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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. they made it a design goal for boss fights to not be as hard as elite and unique monster fights. appropriately: bosses don't drop fancy loot as often as elite and unique monsters do so the real loot hunters will scour the Acts looking for all the elite and uniques to fight, instead of just doing boss runs. i think its a brilliant solution
  2. gharbad the weak!! that instantly conjures up fond memories of D1, i didn't know he had an appearance in D3, now i want to find it! i have a feeling a lot of my smaller issues with D3 will end up being resolved when the expansion arrives. The D2 expansion drastically improved D2 in several important ways beyond just including a 5th act. i REALLY REALLY want the amazon to return though.... I miss my spear character
  3. i do miss the more open ended levels of diablo and diablo 2, and agree that there are too many story moments in diablo 3. its distracting how often i have to skip dialogues etc to get back to the monster slaying.
  4. im really looking forward to act 1 nightmare, i feel like that will be the first point where paying attention to how i equip and build my character will matter, im still only act 2 normal right now, and any problem can be easily overcome by just gaining another level or two and retrying
  5. kingdoms of amalur just wasn't very good... so i guess it makes sense thinking that the developer had a love for MMO's
  6. the Act 2 bugs that fire smaller bugs are the WORST. my witchdoctor has to constantly be resummoning his zombie dogs because they get one shotted by a single burst of mini-bugs against most other enemies they can hang tough, but those bugs..... fffffuuuu my demon hunter is level 14, my witch doctor level 17, my wizard level 12, and my barb only level 9 im still not sure which character will finish normal first...
  7. soul reaver. that game was so good for its time
  8. anyone watching and not playing is missing out on 99.99% of the fun. this is not a game to watch, its a game to play.
  9. diablo 3, the game is truly exceptional. great art design, tons of monster variety, very very very fun to play
  10. Act 0 of Diablo 3 where you fight the Lord of Impatience and the Lord of Entitlement
  11. Torchlight 1 wasn't that good, diablo 2 is way better, not sure bout d3 yet
  12. apparently "normal" difficulty was designed for casual players, devs say the game doesnt actually become much of a challenge until you unlock "nighmare" difficulty (ie, beat the game once, then you can play a more challenging game)
  13. i know people who can get through diablo 2 normal difficulty in less than an hour i went through normal difficulty last week, i finished off act 4 after about 31 hours.
  14. diablo 1 has vastly superior music and atmosphere over diablo 2, but when it comes to playability.... diablo 2 improved on diablo 1 in so many ways, its very very hard to go back to D1 for me verdict is still out on d3, i really like the return to the tristram theme song though, so in the music department its already beating d2
  15. i dont think this is the future for single player games, there are only a handful of games i would ever consider putting up with horrible always online drm requirements, unfortunately, diablo is one of them but would i play an assassins creed or grand theft auto if it required always on drm? nope. fallout new vegas 2.... yeah, i'd probably even pay a montly fee for that
  16. server issues were expected by most people, no one was prepared for how bad ME3 was going to be
  17. i still remember fondly the heyday of diablo 1. click click click click click click click and yet it was sooooooo fun. going deeper and deeper underground, finding better gear, constantly being killed by horrible monsters that surround you and lock you in hitstun...
  18. it seems to me that everyone not playing diablo 3 is missing out. but i guess there are some people who never liked the diablo series? boo to that i say. this game is super fun
  19. im not going to get to play it until the 16th, so hopefully any massive snags with the servers will be untangled by then and i can dive into it without any hiccups
  20. yeah i was reading a bit about DayZ earlier today, im really excited about the possibilities of the game, but probably won't play it until it moves into a more finished state, i tend to stay away from projects like this until they get most of the kinks worked out. hopefully that happens around the time i start getting tired of diablo 3...
  21. It's terribly repetitive. It's probably the worst game I bought for 2010. It's an action game that's not quite sure if it wants to be horror, not sure if it's wants to be episodic, and was unable to commit. So you end up with 1 enemy type, cameras that dramatically announce every encounter, and you lose your equipment loadout after every mission. Sometimes in the middle of a mission. The narrative wasn't worth remembering either. i agree with 100% of this post
  22. i'd still love a real followup to tie fighter. xwing vs tie fighter was ok, but tie fighter still reigns as my favorite space flight sim type game ever.
  23. devs should start rebelling against the publisher system. make a smaller more streamlined game that you can self publish, build up income and growth by successfully releasing good products. self publish larger games. DO NOT SELL OUT. see its that last part that really gets em... but maybe people have learned now, and as new companies rise, they will learn the lessons of their predecessors and keep 100% control and ownership in house
  24. greylord, a lot of your issues stem from fundamental misunderstandings of copyright law and its application. You obviously are passionate about the topic, have you considered law school? IP attorneys make big money in america (especially silicon valley). or you could work toward becoming a lobbyist and actually have a chance to change the laws you don't like. i dont recommend law school to someone looking for an easy dollar, but if you truly care about a legal subject, then why not actually take the time to learn about it (for real) also: so you have a little to chew on: consider the interplay between potential copyright infringement and "damages" (a very complex subject on its own) which are generally required to enforce your copyright claim in court. edit also: your initial premise of software devs being crooks because you cant return the goods after opening it.... dude thats completely wrong and insane. you have no right to return anything you buy. some stores choose to let you return goods, but "buyer beware" is perfectly legal in almost every instance edit 2: eh, i took the time to read more of what you're saying.... you have a lot of fundamental misunderstandings of a LOT of areas of the law and the american legal system, not just IP
  25. something tells me greylord is not actually an attorney
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