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Everything posted by Big-Ben

  1. You're not going to be going in there Halo style if that's what you're asking.
  2. Look we all know you're all after the Eothas statue everyone so you can all stop hiding your true feelings.
  3. I'm not sure of the specifics but it'll appear in when the game gets closer to launch on Steam and GOG. The information is wired to your account and should come up whenever release proper is imminent.
  4. I was thinking about playing a Mindstalker (Cipher/Rogue) but I'm not familiar with the class enough to make a sincere commentary yet. For those who are more knowledgeable about these things do you think that said build is viable for most things? I see the word nerf and get rather nervous. Nothing worse than being forty hours in and having a character slowly lose viability because of various reasons.
  5. It's far more effective than say, vanishing powder that you have to throw and the ground because then people know you're messing with them. Not many people are going to ask what's going on with your intestines.
  6. Just say you ate something bad and things are coming out both ends. No one ever wants to hear anymore about it. You're in the money then.
  7. This is correct. For good or ill I imagine the Waifu/Husbando wars will rage. Although I doubt they'll reach the insanity of certain fandoms. You hear about certain things at a topical level nad WOOF are some fanbases aggressive. I'm hoping these types of things will be more cordial than other games because let's face it we all want to bang the Eothas statue.
  8. There is however an option to go straight to combat by docking (Apologies if this isn't the correct nautical term) next to the opposing ship and killing them all that way. I imagine it'll be a life saver for some.
  9. This thread was a deliberate Psyop by the members of this forum to drive you insane. But it all seriousness people are just shooting the breeze talking about an advertised mechanic (One the writers is expressing pride about it on Social Media) until the game comes out. It's not anymore complex than that.
  10. I think Bioware, for better or worse (Depending on your opinion of course.) made this a more mainstream thing. Fanbases, being themselves have since become divided as they tend to be. Speaking for myself it doesn't bother me in the slightest if it's well done and adds to your personal narrative. It's a basic fact of life that people form bonds and occasionally bang. If you can work it into the narrative and it's optional and not contrived it doesn't strike me as a damning addition. I do hope there is some Meta-humor involving the sword though. Might be a good chance to offer some commentary on these mechanics.
  11. A Cipher with explicit focus on Crowd Control (Shocking I know.). That comes from all the flashbacks I have from not controlling crowds as a teenager while playing Baldur's Gate.
  12. Good stuff! I can't wait to see what else Bell has composed.
  13. It's up to you. I mean it's what everyone did with early games. But in this day and age it might be helpful to be aware of bugs. If you manage to to run into a big one that say, breaks the game you might want to be aware of it. I'm not saying that's going to happen but it's something to keep in mind.
  14. It appears at first to be a rather banal feature but I appreciate the thought. My experience with sailing only extend to being on boats on lakes in my home state but I'm familiar enough with superstition to understand the need to name the ship. It's nonsense by all logical means but it makes it feel like a home. Thinking of names like: Unsinkable II Defiant 2: Electric Boogaloo Das Schloss (For the nerds out there.) Skid Marks Marlin Monroe Yeah Buoy Cirrhosis of the River
  15. In all seriousness it's interesting that in a game where colonialism is a theme we, outsiders are getting to name islands. "Isle of Butz" sounds like a real banger right? Am I overthinking this?
  16. I'm just looking forward to all the absolutely insane names people will call their ships because I'm that kind of guy.
  17. I think any plot involving children dying can't really escape accusations of morbidity. I don't believe that Obsidian intended it to be grotesque in any exploitative way but no one here can deny that very bad things have happened before and during the game. Dead children isn't any fun, ever. Certainly though we all must agree that a plot about Eothas messing you up and you chasing after him is most certainly a lighter plot than the first game! No doubt we'll meet our share of unsavory characters but again I trust Obsidian to not delve into exploitation. We all want that talking sword though am I right?
  18. I've seen my fair share of feral cats in Montana and they most certainly do smell but probably not for the reasons Stinky Pete does. I would wager it's just a small gag like the Space Pig.
  19. My knowledge of modeling and animation if garbage tier but I think Morty above has stated what is true. It just takes time and effort to do this and that's time and effort Obsidian could use somewhere else. And this exactly a thing that only Obsidian does. You don't see much variety in other games either precisely I assume for the reason stated above.
  20. Just wanted to drop in and say how pleased I am to see all the wonderful work in here from a variety of people. Really remarkable stuff everyone. I even got a Water Color version of a portrait I used in the first game in here!
  21. The biggest changes I remember from Baldur's Gate to Shadows of Amn was how much the mechanics improved. Things were more in depth but not outwardly hostile towards my young self (I was a lad of thirteen or fourteen when I first played.) and I welcomed these additions. Josh has stated that the first Pillars was built upon nostalgia and that rings pretty true in my mind. It's a familiar setting (And that's not a criticism mind you) and it felt good to be playing a game like this again. But like all sequels a copy paste job doesn't cut it and I'm looking on seeing things expanded. This includes interaction with characters (Varying from like/dislike mechanics to possible relations with a thirsty sword) and things like better combat encounters with a myriad of new tools to accomplish said encounters.
  22. Obsidian is surely planning for all the Watcher x Sword shipping now. And naming islands? I'm sure we'll have a thread made of all the creative things people call them.
  23. Sword confirmed to have lines about all different types of fluids. On a more serious note regarding this topic I really appreciate things like this because it tells me not everything in the game is going to nasty and upsetting. No doubt we'll have folks complain about the sword but it's not a requirement soooo.... I expect to be satisfied though. I love Obsidian's work and am looking forward to seeing what they've made with Deadfire. People always talk about hype before games like devs are going to deliver Superman 64 again.
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