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Everything posted by daven

  1. Why are people so into pets in games?! Never liked it in WoW, don't like it in PoE. This isn't pokemon god dammit, god dammit!
  2. It's something of a go to argument by some people. The reduction in party size to five was a ploy to make Deadfire into a console game as well apparently. Josh's response is appreciated and if it so happens that he's reading this he should know no ill will was intended towards him. And because most people are thick as 2 short planks.
  3. I have the strong suspicion that it's been massively downgraded.
  4. You genuinely feel this strongly about it? There are millions of people dying of thirst and this is all you care about? The name change of a stat on an unreleased game??!"?$%^?&%
  5. Strength 20 at the begining + Few levels of warrior = problem solved : p NWN1 or NWN2. I know I get it. I'm just saying for most people who played the game for the first time and didn't know what the hell they were doing. Like this... everyone's only just started playing and doesn't know what the hell they are doing. Do I really need to explain this?!!"£$?
  6. Why's everyone complaining? Back in BG and NWN for the first half of the game you missed nearly every attack. It's like the good old days!
  7. I always play a fighter.. ALWAYS! But I still liked it that Mages were really powerful, because they should be. A fighter shouldn't be able to stand toe to toe one on one with a mage. But as part of a group a fighter fills a good purpose. And looks badass in plate armour with a sword and shield.
  8. Shield Slam from WoW. Instead of the pathetic bash shield we have in PoE, make it actually clatter the guy and do some damage.
  9. Sorry guys we're not allowed to say we'd like better animations because these complete strangers over the internet say obsidian are too poor to make them. Let's just always accept what we're given, never question anything or want something better.
  10. Having to equip and use food was such a hassle that I never did it. ONLY had beer on my main guy because... it's beer.
  11. That would be good, when a map has been fully explored or something.
  12. It's just one of them little things which make it feel more like the classics in the right way.
  13. Combat wasn't great in the first game. Even in slow everyone ran about like headless chickens.
  14. Pretty sure people who min max don't care about role playing. This isn't an issue.
  15. Huzzah! Genuinely feeling more excited about the game now. How has my life come to this....?!
  16. I really doubt it. Maybe it will be mentioned in your character sheet but it probably won't affect anything. Allegedly, there was a portrait of this baby Orlan in the game.... I saw a post of that but I'm not sure if they were joking.
  17. I have no interest in PVP or any online in this game. Sorry if that offends you.
  18. Should it though? Dark Souls works but death is part of Dark Souls. Same in XCOM, Darkest Dungeon etc. Problem with IE games is that you don’t really want companions to die. Because they are written companions. They are kinda important. So since KOTOR2 RPGs move away from it because perma death in the kind of RPG is kinda stupid. In BG if your companion was torn to shreds and unfit for resurrection you would reload. You just would. So you were given Health/endurance which made dying possible but easily avoidable. He same is with current health system. Once you add that kind of resource management, tangible risk/reward it becomes different game entirely. A game I still like, but a game where putting lots of resources into creating and writing companions, developing relationship system is just misguided. Yeah you're right.
  19. Resting should only be allowed in certain areas and there should be a finite amount of uses of some kind of 'injury kit' per rest. Basically like Dark souls with bonfires and estus.
  20. Wow, someone on this forum actually put 'git gud'. Yeah obsidian probably shouldn't take any notice of this place.
  21. Maybe if there was some kind of partial injuries, basically make it work identically to the split health of the first game but represented via injuries since apparently so many people couldn't understand it in the first time.
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