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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. if you watch demolition man and judge dredd back to back then dredd becomes unwatchably bad by comparison. demolition man is great though
  2. whoa i just read some reviews for max payne 3... the game has cover mechanics and no quick save? maybe i'll skip it after all. edit: one of my favorite things in the original was the way it played. i quicksaved before every room or corridor and would play them over and over again until i had them perfect and could clear the area without being hit once, it was almost like a puzzle game. it sounds like that element is completely missing from the new one
  3. the bigger problem for me is not the attribute set up, its the fact that there are no builds anymore. i used to love making characters to try out new builds, poison javazon, lightning javazon, spearazon, bowazon were all COMPLETELY different characters in d2. in d3, you just swap the skills around and the character plays different but its still the same character, there is no sense of ownership of your character. you are just "barbarian number 3476", and thats all you will ever be. its impossible to identify with your character because you didnt make any choices in creating it
  4. I agree with basically everything grey lord said, and crimson too
  5. 56,000 words. i think its gonna end up around 65-70k, im nearing the home stretch on my 1st draft
  6. i think its weird how many steps back from diablo 2 there have been in part 3. some elements are definitely way better, but a lot of design decisions are very very odd
  7. as an american, i can safely assure you that my country is only about 18% civilized. the rest fall somewhere between animals and savages
  8. I hope that happens. Blizzard was better when they weren't trying to monetize the gameplay of their games in addition to the initial purchase price
  9. the thing is, the "plot", isnt really a plot, i just followed the characters and wrote what they did, and what they did ended up getting them dragged down into some tunnels... sometimes i plan out plots ahead of time, but in this case, i just wanted to start writing and see what happened next. about halfway through i kinda saw where things were headed, and wrote out a loose outline of what each character would probably do next, and what the repercussions of that decision would be, leading... into some tunnels there is not really a "plot" , no "bad guy". im pretty sure i may be 80% finished with the worlds worst novel. edit: ok there is a "bad guy" but the characters never meet him, so he is not actually in the book. like, he exists, but has no real presence, only the people who facilitate his wishes show up. and the only one of them that i bothered giving a name to is already dead. so yeah...
  10. i feel like 2 handed weapons in general need to be altered. they should do more damage, shields should provide more defense, choosing between a 1 or a 2 handed weapon should be a difficult, meaningful choice to make
  11. please stop reading my opinions as facts that count for everyone.
  12. sigh... i started with such high hopes for this.
  13. im way more excited for rome 2 than a civil war game.
  14. im slowly coming to terms with the fact that the last 3rd of my novel consists almost entirely of fighting in tunnels
  15. yeah, radical entertainment is an example of the type of studio that no one is going to miss. I hope the people all find work elsewhere, but the projects that company developed were primarily uninspired mediocrity edit: no ill wishes to any individuals, but as a company, they just never made anything truly great
  16. im definitely looking forward to getting max payne 3 once it drops to around $30 or so
  17. you must have a really terrible job i got to 50,027 words last night. i'm now directly shooting for 75k. if i dont reach that point by the end of my first draft, i may have to go back and add in some new chapters or something. I could probably find some areas of the story that need a bit more fleshing out
  18. ahh yeah i could see that too. i think no matter how you slice it, a lot of people, democrats and republicans, have promised not to add new taxes, so this way they were still able to pretend they didnt, they "passed a mandate" which of course, was unconstitutional. but when has congress been shy about wasting tax payer money on obviously unconstitutional laws that get struck down almost immediately...
  19. i'm gonna wait for a dlc that adds spears. then i'll buy all the available dlc and do another playthrough, hopefully in what will feel like a fairly different world because of all the changes from the mutliple dlcs im guessing there will be three dlc expansions, i just hope that spears are next. wonder what the third one would add as weapons? or maybe the third one would let you ride around on a dragon finally
  20. just fyi, the opinion is difficult to read, but it appears that the court actually struck down this argument of the government requiring a person to enter the stream of commerce and instead supported the law under the alternative argument, that congress has merely enacted a new tax, BUT if you happen to already have or buy health insurance, you are exempt from the new tax. which of course, is not new, there are other taxes or tax rebates you can exempt/earn by engaging in certain activities. thats not a new power for congress, nor does it, by itself, set any new precedents. the opinion is 65 pages long though, and i didnt read all of it. maybe one of the other lawyers on this board will? the problem is the way the argument was framed from the beginning by both lawmakers and the media. i'm guessing it was phrased this way by the government to get the law to pass, because most people would not have supported passing new taxes, but calling it a "mandate" for some reason was less terrifying for voters? i dont really know, i havent any particular insight into the minds of congress. tldr: under the supreme court ruling, you are NOT required to buy insurance (because it would be unconstitutional to make you), but if you do buy insurance, then you get a tax exemption.
  21. the first judge dredd movie is a near total trainwreck. i want to rewatch it.
  22. lol, dont get me wrong, I love ridley scott (when he's on his "A" game) blade runner and alien are two of my favorite films of all time ever. legend, gladiator, and black hawk down are all great too. but we fans of mr scott cannot kid ourselves, he's made some stinkers too.
  23. i wrote for 5 hours yesterday after i got home from work. i'm at a grand total of 48,467 words, making it my longest piece of fiction writing thus far, by about 200 words. I still have, what I'm guessing from my rought plot outline, about 10-12 more chapters to write. chapters are short though, about 1500-3500 words, so im figuring the book will end up between 70k-80k words when im finished with the first draft. the second draft will probably add to the length a little as I fill in some areas with a bit more detail
  24. ridley scott has been having some issues ever since black hawk down... kingdom of heaven was a mess, that robin hood movie.... i'm surprised prometheus turned out even halfway decent (i haven't seen it yet, but i've heard its not too terrible)
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