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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hello Morpten, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Ill get this issue logged for our devs to fix for this container. Best regards, -Caleb
  2. Hi Isaac1984, Sorry for the late reply! Would you be able to provide a save game with the issue at hand? Thanks! -Caleb
  3. Hi DDD, I will get this in to be clearer for the achievement. Thanks for the post! Best, -Caleb
  4. Hi CAlmond, Thank you very much for bringing this up! Ill get this added to our system so we can see if we have a VO file for this NPC Best, -Caleb
  5. Hi SableShrike, Thanks for the post! Ill get this issue logged for the devs to look at. best, -Caleb
  6. Hi IndiraLightfoot, Thanks for the post, this bug is currently logged in our database. Best, -Caleb
  7. Hello Hesmah, Ill get this in front of a dev so they can assess if the class combo needs adjustment. Thanks for the post! -Caleb
  8. Hi AttonRand, We have reworked our Reputation screen for patch 1.1. Let us know if you still experience the problem with this latest patch. Thanks! -Caleb
  9. Hi IndiraLightfoot, Thanks for the post, Ill ge this to the devs so they may assess, Best, -Caleb
  10. Hi Starwars, Ill get this logged as a suggestion for the devs for sure, it would be great to have some specified music if possible Best, -Caleb
  11. Hi damagai, Thanks for your post. We have this issue logged and currently being investigated. Best, -Caleb
  12. Hello Lokithecat, Thanks for the post! Ill get this in our system so that we can have a dev look at it and assess the problem. Best Regards, -Caleb
  13. Hello Equip Monk, Thanks for your post! This issue is currently logged and recorded in our system. Regards, -Caleb
  14. Hi Mistahk, The issue is bugged and should already be resolved. Please let me know if this is not the case for you. Best, -Caleb
  15. Hi renoturks, Sorry youre having this issue, it may help to contact support.obsidan.net or steam to look into the matter further. Thank you! -Caleb
  16. Greetings Excerpt, I will get this issue looked into on our end as that is definitely not the intent for traps. Thanks for the post! Best, -Caleb
  17. Hello Mabz, Thanks for the post, we have this issue logged currently for investigation. Best, -Caleb
  18. Hi Frenzer, Thank you for the crash reports! I will get this added to our database, sorry we took so long to address this issue. Best, -Caleb
  19. Hi Lokithecat, Thanks for the post! I believe this is already bugged but I will double check for it. Regards, -Caleb
  20. Hi quadphonics, We are addressing this issue with a partial hair update soon! Apologies for the wait, but thank you for your post! Best, -Caleb
  21. Hi dunehunter, This issue is still being looked into for a resolution, but are you still experiencing the problem after patch 1.1? Thanks! -Caleb
  22. Hello Elarie, Would you kindly provide a save with the issue at hand? Thanks! -Caleb
  23. Hi all, Thank you very much for the input on this post! I will get this added to our database so we can investigate this scene thoroughly. Best, -Caleb
  24. Hi Bronsteijn, Thanks for this post and for your files, Ill get it logged on our end and add it to any necessary issues. Best, -Caleb
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