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Everything posted by kilay

  1. Which version do you use (GOG or Steam)?
  2. you can try with process lasso (i'm trying right now) https://bitsum.com/ EDIT Nope, that doesn't change nothing, cutted half the cores but without the hack it's almost useless.
  3. to bring the game to a fresh state try to do what is explained in that post ,the game should recreate a new profiles about you (don't worry you will not loose your savegames , you will loose just your custom setting) and hopefully solve your issue
  4. just to point out that this tool hack only the steam_API.dll , so works only on steam version. For GOG version we need a hack about Galaxy64.dll , i've already tried to change the strings in custom_dxgi.dll but without lucky (different APP ID and hack probably)
  5. in my case on this issue is always present affter any game restart
  6. tried with the same party and it doesn't happen, so i'm out of ideas , who was the wielders (i've tried with Eder and my MC)?
  7. What's about texture management and his maximum cache size? What it do precisely?
  8. Here some prefab references from unity files Items,Characters,VFX https://mega.nz/#!LlhR0RLa!vvtYwkdiVIZNEGAPCD-FLaxV4oU1vqrsAphS0cLn4ic Projectiles https://mega.nz/#!vgpFWQgK!podjqxm8yH-A4hk-suRBbe6JQxuDjz9HPHA9StNBt4U Hope that it may be useful for all. If that isn't legit, remove it.
  9. can only go better Tested it's 'real' and works
  10. If you are using mods, try to temporarly remove them from override folder, check if the issue remain, if it's solved add one mod at time until you found the responsable. If you aren't using mods i don't know what could be happened
  11. tried right know and for me it works like before (same build
  12. Patch 1.2.0028 i haven't your issue have you tried to fix the item adding a new one with the console?
  13. edit your original post title (using full editor) and add [Please Moderators Move this thread to .... ] or simple PM a moderator asking that.
  14. Updated Paladin Tweaks Check Mod Page for further details
  15. PotD Enemies Down https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103616-mod-suggestion-veteran-difficulty-with-all-potd-enemies/
  16. If you check here i have also reduced that https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/149
  17. just to point out a little bug encountered using your mod , in character creation sometime after you click the preview ability tree of Rymgard Priest all the other priests result to have the subclass bonus spell of Priest of Rymgard or whatever that happens in other priest subclasses modded (Hylea and Abydon). So probably your Rymgard mod and the ones about priests maded by @NocturnalTrance have some compatibility issue. I've tried to rearrange them in different order but wihout a good result Btw it's just a graphical glitch , the abilities are assigned in the right way, but for a player that have to level a character could be a little confusing If you need i can upload a video. I think you can fix it structuring your mod in the same way of NocturnalTrance
  18. There is also a Mod that bring back to the 1.1 figurines mechanics (no charges) https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/137
  19. In italian localization in 1.2 there are two strings of different language (one french and one spanish) in gui.stringtable this is a spanish string <Entry> <ID>1536</ID> <DefaultText>en cono de {0}°</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> and should be <Entry> <ID>1536</ID> <DefaultText>in un cono di {0}°</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> while this is a french string <Entry> <ID>4782</ID> <DefaultText>IA : attaque auto uniquement</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> and should be <Entry> <ID>4782</ID> <DefaultText>IA: Solo Attacco Automatico</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry>
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