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Everything posted by kilay

  1. Upload on dropbox, zippyshare, Mega or where you prefer and post the link
  2. Minolea è discutibile ma non è un vero e proprio errore, l'hanno cambiata a causa del suono che ha in italiano, ci sono parecchi altri nomi modificati in questo modo (mi sembra di ricordare uno degli ordini di paladini ad esempio). Personalmente non sono d'accordo con le modifiche che ho visto, non mi sembrano assolutamente necessarie e terrei i nomi originali, ma bisogna tenere a mente che quando si traduce può essere una possibilità se in italiano quella parola suona decisamente male (vedere Leia->Leila in SW, la seconda suona molto meglio nella nostra lingua). Su quali modifiche non sei d'accordo ? Intendi Minoletta e Maura? Preferivi Minolea e Mayra?
  3. Il problema lì non sta nelle stringhe ma in come hanno impostato il codice.. Sono al femminile se tu hai un personaggio al femminile, mentre diventano tutti al maschile se hai un personaggio maschile. in inglese non ti cambia nulla perchè è tutto neutro. Adesso lo segnalo sul bug forum https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102928-wrong-class-gender-on-companions-follow-the-mc-sex-in-localization/?p=2063108
  4. that is what happened (i found it by chance) on my figurine if i just change "SummonCopyOfSelf": "false" to "SummonCopyOfSelf": "true" in the Ability_AttackSummon
  5. use "SummonCopyOfSelf": "true" on the shadow summon attack
  6. As the title sometime on the MC and sometimes on the whole party Check the video btw shaking the sheet or remove and re-wear all the equipment sometimes solve the issue This bug happens often after a transition between different locations (1.1.0035) Update After seems fixed on the most of my characters ,but Pallegina is totally uncheckable about attributes
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  7. Bump After 1.1.1 seems fixed on the most of my characters ,but Pallegina is totally uncheckable about attributes
  8. Don't consider the Religion required skills of the previous screen (now i've replaced that screen) it's just another mod that i'm using but without it all is fine
  9. quick fix, extract in override folder https://mega.nz/#!jgo0VC5A!eBbyk9VHkC0Uhvv8ejGZ8x1x2MmgF943cxYZXIgDdGw
  10. So just a slighty change like this one could clear a little (Upgraded to Charmed on Crit with Confuse attack)
  11. You are missing the point of this thread. Read the description in the screenshot. It basically claims that it "procs confused on crit, unless it's a crit in which it will proc charmed". It makes no sense, that's why I'm asking if it's a bug or a typo. I did not miss the point. This was what the description means/implies 1. Enemies attacks wearer of said shield 2. The shield will trigger a counter on the attacker of the shield wielder as a attack which will cause confusion on the attacker 3. The "confusion" counter attack does not land automatically but is roll against the defence of the attacker (should be Will in this case, but should check the log to be sure) 4. If the confusion counter rolls a hit or graze, the attacker will receive the Confusion status 5. If the confusion counter rolls a crit, the attacker will be charmed Yep ,you're alright but that it's really hard to understand... A lot of status effects haven't a correct sintax and the whole bug forum is filled with plenty of these misunderstanding. So i believe that a better form could help to understand, then the O.P. have a good reason to be here. Cloak of Death is a clear example of that
  12. Nope I made a copy of exported on my local Linux box. I wrote a PHP script to check out the JSON 1,147 files in exported/data skipping exported/design/fogofwar/* as they're some format I can't identify. There are all easily and quickly fixable with notepad++ using search & replace for the SYNTAX ones, for the CTRL ones simply make everything one line in notepad++ and they're fixed. Analysis All files marked JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR have line breaks in the middle of a value exported-1.1.1/design/chatter/chatter.chatterbundle JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Ends in },]} should be }]} exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/ai.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/audio.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/global.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/items.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Multiple cases of [, should be [ exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/progressiontables.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/statuseffects.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Multiple cases of [,, should be [ Thnks for the effort Could you share the fixed files? just to save time
  13. hey man, check your PM, i have translated your mod to italian.
  14. in my old save the issue isn't solved at Luminous Adra Mill (started with 1.02) the others work (all from 1.1.0035 and
  15. mod of conversations scripts P.S. i wanna a dead parrot
  16. I'm wrong.. Captain Radora in the video gets stunned, disappear and doesn't attack anymore after the first hit, so it work, but to activate the effect you have to be hit. After a little Captain Radora going to death so also Raw Damage is applied but nothing about that damage is showed on combat log maybe a slight change to description and add the raw damage applied could clear the doubts. So the first 0 of raw damage should be ok , cuz the raw damage is applied only after that hit (but isn't showed in combat log, Radora just die silently)
  17. But reading better the description, i guess that something doesn't work The enemies should stay stunned and don't attack instead they attack and take damage from the Cloak of Death just when they crit or hits That match with the status character description, so description and status tooltips said two different things
  18. tried right now and seems work as intented.. the only thing that i don't understand is why in combat log is showed ' 0 raw damage' and right clicking on the ability give another value inside the description (in my case 9), maybe this decrease the overall damage?
  19. Never tried Polish localization, but i'm pretty sure that the localization process have some issue inside it, even starting the game in english without switch language, sometime make you able to solve 'map loading error' (using quick-save/continue). try to compare original english gui.stringtable , and ofc customai.stringtable with the Polish ones, focus on brackets {0} {1} etc , maybe you found something not related to that after this issue in my localization my first check after any patch is every time in gui.stringtable about brackets
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