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Everything posted by kilay

  1. instead of spam in every single thread you opened , why not put your countless reports in just a single one? So next time that you have to bump it you may just post in one? Sorry but read this subforum with all the threads you opened is really confusing and annoying. It's a forum not a chat or a repository. Thnks
  2. i can confirm that the description lies according to the gamedatabundle and it isn't the only one.
  3. Hope that someone involved in the discussion like it https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103492-kilays-mods/?p=2073746
  4. But a nerf isn't the right way, the release design should be the definitive one at least in terms of general gameplay. Nerfing the whole thing after is just frustrating
  5. Heavy changes to Paladin Tweaks 1.3 Extract in override folder and enable it via Mod Manager inside the game (create this folder in Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data if you haven't it The EUAI version is maded to be compatible with this mod (just put Paladin Tweaks below Enhanced User Interface in Mod Manager order) https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/32 Use only one of the Paladin Tweak versions 1.3 Tweaked Faith&Convinction and Deep Faith. Now Disposition have more weight in game. Added Fres Mas Canc dispositions to the main mod (Paladin Tweaks) Assign those dispositions to Frermas Mes Canc Suolias Order (in Vanilla game this order hadn't any kind of dispositions) Positive: Rational, Diplomatic Negative: Aggressive, Clever. Hopefully also fixed wrong displayed value of Armored Grace ability (the correct one is 10%) and fixed the string (eng & ita) (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98679-mechanics-attack-speed-recovery-time-reload-time/ for further details) new Defenses Bonus ranges are from 1 to 9 w/o deep faith (4 with default/starting dispositions) from 5 to 15 with deep faith (9 with default/starting dispositions) In Vanilla was from 8 to 10 w/o deep faith (8.9 with default/starting dispositions) from 10.6 to 15 with deep faith (12.3 with default/starting dispositions) Importantly, like every other penalty in Deadfire, penalties go through an inversion and are treated as a "rate" multiplier, so each individual disfavored disposition will actually outweigh an equivalent-strength favored disposition check here for further details https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103595-mechanics-priestpaladin-disposition-aka-does-obsidian-even-understand-their-own-math/ Put Below All Classes Unlocked in Mod Manager if you use it
  6. totally agree, people are able to use their mind, there is no need to have that kind of general nerf .
  7. What I think was confusing me was the difference between *companion* and *hireling* dispositions. Even if it's a technical difference only because Pallegina *is* using your personal dispositions, it's just that none of them are coded as relevant for her. Net result, *companions* get the default bonus (I presume it's also +.9 for Xoti?) whereas hirelings (who would have coded dispositions like the PC) would use the PC's dispositions? Xoti isn't a paladin so she can't use Paladin abilities, Priest have a different system (already explained in OP)
  8. ok after some test i think to have found a more balanced defense bonus range that fit with OBS words With a Flat Base Value of 2 and a Multipler set to 8.8 you have a good range with different order. I have yet to see the max value that a paladin can reach , maybe @thelee , you could help me to calculate it ? In few word which is the max disposition rank? Different Paladin orders in the next video with different bonus EDIT Forgot Deep Faith i have also to tweak it
  9. What's the effect of the DurationOverride, then? Does it take precedence, or something? According to the documentations DurationOverride Override for how long (in seconds) all Status Effects associated with the Ability component will last. Single 0 so should be the overall duration of all the applied effects which have again a different individual duration with minor or equal value
  10. So she gets +.9 from "no disposition" ? What's the .5 come from in your mod? Base value is flat 8. that's because the system haven't much sense. Basically with no bonus/malus due dispostions you start from a base of 0.9 (due the multiplicator) so it's Disposition Rank * (0.9) >>> 1 * (0.9) = 0.9 the first value (disposition rank) could float due dispositions change (of course on vanilla pallegina doesn't float cuz she has no dispositions, so she has a base value of 1 and this never change in vanilla) Btw that 0.9 (checked in statuseffect.gamedatabundle) is wrong , should be 2.25 according to the description and this system doesn't provide any kind of malus (just a reduced bonus). "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "StatusEffectType": "AllDefense", "OverrideDescriptionString": -1, "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 8, "DynamicValue": { "Stat": "PaladinOrder", "SkillDataID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ClassID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MultiplyBy": 0.9, "Operator": "Add" So i think the flat base value should be cutted down to something like 1 or 2 and the bonus per rank disposition should be heavily increased so dispositions have more weight in the system
  11. I think by "companions" he means Pallegina and Xoti specifically. They do get a modifier to the base values from *somewhere* -- I've got a screenshot of Pallegina getting +8.9 deflection from Faith and Conviction, and the base value for F&C is +8 flat, so that .9 comes from somewhere, and the above code indicates it's not from dispositions. There appears to be a difference between story companions and hirelings in this regard. the 0.9 is from all the dipositions of Pallegina order (no dispositions) , if you change that (like i did) also the bonus change (8.5 in the screen)
  12. About the duration it's related to the status effects inducted from the ability so you have to change also all their durations .
  13. Many thnks for explanation , just a question. What do the "ExtraValue": -0.25 in the status effect of armored grace (gamedatabundle) ? is it just the wrong value reported in the gui? And is it not required for any other maths process? In this case can i change it to -0.1 to fix the wrong displayed value in game ? Thnks in advance
  14. your're right, according with the Wiki i think Frermàs mes Canc Suolias dispositions should be Positive : Diplomatic - Stoic (or maybe Diplomatic - Rational) Negative : Aggressive - Clever (or maybe Aggressive - Cruel)
  15. 30 dmg treshold base value (24 on Lesser Wounds) in Seriously? That's insane. You're killing me, Obsidian. You're killing me. Unsadly yes ( but was the same also in 1.2.0017 That's from the gamedatabundle, check "WoundThreshold" atm it's garbage.
  16. 30 dmg treshold base value (24 on Lesser Wounds) in
  17. Thnks, i will take it in count Btw glad you solved
  18. Steam have you tried to repair your game files in steam? Of course, all files validated. Btw, I've just started following the instruction on the other post you linked but I can't find my LocalLow folder. I've revealed all hidden files in control panel. i have it in C:\Users\my user name\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment take note that 'Users' is translated in your OS language
  19. Steam have you tried to repair your game files in steam?
  20. In in statuseffect.stringtable in any localization except english all the entries from 587 to 609 are empty , so haven't been translated from english. EDIT same story in abilities.stringtable with entries from 4771 to 4839 (next one i guess will be the GUI.stringtable)
  21. and maybe also the same fix for the GOG users and a compatible NVdia Driver
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