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Everything posted by kilay

  1. This was the request of the original post and the name of the mod is Multiclass Level Cap Unlocked
  2. Oops! I know nothing at all about GUIDs, so I just used the generator that Kilay linked for me. I'll try using the generator that Peardox uses. No, tt1 has asnwered to your fisrt quesion about "ID": "kex0e7a2-ec4f-4d5f-a436-53e26ed3e075" Your mod btw doesn't work cuz you used this command GiveItem 7af150f7-e979-43f1-9df1-3b58c90478b7 Instead use Giveitem Blunderbuss_U_BadAss
  3. yes, they can use modals and you require the specific weapon proficiency to unlock the specific modal of the soulbound weapon.
  4. Nope use that to create new GUID (use 4 UUID , the one in the middle of the page)
  5. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/175 About the UI error (outdated version) when the 2.0 will be released i will update the mod on nexus to show the proper version in the meanwhile if you are using the beta you can replace the manifest.json in the mod's folder with this one https://mega.nz/#!n4RCGYTC!CP3X3k_1a0m38n28E26IbSYjkIjU_G8LimHdRQt47rk
  6. Continue and loading spinning wheels usually are issue in stringtable not in gamedatabundle
  7. https://mega.nz/#!P9w2yCAR!ZqLGDBo7WmcYx8Aynrehy2nPjQQ9pMMdPfrO31_ar5M
  8. I'm agree with the purpose of the post so +1 Just note that with a mod we can already use the hidden classes and those are available with no issues , but for sure if the OBS would add them officially to the game they will be able to add much more than modders
  9. This mod is a little outdated, that's the point. Not sure, but maybe you can try to remove it temporarily just to check if the bug goes away.. Nature's bounty is also a Druid ability (Lifegiver) i don't know why is showed on you character sheet, i've checked the gamedatabundle of the default game and all seem fine about it.
  10. The most of the mods will need a fix before properly work on 2.0, likely also the ones about level cap and difficulties. So or you wait 2.0 or you stay on 1.2.2 and don't update until you finish your playtrough. Also bring in mind that the most of the changes that a patch does aren't retroactive so likely you will need to restart a new run to see all the new features
  11. About your bundle, you should try something of differrent. Change an ability that is already in game is not a good idea, it's better make a new one (like i did on the previous figurine). If not you risk some issue with chanter class (or to any mechanic related to the ability that you modded). EDIT: btw in your bundle probably the issue is with this keyword "e57043d7-547f-452e-a678-0e2e48f886f2" try to remove also it (it's "Chanter_NonOffensive") EDIT2: No i'm wrong, apologies. if you are trying it on a chanter you have to not remove the keywords, neither the previous i mentioned , so just change UsageType and UsageValue and ofc don't test it on a beckoner cuz you haven't modded his specific ability
  12. different approach https://mega.nz/#!Lo4HkLzZ!WprBYY-BWvv8L0oDdqP2mzBLIR74ZucLyGApJX_z-Us
  13. could you post your whole modded gamedatabundle or upload it somewhere?
  14. Not sure if it really has been the best choice, maybe move it in the upper part of UI could be better (center or right)
  15. Thnks for this. I will try it for sure. could i ask more info about that On the flip side, things like hangovers and drug crashes that give you skill penalties will actually give you bonuses, so be sure to keep those cleared for the intended difficulty. Why this happens?
  16. i don't have any issue with Nature's Bounty and Deleterious Alacrity of Motion EDIT: Btw to check Action Speed you have to check the attack time of a weapon or the recovery time of an ability/item
  17. change "UsageValue": 3, "AbilityClass": "Chanter", to "UsageValue": 0, "AbilityClass": "None", while about "UsageType": "ClassAccruedResource" try to change to "UsageType": "None" or if that doesn't work try "UsageType": "PerEncounter" and in "UsageValue": put a value of your linking
  18. Thnks, fixed the screen. Btw this is relative to the most item's status effects , about Modwyr try to check Emotional status effect, it isn't showed in tooltips (neither on the bottom left pressing shift) EDIT : and the same happens with Matakau Penetration bonus that isn't showed on the bottom left pressing shift
  19. check this https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/146
  20. For Arcane Dampener clashes with drugs crashes try with this (put in override folder) https://mega.nz/#!ul5hgTCY!zm6TzctOVVTd_n6_UJ-wctwQw53-BAgLTx6vRHGSCpQ using that arcane dampener will remove 'any' drug's effect , positive or negative , so drug crashes trigger and will be removed at the same time. The only counterpart happen on characters that already suffer a drug crash . Also their penalty will be removed in the same way.
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