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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. hate this idea, it takes all the roleplaying out and substitutes in some dress up options. "my good paladin would not wear evil looking armor, but this new plate i just found is made from black dragon scales and has evil markings of Yog Sothoth carved into it. Good thing i have this handy magic button that makes this new plate armor look exactly like Noble Griffindor Plate of Holiness so no one will know i secretly am wearing evil armor because i want the + to my melee damage." if your character wouldnt wear evil looking plate mail, don't wear it. stand by your own convictions. if your character is super vain and just doesnt like a better armor option because "this one is ugly" then maybe your character isn't cut out to be an adventurer... edit: "but its a single player game, who cares?" I care. it cheapens the experience for everyone by removing verisimilitude in order to pander to vanity edit 2: i would not care if this was a separate download, like a mod. i guess i would grudgingly accept it if it was an actual toggle option buried deep beneath a dozen sub menus. so far down the well of options that it shall nary see the light of day but for the determined toil of a hundred clicks.
  2. i remember people doing this in diablo 2, they would just latch onto a high level char and get carried all the way to baal, levelling from 1-20 in like 10 minutes, then they would do it a few more times and hit level 50 in one afternoon. i never understood why people enjoyed skipping over most of the game...
  3. "But we have over one thousand mounted knights!" "Mounted knights? Would be a shame if something were to happen to them, ay colonel?"
  4. borderlands 2 is pretty mindless fun, but thats what i like about it. i dont want every game to be like this, but every now and then its just what i need
  5. yeah, looks like 2013 might finally be the year i tackle my backlog. if i finished 1 game a week it would take me the entire year to clear out...
  6. enjoyed the demo but it REALLY needed to have at least 2 more missions, it was just way too short. about the only thing i was able to glean from it was that its not a disaster.
  7. i found diablo 3 really fun to play, but not very fun to re-play. almost the opposite of diablo 2 actually, where i found most of my fun during my later play-throughs of the game (my first playthrough of D2 i wasnt actually that crazy about the game, i was bummed out that the game lost much of the gothic feel of the original)
  8. the mission really takes only ten minutes?
  9. i like lots of different systems in my rpgs, but durability is one i have always hated. unless the game takes place over a span of months or years, i just dont think it should be an issue. i dont have a problem with basic non-magic gear getting destroyed by certain spells or abilities, but i dont want to have to worry about repairing my sword after every three or four combat encounters of normal use.
  10. if volourn was given a nod in the game, he would probably best be represented in the form of an anthropomorphic black hole. you can click it to talk to it, but it doesnt end well if you do
  11. probably the starcraft 2 expansion will be out in 2013, i guess thats pretty cool. also i think there is a post apocalyptic game from the uncharted team coming out then too dragon age 3 probably ... eh, im not really excited about that, but in light of how sparse things look i guess it counts
  12. borderlands 2 still, but starting tonight: the demo for firaxis xcom!
  13. evil pc's should have option to sacrifice children to dark gods
  14. well, if they get rid of full voiceovers then that alone will get rid of the "i cant stand ____, he's so annoying i wish i didnt need him in my party because he is the only rogue companion who has lockpicking skills." because honestly, reading the lines are never as annoying as hearing someone squeak them out in an annoying tone
  15. im on board with this request. there should be at least 3-4 different bodies per race and gender combo. there should be several head choices as well. portraits are more important, but the character model for the pc should at least be interesting to look at and customizable. the ones in baldurs gate were way too plain. i'd be ok if they went the torment route for the companions and gave each of them a unique model
  16. baldurs gate planescape torment baldurs gate 2 icewind dale play them in that order
  17. im just glad they are not going to make the game fully voiced. i really really hate that most games nowadays have full voice acting. it ruins my "immersion". rpg's used to be like interactive novels, then they devolved into interactive action movies.
  18. i think you can expect the amount of immersion to be similar to that found in baldurs gate or fallout.
  19. lets try this another way: how many deep rpg's have been made which take most players less than 20 hours on the first play through? the shortest one i can think of is fallout 1, and that took me well over 20 hours to finish on my first play through edit: so, if they are making a deep rpg, chances are it will also be over 20 hours.
  20. neverwinter nights 2 was super long in terms of hours, but honestly, got boring partway through it. i'd rather a tighter experience like fallout 1 or baldurs gate 1 (though both those games are still pretty hefty, at least for a first playthrough)
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