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Everything posted by kilay

  1. Totally agree with @pi2repsion, last chance could be mod them by yourself so you can play as you like.
  2. I was really looking for that to be able to achieve a user request. Thnks
  3. are we able to enchant it if we satisfied any soulbound level request (last state) or do we need to make a sort of replacement like you devs did with Modwyr? So in 2.1.0 are we able to enchant also any soulbounded weapons in each of their soulbound levels?
  4. What's about EnchantCategory of Itemmods ? What are the differences and how should we use them
  5. not sure , but maybe this can help https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104385-steam-save-files-not-loading/
  6. not sure if that can solve my issue but anyway many thnks for the reply @mammasaura I try to explain better in the lootlist there are 4 items (two pistols, a ring and a grenade). in one of my mod version one of the two pistols (The Good) was buggy (i removed a wrong ItemMods) but other items was ok. Those pistols are either soulbound weapons. So some users have obtained both the pistols and applying my fix incorrectly they broken the items of that lootlist . Some users reported that pistols at some soulbound level (probably the one that i changed) start to not do damage , but initially they worked correctly. If in this scenario (fix applied wrong) i try to obtain one of those weapons with console they missing from the data i think that if they wrong to apply 'any' fix this could happen. Imho it's a technical problem for any mods not only a matter of lootlists. Also other modders in our group have experienced some weird issues regarding the refresh button and the proper working of the mods.
  7. agree Pear, but my point of view is that this button is bugged. Just remove it, no one need a fake button that didn't do what is expected. Next step after that will be remove any items from my Nexus account to avoid useless reclaims (cuz the modding system about items doesn't allow any kind mistake atm). I spent about 4 hours to figure this out and explain to users why this happened. I will never do a new item until OBS solve/change that istance.
  8. Bump https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104152-20-arcane-dampener-still-buggy-against-drugs/ here a save with a nalpazca and a summoned wizard via console, the Sorcerer after being attacked will cast Arcane Dampener. just attack him with the Nalpazca (drug already taked) and wait.
  9. Please take a look here https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105048-question-to-devs-caching-issue/
  10. I would add another issue to this system: the Mod Manager 'Refresh' Button. Please remove or fix it, atm can only create troubles It doesn't work as expected and could be a potential Mod/Save Breaker , talking again of my pistols some users have experienced some weird issues so i have tried to make a couple of tests and i discovered that my fix works only if properly added if i launch the game w/o the fix ticked-- save-- Mod Manager-- tick my fix--refresh button and load the savegame --> BUGGED items & lootlist and if the user make a saves on this scenario the items already obtained before the fix will be forever broken in that savegame instead if i launch the game w/o the fix ticked--save--Mod Manager--tick my fix--refresh button--- EXIT-- restart the game and load the savegame --> IT WORKS as expected Here the save and the two mods modules
  11. Bump here a save with a nalpazca and a summoned wizard via console, the Sorcerer after being attacked will cast Arcane Dampener. just attack him with the Nalpazca (drug already taked) and wait.
  12. Apologies for my english, i'm italian How already stated from peardox in First Mod Tutorial the game has a caching issue on the saves so if you have already obtained an item in the game you can't change it via mod, you have to re-obtain it . I encountered this problem with one of my mods (check comments to understand better) where i have missed a status effect. I have tried to change it and knowing the caching issue i made a promotional item for people that have already obtained the object. In this way they could drop/sell the item and use the new one w/o pay again the price. But i have also wrong the fix.. the item GUID was the same, and it has clashed with the GUID that was already in my vendor's lootlist totally disabling it (the whole lootlist). After that i was no able neither to add the items contained in the lootlist with the console. Hence i suppose it disable not just the loolist but also all the contained items. To solve it i have changed item's GUID and debug name (just of the one of the fix) making a new item (a clone). But now people that using the fix are even able to acquire a clone of the item from vendor. To avoid that i should fix also the vendor lootlist removing the item but this bring me in the previous situation and in a sort of loop. Imho this system can just create problems to anyone (modders&users) So please can we have a more tidy way to work? Explain those things to users isn't simple and could just create confusion, could you try to fix in some way this issue? Thnks in advance
  13. i'm able to unlock other hidden subraces without too many troubles (atm just the godlikes but maybe also spirit are doable ) , but even if the subrace itself doesn't give issue about the mechanics there are some drawbacks about the appearance of the characters. - the head will never have specific characteristic of the subrace - the plumage of avian godlikes is available just to female with human corporature - Marine Godlikes fins are available only to male with human corporature - Endings Godlikes male have a a corporature of an asessuate male naled (with any corporature) and don't have the characteristic wounds of the subrace, Female are just like human female naked What do you think should i publish this also with those drawbacks? Can someone be interested? and of course i would also try to add other subraces (with other bonuses)...e.g. drow race is doable and have no appearance drawbacks
  14. or you can try some modded weapons that really fit your build idea https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/162
  15. Also name and icon goes buggy and all other ranger companions icons become blank .. great drawback
  16. what you stated is not correct, duration is again changed from intellect bonus, while AR is not related to any stats. Btw i have already explained to you that this isn't doable cuz is a general mechanic of the game, so the only way might be remove all the bonuses from stats , but that for sure will totally unbalance the most of the mechanics. EDIT and Exposing vulnerabilities is a hostile ability hence the bonus of deflection has not been applied cuz it's a positive bonus for player's characters and not for hostile effect (enemy malus)
  17. No, cuz those effects doesn't have increased duration/healing/damage due a scaling mechanics, those bonuses are flat bonuses receveid from attributes that affect 'any' game mechanics (so any spell/ability)
  18. Just to answer to this request (unsadly we can't find the user that made the request cuz he/she didn't put the nickname in request form) https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/182
  19. Already answered here https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104236-remove-paladin-disposition-mod/?p=2085518
  20. keywords already present in the game are those , you can found them in gui.gamedatabundle https://mega.nz/#!f55BTBAJ!kkPEyppWFnsgOZwOyAnVruWTC1f9ad8zIcRTqruGv0k here the great sword keyword { "$type": "Game.GameData.KeywordGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Great Sword", "ID": "3a2f20c5-5d12-4f5f-bb0d-856cc7a55d86", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.KeywordComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "GuiDisplayString": 2966, "AbilitiesDisplayString": -1, "Description": -1, "OverridePluralEffect": -1, "Icon": "", "TintableIcon": "" } ] }
  21. Unsadly the modder is a serial drunk Is it not doable? Cheers Yes, it's doable. Tomorrow i'll try
  22. Unsadly the modder is a serial drunk
  23. I know that the original request was about models but in part is solved just the face is not usable while the body match the race
  24. Work in progress I have put different head atm i'm using human meadow heads and with another mod i can change colors of the skins to my liking. How stated by Boeroer they are headless (this could be a good point for another mod ) but in appearance editor i'm able to switch to any head i need (i can also add all of them), i have to make more test and try if Pallegina and other character's heads work Btw racial abilities are properly added and the project is absolutely doable
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