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Everything posted by kilay

  1. Released a new mod that unlock hidden godlike subraces in character creation Also remember to tick 'Show adult content' in your profile references on Nexus ,cuz the mod contains nudity and without this setting you aren't able to see it on nexus. Hidden Godlike Subraces Unlocker
  2. best way is ask here https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/2?tab=posts
  3. Understood , maybe you can just change the Haymaker ability w/o touch the PT , adding new status effects with conditionals scripts Boolean HasAbility(Guid, Guid) like A character doesn't own B ability (weapon proficiency) give it C status effect (e.g. malus on penetration/accuracy/damage with D attacks)
  4. Updated Mod Request List (check also the note of the single request, sometime there are additional mods linked) https://poe.peardox.com/modlist
  5. I had a similar issue with Adra Mill in 1.2 (or 1.0.2 not remember well) and this has been solved by OBS in another patch. so try to send your save directly to OBS support could be a good idea , so they can figure out the bug. Important Files: If the files are too large to attach separately, compile them all in a .zip and make a link to Dropbox with the .zip or email us at support@obsidian.net along with your user name and a link to your post so we can quickly find the post. Attach files that will help the dev team figure out and resolve the issue. from here https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97377-how-to-report-a-bug/
  6. check also OP , cuz they also required atlases not only a raw png
  7. try that as last chance (BEFORE MAKE A BACKUP) https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99886-loss-of-saves/?p=2031521 After that switch language to english , removing as well any mods , exit to desktop and restart , then start a new run and make a quicksave ,exit to desktop and restart the game again , load your quicksave then from this loaded save try to load again your buggy save. sometimes it worked
  8. Unarmed Haymaker is the example to use here, but it's located in PT_Racial. Not really sure I want to mod that. Is anyone modding this PT, or know someone who has? you can always replace them with another ability that doesn't need this PT . (i'm just talking w/o have seen the bundle so i can also be wrong) Only time i've tried to mod PT_Racial (trying to add a new race) my game was stuck , but on that i'm pretty sure to have wrong something in my bundle (maybe an hardcoded value)
  9. and what's about BindDefaultDebugKeys.txt ? i have added a empty version of it in \PillarsOfEternityII_Data\data\batchfiles\ to avoid the annoying red message about missing file when you try to open the console . It seems me a batch file but it's a mistery for me how compile it and what it is supposed to do.. only hints that i've found are here so i will bet on macros Thnks
  10. Devoted atm is the only subclass where weapon proficiencies matter i think that just starting to set some malus to all weapons used w/o proficiency could be a good first step.
  11. there is a mod request thread https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104758-mod-requests/ ask here if you need some particular balance.. of course explain your idea dont' fill the request with something like that: 'I want a more balanced POTD' but be more specific Instead about AI there is already a mod released on nexus that have custom ai conditions , i think that also something about enemy AI could be doable. The maker atm is in holiday so i'll wait that he come back cuz he know this system better than anyone else https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/88
  12. Cuz newbie modders doesn't know that, and btw it's time consuming. Any kind of stuff that can save time for me is useful.
  13. issue is related to missing mods or clashes between them (cuz user have a really weird list of mods) Also another issue is about one of my items that is cursed in this save , so the character can't remove the item and the game prevents to load this save without my mods. The only way to load it properly is know the modconfig.json of the user, but this a even more difficult folder to catch (hidden) for a common user.
  14. please post it here, it's an old bug so if is still in the beta should be also in current build. Here could be forgotten
  15. Stop make foolish considerations (it's not the first time you try to do that) , if you don't like the balance explain it in another way. This is not a bug, it's just a subjective feeling. i don't like your reply, just to be clear. And i don't think this will never be a constructive thread.
  16. yes.. i've tried to load your save and i can't left neketaka via sea, you're right . even trying : to change ship/crew/rest/exit-renter in city/ quick save -quick load doesn't solve the issue. So send your save to technical support could be a good idea Important Files: If the files are too large to attach separately, compile them all in a .zip and make a link to Dropbox with the .zip or email us at support@obsidian.net along with your user name and a link to your post so we can quickly find the post. Attach files that will help the dev team figure out and resolve the issue. from this post https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97377-how-to-report-a-bug/
  17. This is something that could happen loading a save without have the proper mods loaded . also this could potentially broke any savegame. i just imagine what could happen if you are forced to remove a mod cuz the maker doesn't update it anymore and that doesn't works in future patches How you can see name missing and also character models if you wanna test (it's a really cheated save from a user) https://www.dropbox.com/s/c30ol0m01hpg8gl/Osiris946984f9-dd01-4fb1-9a2f-9abaca406385%20%28LAX-2ABCDE%29%20trialofiron.savegame?dl=0
  18. check here https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/100913-ive-finally-found-a-way-to-stabilize-framerate-and-stutter/ and also there https://steamcommunity.com/app/560130/discussions/0/2572002906843374108/
  19. Indeed, he said somewhat cryptically... I'm italian but just the word 'Work - around' explains itself meaning 'Here' is not properly 'around'
  20. this bug has been around since release, and if they wanted to nerf the dmg they'd do that, not make the elemental fists not be given to the summons theres a band aid fix on the nexus, but it makes the "clones" look like naked bald humans with their junk out Not anymore Apologies for the mistake , but a lot of characters are naked by default so in my bug-fixes wasn't intended this behavior.
  21. next time just don't explain the workaround here ..
  22. Try this https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/100913-ive-finally-found-a-way-to-stabilize-framerate-and-stutter/
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