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Everything posted by Frak

  1. In order to get subclasses for companions you need a mod. Not sure which as I do not use mods, yet. My take on skill allocation is that you and companions should specialize. 1 or 2 things pr char, max. And then ofc put the team together so that all skills are covered over the whole party. Tekehu seems get a lot of love for different reasons. He is good with AOE HOT and debuffs, and that is quite helpful if your positioning warrants it. Gotta love his Chillfog and Ondras Whip. Xoti is more defense buffs and fast heals (I've only played til level 10). Xoti (as a character) may also irk some. YMMV. Tekehu is conceited, but in a good way. Xoti can seem like a teenager with a holy crusade. Your team composition makes sense to me. Pallegina will be tanky as hell. Eder, a sturdy damage dealer. I like Aloth as a pure wizard. I have no experience with him as a bloodmage. Assassin with mage will be squishy as hell. You'll need to babysit your main, but likely have great CC and damage. If that's your bag, go for it.
  2. I assume (haven't tested) that you get discipline back on interrupting anything involving a cast ability icon over the enemy. Just a FYI.
  3. Difficulty settings should mean that the AI monsters got smarter and more abilities instead instead of just buffing their damage and hitpoints. *Start rant!* This is also my main gripe about certain mods. "You don't like the vanilla nightmare difficulty? My 'hellscape difficulty'-mod fixes that! What does it do? Every monster have 500% more hitpoints and do 200% more damage! Bazinga!" *End rant!*
  4. *Bump for great justice* I assume that the bellower buff duration is supposed to do something with uttered phrases, but it seems to do nothing. Can a dev explain what the idea behind the ability is?
  5. I agree with this, albeit in a mere general manner. Street-fighter is fast killing, once you get bloodied. But single-target. Nalpazca monk aint bad either. Being on drugs means extra free wounds, which means you can spam heavy hitters and cc more. Nalpazca is a solid choice that leaves a wider margin for error and survivability. Besides, you get to be on fun drugs. Barbarian is supposedly the crowd-killer. It's designed as such. A berserker or corse-eater (for the roleplay) gets my vote as another serious damage dealer. My off-beat tips. 1) Learn to program the "behavior editor". There is something quite pleasing in seeing your companions execute a well-made behaviour. The behaviour editor is great fun. 2) Use, dont hoard, consumables. They are also great fun and you get more things to plan, with synergies between abilities and consumables. You sound like a planner.
  6. It's a minor issue. The companions staying behind is (i'm almost certain) never more than a level behind. And once you bring them along they will gain relative more XP while lower leveled, if you shift-click on XP distribution for quests. IE, they will soon catch up to your level.
  7. BTW, I tested a thing. Summons might not get increased stats (not sure, haven't turned on damage text), but their duration is increased due to the extra PL with bellower.
  8. Pfff, bellower all the way. Beloved bellower is masterclass. Other classes are for bellends. BELLOWER!
  9. Edit: In hindsight, I wrote some nonsense that didn't answer the OP's problem. *Redacted*
  10. You can turn it off under difficulty settings. Granted, it will not show you creatures you already know, but then you can jut look them up in your bestiary.
  11. I like explosives. They're useful as debuffs on lower levels (Especially digsite where cinder bombs blind and do fair damage). Dunno about higher levels, but Eder will use explosives. He's the tank so he's got nothing better to do. That said, specialize on each char.
  12. 'Tis easy. 'Cause troubador spells trouble. Vailian concept. Nothing good ever came from Old Vailia.
  13. Bellower can also be a support, just not summons. Also bellower is ... force! Skald throws out cheap offensive invocations, that might miss. Bellower has power and gusto. Skald is Aloth-like. Bellower is Durance-like. Can't give you numbers. Haven't tested it that much. I'm more into the RP of a class than powergaming.
  14. Until that point, it should also be decent with upgraded Thrice Was She Wronged. I'm not sure if the basic 3 zaps count as projectiles for Power Level scaling (is the "Thrice" inherent in the spell, or is it "at least Thrice"?), but I'm fairly certain that the Bounce added by the upgrade gains bounces as the Caster power level grows above 3. The trick is that it's a rather small AoE, and the spell benefits greatly as the number of targets within it increases. So you've got to do some work to get your enemies clustered. Bring a Wizard-- Combusting Wounds magnifies the damage here considerably. Thrice is inherent. It is three times pr target. Bellower should (haven't tested that much) get more accuracy, more damage pr hit and more bounces. Ypu can play a bellower as a frontliner, ala skald. Your invocations will be fewer, but more precise and do more damage.
