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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. also, these ideas have no gameplay details, the last one is "a platformer"..... that is not remotely enough detail. you talk about the characters goal more than how you get there, its looking at the project backwards
  2. so wait, are there any gameplay videos for dishonoured yet? what if its a turn based strategy game? will the outsourced cg advertisement be indicative of the gameplay?
  3. whenever i see short little movie things advertising games, they rarely represent what you'll find the gameplay to be like. anyone remember the dragon age or deus ex HR or star wars TOR movie advertisements? yeah soooo much gameplay within a pre-rendered cg trailer made by an outside company for the pr department of a game publishing house
  4. its not even a trailer its just a short little movie thing with no gameplay
  5. considering its a small crew of experienced game makers, i think they should be able to move pretty quickly on the project. i bet we start seeing some interesting stuff by the end of the year.
  6. pretty sure drowsy might be dead after seeing that, considering how he felt about that pg rated throat cutting from the dishonoured trailer...
  7. i thought that game was more of a first person shooter/adventure game and less of a turn based rpg?
  8. there already is a call of cthulhu rpg, it just hasn't been adapted into any video games as far as i know. its a great game though http://www.amazon.com/Call-Cthulhu-Roleplaying-Lovecraft-Edition/dp/1568821816
  9. I do not want to ever see what goes on inside your mind
  10. Most weapons are interchangeable, there are no stat restrictions but there are some class restrictions. Nothing like mages cant use shields (they can), more like certain specific gear is used by certain classes. For example, only the Witch Doctor can use an offhand weapon that looks like a vodoo doll. And much to my embarrasment I just recently learned you can dual wield. Now my Monk is sporting some Vampiric brass knuckles in one hand and a magic dagger in the other. the problem arises: every class has their 2-3 class specific weapons, the Witch Doctor for example has his class specific offhand voodoo dolls, and his class specific main hand ceremonial knives. every class has their specific items etc. but now look at whats left: swords, axes, hammers, spears etc etc - these weapons serve no purpose in the game anymore. there are no skills associated with any of them. they increase damage and thats it. in diablo 2 a spear using amazon had totally different skills than a bow using amazon, in this game they don't. In diablo 2 i might want 3 different amazons on my account. A bowazon, a javezon, and a spear using amazon. all of them using different skills tailored to their chosen weapons so what we are left with now is a game where there would be no point in having 3 different Witch Doctors. because all witch doctors use the same weapons and builds because no skills are weapon dependent. every witch doctor will just use whatever random weapon they have which has the highest dps. I have a hard time seeing how the game will still be fun in a few years, diablo 2 had 5 characters, and each had 3-4 different good viable builds you could make. diablo 3 has 5 characters, but no builds. so it will have only 5 instead of 15-20 "character types" and im only talking about good builds, diablo 2 allowed plenty of terrible ones too (too much customization, allowing you to make bad choices) edit: of course diablo 1 had no weapon specific skills either, so weapons in diablo 3 will be similar to how they were in D1.
  11. the problem with skills in D2 is that most classes only had 4-5 good ones. so in that respect, D3 might end up offering just as much variety if the smaller array on offer are all equally good. and most builds in D2 didn't actually allow much customization: pump strength and dex at the begining until you meet your equipment requirements, then put the rest in vitalisty. doing things other than that setup was pretty discouraged by the mechanics of the game what bothers me is that there are no builds designed around weapon mechanics except the demon hunter pretty much has to use a ranged weapon. take spears for example, there does not seem to be any way to build a character to excel with them. in D2 you could make a spear wielding barbarian, OR a spear wielding amazon. and there would be skills to make using a spear the best choice for that build. nothing like that in D3, all weapons are interchangeable, and there is no way to specialize in one
  12. i don't think i've played a jrpg i would score higher than an 8 since final fantasy 9 was released. the entire genre went to hell when the ps2 came out. kinda like talking about all the great crpg's that got released after baldurs gate 2.... the rpg golden age is done, lets just hope they make a comeback someday.
  13. the animations from fallout 1 are WAY more violent than anything in that trailer, and fallout 1 wasn't even approaching "too violent" for my tastes. the bottle killing scene in Pan's Labyrinth was maybe getting closer to the line of "too violent", but i haven't seen anything in a video game that i thought was sickeningly violent. the airport scene in COD MW 2 was a little disturbing, not in the violence of it per se, but more that the developers thought including it was a great idea.
  14. i ended up raising my pledge a little higher, i don't really know why. i just want this to succeed and will feel better knowing i at least put forth a little more $ to help
  15. i'll take an interesting setting over a unique one any day. and no those two concepts are not the same, though there is certainly some overlap in many cases
  16. im still having this problem where no game i play is able to adequately capture my interest. this happens to me a lot when im waiting for a big release (in this case, diablo 3)
  17. kids around here are pretty retarded. any game more complicated than call of duty is considered "lame". iphone gaming is considered a valid interest. facebook is better than actually spending time with friends. avatar was considered "the best movie ever" by several teenagers i ran across a about a year ago edit: true story: three 13 year old boys told me that fallout new vegas was "lame" and "for old people" when they were explaining why it was not as good as call of duty blackops
  18. skyrim dlc would make more sense than fallout 4, but those graphics are a lot prettier than the ones in my copy of skyrim
  19. it doesnt have any quests or story, but the dungeons are the opposite of bland. they are very unique and have tons of character and are extremely well designed, the quality of the dungeons and the depth of the combat are the main draws of the game imo. wait: im talking about darksouls lol, skyrim has lots of quests, and they are very bland
  20. yeah, what you (delfosse) are describing sounds totally insane to me, in california the teenagers play xbox only. nothing on pc.
  21. being playable at 30 fps on low settings is a pretty Far Cry (tee hee) from what people are talking about when discussing why crysis was a landmark pc game. i still thought it was a pretty weak game from a "fun" standpoint, but technically it was very very impressive, and not at all youth oriented (which to me would be something like halo, which was marketed from the beginning to kids wanting to play consoles online) i didnt know crysis was ever even released on consoles, but i guess 5 years later is better than never? (then again, why would anyone want to play crysis on console when the whole point of the game was its technical aspects...)
  22. how the hell was crysis a youth oriented game? it was unplayable on anything but a very high end pc when it was released... did a lot of russian youths have incredibly expensive computers in 2007?
  23. crysis just wasn't that fun to play. it had lots of good bits, but when put together you ended up with a somewhat bland paste instead of a zesty stew
  24. Hellblazer rpg could be amazing, it could work if it was text heavy like planescape torment but without the combat ghost in the shell - its almost the same setting as deus ex though cowboy bebop? would be hard to make a game i think, but its such a good anime (gorth, watch this one if you are curious about why people like anime) and i second the Black Company suggestion made earlier in the thread
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