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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. if chess is a sport then I'm a billionaire. not because I have a billion dollars, but because I have some dollars, which is part of what I would need to have a billion, so its close enough that I can just go ahead and call myself a billionaire.
  2. but if you are farming gold in nightmare, you're losing that very very very small chance of finding a super amazing inferno item that could concievably drop but i imagine if you just need a little more gold, it might be faster just to quickly charge through some of nightmare, i dunno, im not to inferno with any of my characters yet
  3. whats better: magic find or gold find?
  4. just finished the vision document. this is the most excited I have been for a video game since planescape torment. it's like the developers read my mind about all the problems with crpg's since the death of black isle and are going to try and bring traditional classic crpg style games back. i'm so happy. *single tear*
  5. Any word yet on whether spears are part of dawn guard? Crossbows are cool too, but I really want to kill a dragon with a spear, from horseback
  6. I'd be down for an item swap here, but really since I'm running five characters through the game, most of my hand me downs get cycled to one of my lower leved guys
  7. I hate the term with passion. It's competitive gaming, not a sport. Is poker called a card sport? No, it's a table game.
  8. Well, I meant 16000 total, I'm only writing about 2000 per day
  9. Fallout new Vegas is amazing, and better than most 90's console RPGs. This fact is also completely irrelevant because it's a different genre thanks
  10. Hit 16000 words today, progressing well
  11. oohh ok, lol, guess im pretty out of the loop
  12. soundtrack for 4 was great, i meant the soundtrack for the new game will probably be poo
  13. apparently SE is going to release a new "old school" final fantasy for cell phones. great. i'm sure it will have terrible music, art design, and production values though, feeling more like a remake of final fantasy 4 than a new final fantasy 6 but boy howdy i'd love to be wrong.
  14. with the hours I've put into diablo 3, if i were playing diablo 2 i would have found 5-8 set items by now, and probably 1-3 uniques. so far i have found 0 uniques and 0 set items drops were much more exciting in D2 hopefully after some patching and an expansion pack, diablo 3 gets the drop rates "right"
  15. i saw a vid of xenoblade chronicles and from what i could tell it had more in common with something like final fantasy 12 than final fantasy 6-7
  16. i've completely given up on the hope of ever seeing a console rpg as good as the ones being made in the mid to late 90's well, i guess that miyazaki game could do the trick, but im expecting disappointment
  17. full maps with side areas and such that are fun to explore and kill stuff in... probably about a dozen? only a few are really large though, i felt like most areas in diablo 2 were larger edit: i mean a dozen decent sized ones, there are a whole bunch of smaller map areas too edit 2: and a bunch of randomized dungeons sprinkled throughout the acts
  18. this page has become very relevant to my non-gaming interests! i've grown to really dislike the idea of "genre fiction". A good book is a good book. Following specific genre guidelines to please a publisher is something I'm not interested in doing, though sometimes what I write will tend to fall near (or into) a genre incidentally I certainly don't have any delusions that I'll become some great author of timeless classics, but i'm too arrogant to consider making my already dumb books even dumber to please the absolute lowest common denominator. of course, for that, and many other reasons, i probably won't ever actually get published - but I like to write so I'll just keep at it
  19. i really liked what I read in that patch explanation. huge props to blizzard for having so much transparency in their process. I'm not really hardcore about blizzard games but reading stuff like that makes me think i should be edit: and im really looking forward to the legendaries fixes. im still only on level 42 (and will remain there for a while since im taking a break for a few weeks while i work on real life stuff) so hopefully by the time i get to level 60 they have some cool changes and tweaks for legendaries
  20. my last one was a medieval story about a guardsman who ended up having to secret a princess out of a kingdom during a civil war, I got about 40,000 words into it before crapping out this one is easier, its about a college student who gets involved in a series of murders disguised as suicides. my writing voice is ten times easier to play with when the characters involved are all based on people I know, and the setting is one I'm actually familiar with to some degree (as opposed to fictional fantasy lands) six novels monte!? so many! have any been published yet?
  21. Started writing again instead of gaming, 8000 words into my second novel attempt. Wish me luck!
  22. I also was led to believe hell was the end game difficulty, and inferno was supposed to just be the optional "bonus" difficulty for the super hardcore
  23. south park rpg looks really awesome so far, im actually enthusiastic about that game kinect, nike, usher, voice control games..... microsoft really knows what gamers want anyone remember when E3 was just games and hardware? before the gimmicks showed up? I'd rather see the modern version of the virtual boy and the 32X than another retard trying to explain why i want to use my phone to play kinect fitness with my mouth
  24. just got my wizard to act 3 nightmare getting one character from each class to finish Hell is going to take a long time i think
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