer: Total War would be beyond awesome. insta day 1 preorder purchase special edition kickstart etc fingers crossed
  4. i've grown to hate plot import, bioware made such a mess of it that i really lost my taste for the whole concept, i hope it dies out completely until a developer is really serious about doing it right
  5. my friend did the drum solo song on brutal legend, it plays during several boss fights. He is in a couple different metal bands (slough feg, bosse de nage), i got to go to the brutal legend opening party because of him, got my grim fandango disc signed by Tim, was pretty sweet
  6. i still dont understand why they are doing a kickstarter when they haven't released wasteland 2 yet prove to us you can make a good game before asking for more money.... i'll probably still end up buying the 25$ version, but i would have dropped WAY more than that if I had more confidence in them as a developer (confidence that could be earned with a good game!)
  7. corridor? i thought the game was set up like arkham asylum where you have an island to explore and some areas are cut off till you get the right gear ala metroidvania games?
  8. i really wanted to love AC 3, i got it right away when it was released and jumped excitedly into it. I LOVE the setting (big last of the mohicans fan) and felt like the game was targeted right for me. but it sucked. frustrating lack of polish, terrible design decisions, and worst of all: boring. so many boring "missions", a 6 hour tutorial, very repetitive exploration with little/no reward so, despite me being excited about the idea of a pirate themed AC game, i have to put on my cynic hat now if it gets good reviews then i'll buy it for $30 sometime next year i guess
  9. EA is barely on my radar anymore what great games do they have coming up? dragon age 3 in a few years and.... thats it? other than madden and fifa im not sure how EA is considered such a "giant" of gaming anymore
  10. i am ready for another deus ex game HR was an overall success, not on the same level as the original, but still quite good. If the same team is working on a sequel then color me very excited
  11. i actually am tempted to start buying old consoles and such now i get strong nostalgia for NES and genesis games, and all my systems are in pretty bad condition. buying a genesis in like-new condition along with the best 30 or so games for that system would be really satisfying to me now, and i shudder to think how much that will cost me in about 20 more years edit: its because of my losing my old systems that i am very protective of my more modern ones. my n64 and ps2/1games etc still get played now and then, though i kind of want to buy a new ps2 sometime soon since the ps3 and ps4 are not backwards compatible. i loved that the wii played gamecube games so i could box up my gamecube, but now the wii U lacks bc so my tv will eventually have an n64, a ps2, a gamecube, a wiiU, an x360, a ps3 and a ps4.... its getting a little stupid maybe i should just invest some time in building an emulator pc i can hook up to my tv with roms of all my games.... i have a MASSIVE game library I've built up over the years, if i could play it all using one box that would be pretty convenient the box would need ports for multiple controller types though, i'll be damned before i play ocarina of time on a dualshock edit: if someone here has ever built such a setup, or knows anyone who has, let me know, the project would be much easier if i had instructions to follow lol
  12. i hope it's a blend of the two dark souls and dragons dogma are two of my favorite games of this generation, i would very much like more games of their type
  13. i thought crysis 2 was mediocre at best, so i wasn't excited about crysis 3 sounds like i won't be missing out
  14. lol, i just threw up in my mouth a little bit. MGS2 had some great moments, but then it had some of the worst moments in the series too
  15. when i play as the nameless one in torment i feel like i am making the choices and becoming the character, i make his choices and the reactions to the choices are mine when i play as geralt in TW i feel like I am watching geralt do stuff and i get to make many of his choices for him, but his reaction to those choices is decided by the writers pretty different feeling imo
  16. i agree with ocelot they aren't going to compete with steam by actually trying to outdo them, they are going to "compete" with steam by holding back titles
  17. when i was 14-15 i was anything but casual about my favorite games.
  18. i still have my system shock 2 disc, but i'll get the GoG version too, just cause im weird like that
  19. im holding out on the 3ds, i still have a TON of ds games to play, and a lot of games for my psp to play. I don't really game much on my handhelds so my backlog is really enormous also, my ds lite plays GBA games, of which i still play several (castlevania, metroid fusion, FF6)
  20. im thinking it was baldurs gate 1 that got me into crpg's of course, i did and do still play all types of games, not just crpg's, but it was baldurs gate that made me realize you could play a video game that felt almost like playing D&D. After BG 1 i was curious if there were other games out there like that, after a little researched i found out about fallout 1, and picked it up the next day.
  21. i hope its most like BG1 in terms of map exploration
  22. guild wars 2.... this game is kind of boring probably time to go spend some money on ni no kuni
  23. ps4 sounds pretty decent. no mention of any always-online drm requirements either.
  24. love the look of the orlan. new races in fantasy are hard to do, and this one appears to be a success so far in the design department
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