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Everything posted by daven

  1. Sup dog. Good idea, they had some kind of woman singing in Stalwart so I don't see this completely out of the realm of possibility.
  2. In English is it... A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush!
  3. COULDN'T CARE LESS!!! Anyway, I have 0 interest in rest bonuses. I didn't care in the first game, not going to care here. It just feels like such a game-y sort of thing. Also eating fish wouldn't make you smarter for a few hours or whatever. Just make potions or whatever give bonuses. Food should exist only so people have energy and don't die of starvation. ANYWAY!
  4. FFX combat is pretty decent, Square should have built on that for the subsequent Final Fantasy games but they decided to go with MMO style combat in 12/13... and whatever the hell is in 15. Persona 5 has quite good turn based combat. It's not the most deep or whatever but it's enjoyable to play at least.
  5. Why don't they rename these stats, Might to Power, Intelligence to AOE Radius. Just name them the actual thing they modify. If that's all it is. Then have a separate stat sheet for Roleplaying stats.
  6. That is true there was something about those mechanics even though I wouldn't classify them as "good" or "engaging". I think that while mechanicly they weren't very good, they added to a fantasy of adventuring. I did like that vampires would suck out your "lvls" and the rest mechanic, even though technically pointless, did reinforce the theme of adventuring and danger. I would categorize them in the same shelf and the need of buying and manufacturing ammo in original XCOM. It wasn't an engaging part of the game. Ammo was cheap and easy to buy/manufacture, you just had to do it. While it was a chore gameplay wise, and didn't add any strategic/economic depth it did play into a fantasy of running a military organization. You had make sure those were available or soldiers would be deployed with empty magazines. All of the moders remakes (Firaxis, Xenonauts) streamlined this element, and I while I believe they did the right thing, there is a part of the "simulation" that is missing. Modern cRPGs tend to flat those "not good" mechanics out. I felt PoE had a fine balance, while games like Dragon Age went a bit too far. It is all a matter of taste & preferance. While I would like to see those really unique and dangerous enemies to return, and inventory management and pre-combat preperation to return I think it is possible to do it better than IE games did. Yes, basically this. I was having a hard time explaining what I meant.
  7. Because it requires so much "intelligence" to know to have an antidote, and elixir of health or a scroll of restoration (or their respective assorted divine spells) right?! It's a "tactical" thing right? ... hogwash. It's a chore... i did it cause i didnt have a choice but it doesnt add anything to the game. It was a time sink basically... In tabletop its fine cause its just a roll of the dice... Ironically, you waste more time in the computer game where you need to wait for each casting animation to finish. In PoE you have injuries as a consequence that are permanent debuffs of various sorts (until you rest, if you have camping supplies)... And it's good enough. No need to make more of a hassle of it in my opinion. Certain specific status effects that are hard to get rid of are fine if they make sense story wise and for me should be related to a quest (like when you were poisoned and had to get the 2 components of the antidote in BG1)... But for me, they shouldnt be stuff you have to deal with every second fight... I don't agree it requires any strategy or whatever to carry some antidotes, but I do think something has kind of been lost getting rid of these kind of things, Level drain, poison persisting after battle etc. It just makes the world feel a bit more dangerous, if you don't have the potion or a heal spell. (Is it heal? can't remember). So... not sure overall. Yeah it's cut out some hassle but there is something lost.
  8. Very good, I always liked them NWN ones which blatantly ripped off Robert Deniro and that. Didn't they get taken out of the game in a patch and replaced?
  9. Not everything, just prebuffing. :-D why do we argue knowing all well, that will change nothing? In my case I am curious why OP wants prebuffing. I still don’t really get it. But I know he wants it badly. Yeah I'm not really interested in it either. Pre buffing was really just a hassle in them old games, eating food in Eternity is a hassle. I just don't do it even if it puts me at a disadvantage because it's a hassle.
  10. Who cares, there are millions of people dying of thirst every day and this is all you have to complain about?!
  11. Why is everyone arguing tooth and nail against every single thing this guy is saying? He's just chucking out ideas of things he'd like to see in the game.
  12. Casters don't really use weapons and it doesn't really make much sense for a weapon to affect spells, unless it's a magically enchanted weapon specifically for that purpose. Why would having a bog standard knife make your spells any different?
  13. What's the best example of a journal in a game? Maybe WoW? It's pretty clearly separated and that. and you can hide or unhide whatever you want.
  14. It depends what season pass contains. Usually you simply preorder all the DLC for the game. I rarely get them as they are a bad deal - after all you pay for a content you dont know if you will like for a game you didn't play yet. Usually it gives you all post release content, unless game has a very lengthy support or releases a big meaty expansion (like War of the Chosen for XCOM2). Isn't it possible there will be no DLC at all? Seems a bit dodgy to me.
  15. Yes she/he has been confirmed as a tranny. Eder is also now in a wheelchair and Aloth has downs.
  16. Never purchased a season pass, not entirely sure what it even is. A lot of games seem to advertise it on Steam. All I know is when you get a season ticket for a football team you get to go to every home game for 1 season. Do you only get the DLC released for 1 year after buying the pass?
  17. If you throw all limitations out of the window and just allow anything, you end up with Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. I will not allow that to happen here!!!
  18. 5 Party member cap will be an improvement. I haven't seen any good arguments as to why having 6 is preferential.
  19. Wonder if they'll do something like the Dragon Age Keep for Inquisition. That's probably the best option.
  20. Yes, what the hell? Aloth just tells you his entire life story within moments of meeting. A slight change could have made it much better, he should have invited you in the pub for a drink after saving his arse. Then after having a few beers he divulges his life story and you decide to travel together. But instead you're just stood on the side of a street and within a few seconds he follows you for eternity.
  21. Same. You join up with them whilst working on the same quest but when that's done they leave to carry on with their lives rather than immediately dropping everything to join you. I understand why this wouldn't be popular in this sort of game, but I'd quite like it. Dragon Age 2 did something like that. Your companions were scattered here amd there in the city and, when not adventureing with you, they did their own things, some of them would interfere with the main story, some would be quests for you to help them if you'd wish and other would resolve to a relaxing conversation and asking your oppinion about how to handle or how do you think they handled their personal problem. Ithink it was the only good thing in DA2 Now this (Wormerine's) is a new idea, a very interesting one, imo, but it might be better for a more single-person oriented rpg, were your would not need to plan a party composition in order to play through. I actually think Dragon Age 2 is a good game, sarcastic Hawke is so awesome that it doesn't matter it's all set in about 3 locations. The companion stuff in DA2 is pretty good, just hanging about the pub and trying to get Aveline on a date.
  22. Your poll is biased towards your own agenda. ''another boring human'' Why are humans boring? I hate that stupid non argument 'Why would you play as a human you are one in real life?'.
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