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Everything posted by daven

  1. Can't say that I do with what little info we have Good point. I take back what I said now I've contemplated this further. Pretty excited for the game to come out! For the first time in years.
  2. The best talking sword is the Star Dragon Sword from Suikoden! Viktor and the sword were like an old married couple.
  3. Haven't bought a game on Steam in years. GoG Galaxy is much more streamlined and less of a hog.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-9my0tsutw This must play forever whilst on the boat.
  5. How long was it after the release of the base game? I guess a lot of people lost interest and moved onto other things. There's so much new stuff being chucked at our faces all the time.
  6. So is anyone else feeling as cynical that they've just chopped up parts of the game to re sell as DLC? Seems standard practice nowadays.
  7. So you're getting tired of options? There is no problem here, since standard edition is fairly priced. You can buy that, and let the geeks buy expensive editions, if they feel it's worth it. It's just tat added on. Sick of tat not options. TAT!
  8. Either they completely ignored the feedback or they already had this stuff planned before they even made that survey.
  9. I'm getting pretty tired of seeing 3 versions of every game these guys bring out. The tat added onto the more expensive versions is not worth the money at all. But I guess geeks like to have every bit of tat thrown at them.
  10. This topic has completely derailed into pretentious nonsense. Huzzah!
  11. this isn‘t a fencing simulator though where you are only allowed to move few meters forward/backward, fight without ranged weapons, without disabling abilities and without party members to aid you. The scenario you described assumes that the mage stands and waits to be slaughtered; give him protections like in say BG2 and he‘s well protected while not losing action speed and being allowed to move unless disabled. If your mage woudn‘t have that and would be paralyzed together with the other party members, yes, in that highly unlikely scenario i could imagine that someone running towards your mage could be a problem. Also, why would an enemy without abilities and without defense against melee attacks actually enagage you in melee? Wouldn‘t the enemy rather stay back and use ranged weapons? Because anything else would be suicide. And why should an enemy who decides to go in melee against your fighter not be able to move away safely? Who says that while your fighter is making his next swing the enemy wasn‘t dexterious enough to move away without being hit? If the player imagines a role for his combatant like in a hollywood movie or in a fencing simulator and asks the designer for appropriatre systems to fit the role, then he‘s basically asking the designer to kill reactivity during combat and rely on stupid enemy AI. This is where roleplaying kills interesting combat IMO. edit: Last sentence edited. You make some interesting points. I think breaking engagement should probably be a bit more punishing though.
  12. A guy named William Shakesman once said, 'Brevity is the soul of wit'.
  13. Divine DLC for Dead Fire, and PoE3 just somewhere else in the world with new characters.
  14. Is the upgrade/enchantment system exactly the same as the first game? It always bothered me that your characters instantly new how to upgrade weapons and apply lashes and what have you. Would be more interesting to find recipes through quests or whatever.
  15. Better than elves I suppose. I like cliche elves, cliche dwarves, cliche humans, cliche halflings, cliche gnomes, cliche dragons, cliche Obsidian Forum Memebers... Yep I've gotta say I still like the drunken Dwarves from Glasgow. Is it overdone? NAY!
  16. Engagement should be more punishing. If your tank has gone toe to toe with someone and then the other guy decides he wants to attempt to run off and attack someone else. He should get completely clobbered onto his arse.
  17. It's not a matter of not wanting to hear voice overs, the issue is that at a fundamental level of game design you're either writing deep dialogue trees where adding another tree is as easy as typing OR you design such that dialogue is as minimum as possible in order to minimize the amount of voice work needed. The first lets you add in whole sections of dialogue easily at any point, even post release via patching, while the fully voiced model is effectively set in stone at an early time and can't be easily changed. Fully voiced games are attempting to chase the mythical 'casual gamer' that will reward middle of the road mediocrity with untold riches. I'd like PoE and its sequels to remain a high quality niche that can be modestly supported by its current customers. Limiting the expense on voice overs looks to be trying to stay and serve our niche market. I get what you're saying, but Pillars didn't have particularly deep dialogue trees or full VO...
  18. Having characters who are funny in universe is preferable to just throwing jokes in or stupid references to pop culture. WoW has been getting his completely wrong for years now.
  19. Threat in classic WoW is good, but that's because if you were a tank that's your main objective and you're only controlling one guy. I think if you're controlling 5 characters it will require a lot of effort or just be way too much hassle. But then again I do kinda wish they had it in the first game, decking out my guy to be a armoured badass and everyone runs straight past him to slap my mage. ANNOYING!
  20. Yes, Varric and Alistair are quality. And sarcastic Hawke in DA2 is really funny.
  21. That's fair enough, nothing wrong with a bit of enthusiasm. But yeah, can't say I'm worried about what you talked about in the first post but I'm not really excited either. Just sort of keeping an eye on it see how it develops.
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