  15. I probably agree with most of your post, but this is just an internet platitude. You can google ANYTHING and be kept busy for a long time. The internet is strange. Very strange. *Goes to search 'purple eggs dinosaurs'*
  16. I think it's because many associate might with physical strength in RPG's. They should have named it "powah"! And no cap on it. So you could have ... wait for it ... "unlimited powah"!
  17. There is no combat simulator for PoE that I am aware of Was thinking (theoretically) about adding damage values to the mentioned speed calculator. But haven't spotted the fine point yet. I mean, there are way to many variables. If I'll factor only a few - it will be useless. If too many - then it will be a huuuge amount of work, plus it will still be subpar to: - launch the game - spawn the dummies or some specific creatures - and test your actual dps) Quick reply. My main issue is that dps will likely be higher with one-handed, but (small) shield with modal might some more crits and give more phrases, if chanter. I like chanters in general, and skald in particular. What I imagined was: - Simulation running for a specified amount of time (variable) Could be 5 minutes, could be 1 minute. User decides. - User puts in creature value for opponent. Or they are pre-defined. We have the bestiary so you can find stats and attributes for relevant creatures. - User puts in weapons, proficiencies, shields, weapon style and modals. Also basic armour. Special itemization can always be expanded. Simulation tests dps and survivability of char. ("Your char died after 536 seconds and did XXXYYY damage. 10 phrases generated through crits and you used 25 invocations") Agree, lots of variables and lots of work. But oh, how you could test builds and get ... *numbers*!!!!!
  18. Ha, yeah. I've just noticed his speed calculator. Now I'm wondering if there is a fight simulator where I can test whether a single-classed skald will have higher dps and and/or longer survivability - against an enemy with known attributes - with one-handed weapon or a weapon and a shield. We need a combat-simulator. :D Edit: It's most likely one-handed. But I like simulations. I'll stop now. Back to your regular water-colouring.
  19. When Modwyr spoke about her previous owner and the calluses, I had to go take a cold shower.
  20. Well, you have accumulated damage but ALSO "time spent in combat", IIRC. So if you note these two variables before your next fight, you should be able to calculate the dps for each char once the fight is over.
  21. Ok, I'll try. Most combat actions have attack speed and recovery speed (time). The attack speed is the time your attack takes. Longer attack times means higher probablity of some enemy interrupting your attack. That's just annoying. Recovery time is time spent after an attack, where you recover yourself in preparation for next action. If you think it as attacking with a sword, it's the time after a swing where you have to use time to regain your footing and getting the sword back in the the position for a next swing. For magic you can perceive it as time you need to clear your head in order to cast a new spell, or somesuch. It's time that your character spends getting prepared for a new attack, and gameplay wise the char does nothing. Recovery time is very annoying.
  22. Forbidden Fist seems to still have a few bugs and kinks. A non-cursed first application of FF gets you a curse of the duration of 10secs*(1+1-resolvebonus). This must be a bug. The damage inflicted on both target (+25%) and the curse indicates that it stacks two times. For a new character thats about 18-20 seconds without wound generation or self-healing. This leads to wound starvation and a monk mostly doing basic attacks. When using FF and Clarity of Agony (I suspect interaction is the culprit), you might wind up with a curse in the negative duration (screenshot attached). This is clearly a bug as it does not expire. Edit: The second circle is to show that the cost of casting FF also goes up. If you have (or gain) no further wounds, you will not be able to reapply FF for the rest of combat.
  23. I like Clarity at these lower levels I'm currently on. The raw damage is pretty annoying and with Clarity you have a net gain of healing. And I get to enfeeble more. Also, good penetration. The policy might change at higher levels. If the subclass only 'works' as a multiclass, then that is bad design. In my book, you must also be able to use the subclass as a single class. We'll see. I expect more changes after new year.
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