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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. the Black Company is one of my favorite fantasy novels. It's not without flaws, but what it does well outshines any weaknesses. The Road has, as far as I'm concerned, the best prose in any english language novel, ever. I know there is probably no one else on earth who agrees with me, but until I read something better, I'm sticking with that opinion.
  2. i wish they would have changed the beginning of the game so you could keep playing with the same team you had in ME2. i care a lot more about that than i do about the ending
  3. second half of game of thrones book 5 is really picking up, i read that a lot of people didn't like this book very much, seems pretty good to me, except for the bran chapters, which are so incredibly uninteresting to me i'm getting SORELY tempted to just skip them. i cant help but feel the author is trying to do too much sometimes
  4. i've decided that the only class i really don't enjoy using is the Demon Hunter. I got her to level 52 and now im pretty sure i've seen everything the class has to offer and I know it just isn't for me. right now my favorites are 1. Wizard (currently level 51) 2. Barbarian (currently level 31) 3. Witch Doctor (currently level 50) 4. Monk (currently level 33) 5. Demon Hunter (currently level 52)
  5. i have a 14 pound cat and an 8 pound dog. both are awesome. the cat is higher maintenance than the dog though, i feel like those two are all mixed up.
  6. anyone thinking about getting the ps3 HD collection of shadow of the colossus and Ico - it's currently on sale for $19.99 on amazon i only point it out because its been $40.00 for months, which is a ridiculously high price to pay for two ps2 games, but $20 is much more reasonable i already own both on ps2, but i'd like to play them in HD next time
  7. im about halfway through game of thrones book 5 its better than the fourth book, but still not as good as the third one i'll probably not finish it for another week or so, these books are long.
  8. alien 4 sucks pretty hard. if they had just made it a stand alone alien spinoff movie, then it would have been "ok", but "ok" is nowhere near good enough for a franchise of that calibur i hated alien 3 when it came out, but now, on reflection over many years and viewings, i think it is an adequate final film for Ripley
  9. excited for rome 2, still havent played shogun 2 (despite buying it months ago)
  10. my plan to write 6-8 hours a day over the weekend was foiled by laziness. im now only at 43,000 words
  11. Looks interesting, but it needs good mechanics and to also be fun to play. Stalker was decent thoUgh
  12. i dont know if its a bug or a feature but if i get jailed when im playing my monk and i use the 7 sided strike skill, i get to make all my attacks before being put back in jail
  13. i dont really like the idea of streaming all my games, at least not until internet gets way better. 10 more years?
  14. a legendary that makes you immune to freeze and walling is way more interesting than one that gives you 36 more hit points
  15. its mostly for fun, my end goal is for people to read it and enjoy it. Usually for people to read it, it means someone has to agree to publish it, but I'm not gonna get hung up on the details. I'm looking at this one as still generally a practice book. I read a lot, but most of my prior writing was confined to papers for college and law school. of course, that doesnt mean i wont appreciate any advice that help make it more commercial too. I'm definitely more of the "make up some characters, put them in a scenario, and see what they do, but i still have a general idea of how the story is going to go. I just found, as I got to know the characters better, that, at least the main character is turning into a pretty serious person, and i think he was more lighthearted at the beginning, i dunno, maybe that will work and feel like natural development, i just dont want it to feel inconsistant. i wont make any major changes until after the whole draft is done and i've read it with fresh eyes though marketing blurb: "its The Relic meets A Shadow Over Innsmouth! but badly paced, poorly written, and featuring unbelievable characters doing unbelievable things" edit: yeah, plots that are too deep, complex, intricate etc are too much for me right now, I'm more interested in telling simple stories, but in a compelling way. so i just need to get the "compelling" part down...
  16. hah! that was on my amazon wishlist, your recommendation tipped the scales so i just bought that plus dan simmons Song of Kali, and shirley jacksons We Have Always Lived in the Castle
  17. im pretty sure that ff10 didnt have a world map, it just had some little beacon things you clicked on teleport to a corridor with either a jungle, beach, or ruins skin over it. running down corridors outside of a town is not a world map imo
  18. they should add legendary item affixes that prevent being walled or jailed or frozen or scared
  19. i liked the experimentation done in the final fantasy series during the ps1 era, new sub-systems, new gameplay hooks, very unique stories. i did NOT like the changes they made later on, axing the world map, getting rid of prerendered backgrounds, switching completely away from the ATB system i want the next final fantasy game to bring back world map, prerendered backgrounds (complete with all the character and detail from the golden age of the series), and atb system
  20. i just dont understand why it lacks the second thumbstick i still have plenty of games to play on my ds, so i dont need to upgrade portables yet though, i play them rarely and have 5-6 games for my ds that i havent even opened yet
  21. my recommendation for wizard build: spectral blades, arcane orb, familiar, magic weapon, lightning shield, and one defensive/crowd control skill its like a barbarian, but better edit: this build probably wont work in inferno, im not even past act 1 hell yet though
  22. I really enjoyed World War Z. It was fun, and clever enough that I enjoyed it throughout. Not perfect either of course, but a good enough book that I recommended it to a few others when I finished it a few years ago. im currently reading the most recent of the Game of Thrones books. the books were, on the whole, better than i was expecting by leaps and bounds. It's no wonder people keep talking about them. after i'm done with game of thrones i want to read something scary, anyone have any recommendations?
  23. didnt the guy who directed Drive direct valhalla rising? Drive was spectacular by the way. one of the best action movies of the past 5 years for sure (right up there with no country for old men and a history of violence). saw Coraline recently, lousy first half, great second half. I kept thinking while watching it that The Thief of Always would make a fantastic pg-13 stop motion movie
  24. i have a pretty cushy day job that earns me a decent wage, so for me writing is strictly a hobby, for now. I'm 29 and didnt really start writing at all until i was finished with law school and then i got married and had some life stuff getting in the way, but now im a bit more settled and am starting to dig in. i figure i'll have to write 3-4 books before i finish anything good enough to be publishable though. I do worry that my current project is too stupid for adults but not exciting enough for kids. my first book i tried editing as i went, but that caused me to start second guessing myself so much that i got bogged down in the first half of the book, then changed my mind about the ending 10x and then just put it away. a learning experience, and now i know that i just need to move through my first draft like a shark and then i'll worry about editing and polishing later i'll probably have to rewrite a few chapters though, because my characters changed a bit from how i originally envisioned them
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