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Everything posted by Big-Ben

  1. I personally sent over a million anonymous emails to Obsidian claiming that if this was allowed the world would end in fire and pain. This is why you cannot wear hats and not because of the shape of your characters head.
  2. Renown would be interesting and so would Beauty. The thing about beauty is that it would be subjective. You might not be able to bypass a troll by showing some leg if you see what I mean. Or maybe you could and the troll has good taste.
  3. I am INCREDIBLY MAD ONLINE that I couldn't have carnal relations with the Eothas statue.
  4. I would hardly accuse Pillars of being vulgar. I mean in a game where people can rend souls apart and call fire down from the heavens is okay but people being horny isn't realistic and is vulgar? No it isn't realistic but if you if you can ignore it what's the issue? You act as if you're being attacked by horny characters like you swatted a beehive. "OH DAMN I'M TOO SEXY."
  5. The human brain (Every single one.) doesn't process probability very well and that's why you get posts like this. Confirmation bias has gotten so bad that anything that even registers as feminist sets off alarm bells. Independent of any ideology your criticism seems to come from whatever you want to be there rather than what is there, at least on the surface. How in any way is powerful women a bad thing like ever? I mean I would think that the more important themes of manipulative and predatory business coupled with colonialism would spark more discussion regarding politics in the game but apparently gods being women is the signal of the end times? The OP doth protest too much, methinks.
  6. This is a great bow for ciphers. It fires three projectiles that seek out the enemy and each projectile buils focus. The bow itself won't do wild damage on it's own but if you need to build up focus quickly this a great weapon for it.
  7. I confess I find this "error" to totally in character and wouldn't mind it staying. Is it appropriate? Debatable. But I guess that's not for us to decide.
  8. I believe the UI would be an issue for something as it was designed for five people in the party. At least that's what I've heard. If someone more knowledgeable about the subject could chime in I think it would help!
  9. Let's just come clean everyone. We bought this game for the nudity because you can't see it anywhere else.
  10. *Begins to furiously plan a Drunk Cipher build* The thing about alcohol is that it'd be really hard to justify using it all that much without introducing a negative. Because you can purchase it too it might make late game stuff trivial as you'd be able to buy Super Booze or something. But I like the overall idea. It could work if effort was put into it though. Perhaps we could expand this a little?
  11. After this and Josh being lambasted with "Nice" comments after the said that 69 percent of characters created were single class in a tweet my day is made.
  12. If the manufacturer cannot produce the rewards due to limitations then it isn't Obsidian's fault. If they run out of dye #359 that goes on Eothas' nipple it can absolutely be an issue and Obsidian paying them has nothing to do with that. For instance one would surely not blame a restaurant for running out of a certain type of food because they couldn't predict demand right? I very much understand the frustration but I cannot get on board with the hate because Obsidian has been transparent about it both before and after release. Waiting a few weeks for my stuff really isn't an issue.
  13. It's not necessarily Obsidian's fault that your rewards aren't here as it can be entirely manufacturer sided. Obsidian has been transparent about the time frame so what's the big deal? I mean the Mighty Number Nine stuff appeared over a year after the game released and it was trash. Surely waiting one month isn't a Herculean task for my fellow backers?
  14. More propaganda against the one TRUE sidekick Ydwin.
  15. Absolutely FURIOUS as I find out there will be no milk for my cereal this morning. But in all seriousness did tutorials are your friend!
  16. Interesting. You could also add a requirement at higher levels to make people use rest supplies. If you don't your party starts to get major debuffs and the like.
  17. I was involved for many years when I was younger (I would have been a teenager over ten years ago.) with historical reenactments in regards to the Lewis and Clark expedition. I say this without hesitation and without any filter that spending hours at a time in the hot sun in leather and wool makes everything awful and I have no idea how our ancestors survived in any climate with any amount of labor in said clothing. This concludes the extent of my role playing. As for the game I have life to deal with so I can't play all the time but I'm really enjoying what I'm playing so far. Not really a stickler for any one set of requirements myself but my verdict on a game usually just rests on whether or not I enjoy the time I spent with said game. Some might accuse me of having poor standards but I can say again without hesitation that I believe most games are just fine and that's that. But occasional I'll play something really good and on even rarer occasions I'll play something amazing. And yes sometimes I play terrible games. But I try very hard to not buy those!
  18. Yeah sex is cool but have you ever torn a pirate apart with your mind while drunk? Hoping to get some laughs out of this DLC.
  19. When Fallout New Vegas came out it had a bug on consoles that disabled the entire Y Axis for the entire save. This of course was worse than the bug that caused a memory leak that cause save game data to balloon in size to the point that the game would become a slog after a few minutes. New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time but pretending that it didn't have serious issues at launch would be irresponsible of me. Deadfire, in spite of all the issues listed above runs far better than New Vegas did at launch (And ever will on consoles like PS3.). Obsidian isn't like Rockstar with hundreds upon hundreds of employees working obscene hours to fix all these bugs. Give the team some time to work on everything and it'll all be better eventually. I'd also be remiss if I said that playing the game early is your choice. And in a game like this expecting everything to work one hundred percent would be rather silly. Even Witcher 3 took months to get basic amenities and quality of life upgrades.
  20. I bought the biggest boat available and it's rather comical how much more efficient it is at some things but worse at others (This goes without saying.). Early on I think it's safe to say your original ship is a good bet for a lot of things. But once you start leaking resources out of all your orifices because you have so much I don't see any reason not to upgrade. What you upgrade to is certainly your deal but I'm certainly not complaining about the biggest ship. Yes it takes more resources to manage but the trade off is that you can take on more threats. Really it's up to you.
  21. I confess I find this pretty funny. Not in a "At your expense" sort of way but in a "Oh goodness the oversight" sort of way. Bugs are missed all the time and this one, at least in my opinion is pretty funny.
  22. AHEM....Concelhaut is daddy. Hit me with that hammer. I will not apologize for this post. When's that Alcohol Themed DLC out again?
  23. It's interesting as I play through the game more (I'm busy and can't play for hours on end) that the game is indeed larger to some extent but the actual content is more spread out. In the first game if I didn't have my ass in gear a dungeon like Raedric's Hold or The White Forge could take a while due to how battles turned out and how much I was carrying supply wise. I think what the community should be looking at is whether we prefer less content (In number of events) with meatier content or more content with less meat. I personally am okay with either but I'd really like it to be a meaningful regardless. I don't mind small dungeons if they're interesting but I also don't want "Rudimentary Dungeon Where Some Dude Got His Fafe Eaten" to be the only thing occurring. I think more an abundance of leaner but more abundant content lends itself to Deadfire's structure more because of how the map is. But I also don't have a problem with the PoE concept where I travel to a smaller amount of areas with meatier content. Again as long as it isn't a "BILLY GOT HIS FACE EATEN HERE TOO?" sort of deal.
  24. While most people agree that ME3 had a disastrous ending I don't think people understand what a disaster it was for the community. The Bioware Forums got so bad that the moderation team simply stopped visiting for over a week. People were posting pictures of filled diapers (To describe the ending in their minds) and hardcore pornography (To simply troll.). The ending of Mass Effect 3 wasn't just a bad thing people agreed upon outside the community. From within it was one of the worst things I've ever seen in a community period. Andromeda would have struggled regardless (I was entirely lukewarm myself.) as so much good will had been burned away. Thinking back on it now I'm amazed Bioware's staff didn't physically die from stress (They lost at least two community managers.). Obsidian doesn't have anything approaching that madness here. Good lord was the ME3 debacle bad.
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