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Everything posted by kilay

  1. No, it is 19 as should be have you watched my video and have you read what i wrote? 1- when i wield an estoc the -10 Devoted is greyed out and there is wrote (Conditional) so that means that isn't applied 2- when i switched to a Great Sword the - 10 voted isn't anymore greyed out and there isn't wrote (Conditional) and that means that the penalty is applied .The same about penetration bonus that is applied only if i wield an estoc . Don't consider too much the overall accuracy value that you see (that are pretty the same ) cuz the switched weapons have different quality and bonus Just try to sum bonus & subtract malus to check
  2. Don't remember where I got it in game. giveitem figurine_jade_tiger Seems to have really nice combat stats too. I did a mod for that https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/110/
  3. i'm usingf this setting in game with the other suggested in the OP and all is smooth and fine
  4. maybe try to send also your save, more saves more chance to solve https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102329-luminous-adra-mill/?do=findComment&comment=2056928
  5. Aggiornamento su Nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/55
  6. Where or How i can found new ID to add entries to Glossary&Cyclopedia? EDIT : Nevermind found it... maybe add it to the first page could be useful for someone who would like to change/add entries https://www.uuidgenerator.net/
  7. I don't know if it is how should work, but i think that isn't to fair.. I don't remember if also in 1.02 was same Why i can't rest without these things?
  8. That affects justs on the main hand , if you set the copy in the off hand the bug doens't appear. Btw is for sure a bug, good finding. Hope they fix it soon
  9. Tried right know and all seems fine, my character is a Devoted to Estoc Weapons , and when i use another kind of weapon the accuracy penalty is applied (check video below), so take note that is related just to the type of weapon (Great-Sword, Estoc,Sword,Sabre,Dagger,Rapier, etc) not to the kind of wielding (1H,2H,Ranged, DW, etc) and there isn't a bonus of accuracy but a bonus to Crit damage and penetration
  10. Many many many Thnks, your setting really improved my performance with 1.1. I'm using A GTX 960M
  11. Yes, this game is really expensive in terms of CPU, btw usually i run the game the first time after a reboot , i load a save and then i exit to the game and re-run it, loading time are almost halved, about frame drop i also experiencing some issue with spells. I hope in a better optimization. atm i've set CPU priority to High/Real Time and disabled a core (Core 0) in CPU affinity , i don't know if is a placebo effect but seems a litlle smooth... you can use Process Lasso to do that permanently https://bitsum.com/ and check also this post about graphical settings https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/100913-ive-finally-found-a-way-to-stabilize-framerate-and-stutter/
  12. si effettivamenti tanti ......ing o f..k sono stati trasformati in 'dannato', 'stupido' o con esclamazioni molto lievi rispetto al tono originale, cmq è soprattutto serafen che parla sboccatamente, comq appena ho un po' di tempo vedo di dare una sistemata anche a quello
  13. and you can also hide the mantle or your pet in the same way
  14. Volevo anche cambiare Espediente che non centra nulla con Sleight of Hand e può fare confusione con Inganno , però non so cosa mettere pensavo: Mano/i Vellutata/e Mano/i di Velluto Mano Lesta Rapidità di Mano Borseggio Borseggio comunque non sarebbe propriamente giusto ma rende comunque l'idea. Avete suggerimenti?
  15. I wanna try to fix or redo this mod to have the proper icons (using this mod even other ranger companions icons are missing), Anyone have some advice about the process that i should to follow (ofc if there is a way) ? or also just change straight the models of the lyon companion but idk where i should look for it . Thnks in advance
  16. sure , right on the door https://mega.nz/#!HxAkXToQ!IbG9s_d_b-PuZPMfldGPsaSLW4U0MXUlLp7UDoiWXg0 this is a save started with 1.02
  17. Ho corretto altre cose di poco conto, cercate il link Mega nei 'mirror' perchè purtroppo Nexus si inchiodato nello scan dei files e non me li fa uploadare (e per quello che sono arrivato alla 2.7)
  18. I really hope at least in a hotfix before July, atm with Luminous Adra Mill Bug i'm a little stuck Is it a bug in the main quest? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102329-luminous-adra-mill/?hl=%2Badra+%2Bmill https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/101746-crash-at-luminous-adra-mill/?hl=%2Badra+%2Bmill https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/101839-map-loading-error-cannot-enter-into-luminous-adra-mill/?hl=%2Badra+%2Bmill
  19. I really hope at least in a hotfix before July, atm with Luminous Adra Mill Bug i'm a little stuck
  20. gui.stringtable italian localization <Entry> <ID>2954</ID> <DefaultText>Tempio di Guan</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> should be <Entry> <ID>2954</ID> <DefaultText>Tempio di Gaun</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry>
  21. Thnks, i've done right now with abilities and status effect... a little nightmare Really a lot of incorrections like abilities that do other things or wrong status effect, damage applied and so on. in afflictions.stringtable there are two mistakes that scramble a lot of effect (maybe also apllied in a wrong way inside the game) <Entry> <ID>6</ID> <DefaultText>Resolve</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> <Entry> <ID>7</ID> <DefaultText>Dexterity</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> translated to <Entry> <ID>6</ID> <DefaultText>Spaventato</DefaultText> <FemaleText>Spaventata</FemaleText> </Entry> <Entry> <ID>7</ID> <DefaultText>Azzoppato</DefaultText> <FemaleText>Azzoppata</FemaleText> </Entry> that's totally wrong cuz 'Spaventato' is 'Frightened' and 'Azzoppato' is 'Hobbled' instead should be <Entry> <ID>6</ID> <DefaultText>Risolutezza</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> <Entry> <ID>7</ID> <DefaultText>Destrezza</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry>
  22. FIX 2.2 patch 1.1.0035 Controllato e corretto tutte le abilità e gli effetti di stato (correggendo praticamente tutte le sintassi) Sostituito 'Preda segnata' con 'Preda Marchiata' e 'segno' con 'Marchio' Sostituito Infezione con Malattia Modificati i nomi ad alcune abilità con nomi ridicoli (ma ce ne saranno ancora di sicuro) Altre piccole modifiche e correzioni
  23. Another great issue in afflictions.stringtable <Entry> <ID>6</ID> <DefaultText>Resolve</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> <Entry> <ID>7</ID> <DefaultText>Dexterity</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> translated to <Entry> <ID>6</ID> <DefaultText>Spaventato</DefaultText> <FemaleText>Spaventata</FemaleText> </Entry> <Entry> <ID>7</ID> <DefaultText>Azzoppato</DefaultText> <FemaleText>Azzoppata</FemaleText> </Entry> That is totally wrong cuz Spaventato is Frightned and Azzoppato is Hobbled intead should be <Entry> <ID>6</ID> <DefaultText>Risoluzione</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> <Entry> <ID>7</ID> <DefaultText>Destrezza</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry>
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