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Everything posted by Frak

  1. I enjoy Deadfire more. But my reasons are mainly cosmetic, you could argue. - Pillars 1 couldn't really decide whether it wanted to be texted or voiced. That marred m experience of it. It seemed disjointed - There was something 'off' with running,/walking animations compared to Deadfire. My characters felt ... weightless. - Combat sounds in Pillars 1, somehow grated me sometimes. The 'clang' of metal vs metal sounded 'tinny' to my ears. It needed heft. - I enjoyed Pillars 1, I loved the writing and the setting. And I would probably enjoy it more if I did a second playthrough. But Deadfire resonates better with me. It seems more wholesome. Also, better combat. I like the combat.
  2. Well, I've had a few of the same thoughts. And I've come to this conclusion: 1) This cannot be explained easily. Unless you want to run through hoops and pretend Berath put some kind of companion-glamour over you so you have your old visage regarding companions. They see you as the cute orlan you were in POE1, whereas now you're a hardy dwarf. 2) I think Pallegina gives you too much credit. You clearly didn't care about her. Avian godlikes are cray-cray like that. I'm not too fond of Pallegina, so anger at being dismissed seems reasonable.
  3. I love sparkcrackers. I get your complaint that they don't distract for the whole duration pr se, but I love them yet. They are great for getting NPC away from chests, where I want to steal the contents. Have you read this thread? It will be right up your alley. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66742-forum-edit-function-too-sensitive/
  4. You get a like for your reasoned argumentation for not liking certain parts of the game. Only a cat person writes like that. Now unlearn everything from POE1 and start enjoying Deadfire! That's an order! The game is not perfect, but it is great. Be a dog person!
  5. WTF, Nethack is not bugfree? Next you're gonna tell me Dwarf Fortress hasn't reached version 1.0 yet.
  6. I'm pretty sure some blind have trained their hearing to the extent, that it can function as a form rudimentary visual radar, when they emit clicking sounds with their mouth. I saw a documentary and stuff.
  7. Same goes for Enoi in the Gullet. Answer is ofc either radar hearing, or that they are Daredevil with radar sense.
  8. Yep, a save/load cycle on 4th floor will trigger this. The "solution" is to go to the fight without reloading, after entering the 4th floor. Some say that that the autosave can be used, I haven't tested this.
  9. I got the impression when reading description of the inspiration, that it only works with weapon attacks. I might have misunderstood.
  10. I haven't tested Forbidden Fist enough with extended hostile effects - monk is slightly boring, yo -, but when considering the duration of the enfeebled status itself (seems to be 150% of base duration) on targets, I think both a) and b) should work.
  11. Isn't this an old unfixed bug? Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. [i got the impression that it had to do with accuracy. But that might just be my cognitive dissonance.]
  12. Edit: Nvm. I learned english grammar about singular pronouns in the meantime.
  13. Caveat: Not using the mod. But if your char excels in one stat or ability, you can target that char via that stat, I think. Cast 'buff ' on "ally" with "most sexiness" or "lowest fortitude".
  14. Philosophically this thread has a lot of reasons to live. If this thread is not a testament to the global need of persons raging against the socio-technological dying of the light, I don't know what is. We need to hold bad standards accountable. We must stand vigilant against the curtailment of personalized choices on the internet or we will all end up slaves of Alexa, Siri, Facebook, Google and Apple and other implements of techno-tyranny we cannot control! The fight starts here! Make a stand and be counted!
  15. The Howling Gorge (north of Maje Island) have a slight naming typo-bug when you have your cipher scan for minds. Edit: The utterance is clearly Serafens language. I have no idea what Ydwin would say.
  16. Now, I've mainly been offensive on my skald, so I cannot really talk about buffs and summons from experience. But the added power levels means - as long as they don't die - that you can probably chain cast most buffs and and summons. Just an FYI.
  17. Now, As a person from pale-elf-lands I must correct you here. See in the real world white that wends, ydwin could easily be a scientist. And the reason is simple. Wolves, bears and darkness. See up here in the northernmost of nords - ok, technically a lot countries lies further north, but they can attest to the truth of my statements -, we have to hunt to eat. We danes are fortunate that we can also do a bit of agriculture, instead of eating the flesh of dead relatives seasoned with blueberries as the finns do when wintergame is in short supply. But we hunt, true! Unfortunately darkness puts a stop to much of this. The animals are out there, but humans suck at hunting in darkness. And up here, one missstep and you have an open bone fracture in a ravine, with only the howling wind, the wølves and the bears to keep you company. So we don't hunt in the dark. Hence, "hygge". (Which is just another word for trying to stay near the fire, not freeze, avoid wolves and conserve energy.) Because in Denmark, it's dark in winter. Like 95-97% of the time. So you have a lot of free time. And this is where the science parts kick in. You first start to wonder: "How can we get more light?" and "can you trap and eat a bear?" and "if we give the children presents at christmas, will they notice that in the meantime, we throw grandma to the wolves in order to conserve food supplies? Is it ethical?" and such others serious questions. Necessity is mother of invention. In short Ydwin could easily be a scientist. Her reasonable and totally rational scienceness even support that. That's some cold rational thought going on there. Cools the brain. Conserves energy.
  18. Goshdarnit and Hel! And poots! So many good portraits, so few watercolours. We need a watercolour-autogenerator. Edit: colour is not mark.
  19. Remember chanters per default comes with points in arcana. I assume that the devs want us to use scrolls on downtime. I still don't get why they have points in sleight of hand, though.
  20. "Now you too can roleplay Durance!" *mumblegrumblemagraneothasPURIFIERYWHOREwatchertestingorlansshouldebestrangledgrumble*
  21. Did you choose another enchantment before, that excludes the one you want to do? Screenshot it, please.
  22. There will be a lot of different small choices - for example regarding Iselmyr and Aloth - so I doubt a comprehensive list have been made. It would also totally spoil many/all? sidequests in POE1. If you really need that kind of info, you might as well roll your own pre-configured history from the main menu.
  23. Vela cries "Protect me, avatar of Hylea!" Skaen laughs in your face, as his effigy blinds you by gouging out your eyes Rymrgand shows you the entropic decay of starvation Wael obscures your knowledge as numbers fade into each other and becomes a cacophony of gibberish. Berath calmly says: "Do you dare walk the Fires of Magran, little watcher?" as Ondra drags your crew down, their lives forgotten. Another nameless crew lost to the Kraken.
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