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Everything posted by Frak

  1. Wizard, druid and chanter most likely. I tend to use Aloth (first run), but running with a specialized designed debuffing chanter could be interesting. Either Bellower (for the increased power) or a troubadour.
  2. "And here we have one of the robes. Now, we have also designed a colouring mechanic for clothing ..." *Rest of stream goes into where you can find matching clothes, dyes and weapons*
  3. Beeholder, a holder of bees, a bekeeper. *Taps head knowingly*
  4. Nope! It's not extra phrases that grants bonus to PL. It's the already stored phrases that grants the bonus. If you cast a PL 5 invocation (with 7 phrases stored) you get a 'based on 7 PL bonus' of some kind.
  5. Well, they can't satisfy every player. 1) Either they make all (side and critical) quest mandatory for reaching level 20. That will annoy those that hate doing side quests. Also, you only get like ... 10 minutes playtime with top tier abilites before game ends. 2) DLC's raise the cap. But then you get the problem that some critical endgame may become trivial if you are overleveled. or 3) Current situation. If you do a lot/all quests you end up capped early. And as you point out, some players desire continuous progression. If find the current situation best of those scenarios. It's not perfect, but perfect is impossible.
  6. Logically they should disable Cowardice when near. The fact that "Roguish Charm" is a melee range ability supports this design.
  7. Can we have a screenshot of a char with multiple curses? I'm still a bit confused how it 'adds' them. Do you get a stacked indicator (like phrases, wounds, focus) or what?
  8. Sounds like a fighter on LSD. "Woooh. Everything is moving in slow-motion. I can see the threads of the universe and every living being is connected. I parry your blade with ease as it moves like a sloth through grass. ..... THE SPIDERS! THE PURPLE RATSPIDERS ARE CRAWLING UP MY LEGS! ARGHHHH!"
  9. Forbidden Fist: Do multiple curses stack regarding wounds and heals on expiration? Example, do 3 active curses grant you 3 wounds and 24 hp at level 5 when they expire? Do a new curse prolong an existing curse? What happens when you use Forbidden Fist a second time with existing curse?
  10. No, is clearly a disadvantage. As intended. You lose Persistant Distraction, for one. Well Boeroer is making it sound like a non issue...who do I believe?! Both of us. It's pretty much non-issue if you are ranged. And as melee you can probably work around it by charming a foe nearby, thereby gaining flanked status on the enemy in melee. It's a penalty. A minor setback. Not the end of the world ;-)
  11. Merde. I promised a bad joke. Better make one up. Hmmmm. A wizard, an amazon, a dwarf and a goblin enters a bar. Behind the counter an oliphant is tending. What can I get you?", the oliphant asks "Rhum", the wizard says. "with lemons and sugar", the amazon adds. Both the goblin and the dwarf remain silent, dredging salt water from their clothes. Noticing all four are drenched to the bone the oliphant asks, "What happended to you?" "Have you heard of the *cough* Battle of the *cough* Burning Bay?" the goblin asks "No!" "Well, we just came from there 30 minutes ago. Great battle. Only survivors, we are!", the dward chimes in. "It was horrible" the wizard croaks between fits of coughing. "Oil on the waters, burning waves, ships locked in mortal combat. Friend killing enemy, that kind of stuff. Ships sinking by the minute.", the amazon listlessly recalls. "I saw sharks on rafts! Four of them. And swallows of doom.", the goblin chimes in. The dwarf hits the goblin on the head. "Don't mind him, he's got a concussion! There were no swallows. Dunno about the sharks. Plenty of rafts!" "I knew we would survive when I heard the others approach!", the wizard excaims. "How so?", the oliphant inquires "You see it only takes 4 people, correction humanoids, to build and stabilize a raft. And I knew we four couldn't sink!", tapping his forehead knowingly. Why not?" "Cause we have tonsilitis!" [Edit, this works in danish, less so in english. Incorporate swallows and swallowing if you can. I couldn't!]
  12. Still dying for info on tactician. If someone can give lowdown on "Brilliant Tactician" and "Tactical Dilemma" abilities I will reward with semi-homemade potentially bad joke.
  13. Best? Best?! How can you say that when you can't even kill a werewolf in it with your skills. You have to use the really big doors to do it. Totally bogus. Bad design. Sad! Dude! It was the best! You could have an argument with a STOP-sign! And lose!
  14. You are confusing the thug/guide in Delvers Row with the thugs that guard the Narrows. You need to find and talk to Dereo in the Narrows first.
  15. No, is clearly a disadvantage. As intended. You lose Persistant Distraction, for one.
  16. Oh brother. Iron Fist never had this issue. You preverts! You have had forbidden dancing. I'm pretty sure it's the waltz, but even dancing can be forbidden. The Prohibition was all about forbidden drinking. Duelling was once forbidden swording between french sworders. So of course you can have forbidden fisting! You try to retain the Purity of Essence on the internet, and what do you get? Deviated preverts! *shakes head*
  17. Someone get me the 'deets' on the tactician fighter and psion cipher, please. Then I can be a happy camper. Ok, the furyshaped Barbra Ann also sounds interesting, but I assume it's avatars, like the ghost ranger.
  18. The monk look very interesting. So we have a special attack that adds a debuff to targets and curses the the monk. Extra attacks cost more wounds, does more damage to target as long as the curse persist (does curse stack and/or refresh, or prolong?). The curse also does damage to monk. Wound and health is generated when hostile effects expire. I assume the curse is considered one of those. So you do your special attack, get cursed, special attack a few more times if you have wounds and the health, then have curse expire to generate health and wounds. Cool balancing act between not having to many hostile effects and doing the forbidden fisting. With that affliction-halving monk ability (forgot name), this could make for some interesting play. *Deletes all old saves and prepares to reroll* Edit: I like the rogue for RP. A charmer. A seducer. That has to stay close to allies on order not to get a debuff and hits gets downgraded to grazes when not afflicted. Gotta look pretty and healthy. So you charm, fight near the charmed ally, then stab them in the back when the charm is wearing off. They should have called the subclass "the politician".
  19. It's gonna be kinda hard because some of the named abilities are unclear. "Forbidden Fist" from the new monk-subclass. What is that about? "Rougish Charm" does what? NO JOKE FOR YOU OBSIDAISY, UNTIL CLARIFICATION!
  20. Significant? Probably not. I like bringing Tekehu to the Gullet because it adds to his characters development, Serafen to Deadlight et cetera, but I wouldn't call it significant.
  21. Like a RPG with Dance Dance Revolution segments? (Ohhh, new chanter mechanic for POE3, right there! Go with it, Obsidaisy!)
  22. Serafen is totally high on Murkberries. It explains everything.
  23. Yar! Being a piratical is wonderful. The game has one or two flaws (Pallegina and vailians, those ... annoying things), but otherwise is a wonderful game. Almost as good as Dragon Age Origins, which they also paid homage to by including blood magic. I totally agree with the rest of your post. I just wish I knew what it said.
  24. They are for later playthroughs. Simply quality-of-life improvements. Nothing more.
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