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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Ehm, me, a minimalist. Either you really misinterpretated all my posts here and on other UI discussions, or you confused me with someone else. Cause the last thing I am is minimalist. My personal suggestion would still be the 2-bar setup, one vertical with characters and information like journal (so the 2 BG bars combined into one) to the left or right based on preference, and the bottom bar for all the rest. Considering most functions like portraits are already on the side-bar, the bottom bar can be pretty thin (but yes, stretch the whole screen). Even with that opinion I absolutely despise putting the combat log INTO that HUD. During BG it was the most collapsed thing for me, and in order for it to be efficient is needs to be long. In order for the HUD to be efficient it needs to be short. I don't want a repeatal of the IWD2 UI which gives me nightmares for it's absolutely horrible design all around. Why they swithced the BG-style of BG2 and IWD1 for that, I will never understand. And with being on *top* of the bottom bar instead of in it, it can still be very properly used by those having it on all the time (including myself actually, just... not as long as IWD2 or your mockup screenshots cause that's really too much screenspace for not much information. If I need more info I expand it, but that's far less frequent). And yes, all screenshot so far still use the red and blue bar, which is equally horrible in design. I dont't really know how to fix the blue bar (since it's all new and all) but using a bar instead of the portraits is a step back in the wrong direction. Atleast it should have some graphical element surround it rather than being a freakin blue bar.
  2. Just a generalisation like BG2 please... Knowing the exact HP and looking the bar go down like modern RPG's... no thanks.
  3. Didn't have Fallout: Tactics, so got that...
  4. http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/news/tslrcm-in-moddbs-mod-top-100-post-with-lots-of-content Then decide if you want to vote for mod of the year, if you are already there anyway XD
  5. If they did... BioWare would make MUCH better games. Sadly, they rather listen to their own degenerates pen forum... :/
  6. Wait, the backers of the spiritual successor of BG2, who wanted their RTwP gameplay are the cause for Turnbased winning? How does that work?
  7. If they did, everyone would complain how KS project games are bugridden, incomplete, and a very bad system. Not exactly a good thing, right? So they don't...
  8. I seriously doubt I will change saying Project Eternity till release, maybe even after that...
  9. Well, Larian would just accept savegames from people and fix them and send them back, but I suppose do-it-yourself is way easier and less time-consuming for developers .
  10. Well, you know, you COULD take away the combat log out of the fixed UI. It's what BG did good, and IWD2 did absolutely attrociously bad. For the rest, I also hope no 'floaters'... the "blue and red line" still look horrible (what was wrong with the redening picture of the IE games) though I'm not sure actual OE footage had that too.
  11. I don't think it's a very good idea to have 2 kickstarters aligned with each other. Most of us spend money to update PE pledges with the backer site... there's probably not much left for another succesfull campaign. And if there is, it might take funds away from PE. So, doesn't really sound financially like a very sound idea to me...
  12. Yup. But once they show an uniquely designed monster variation (think the trolls) half-the-forum went up in flames demanding them to hold true to some version of REAL trolls. So I suppose unique or generic are 2 different people's entirely.
  13. Winter is coming... ... not fast enough! But yeah, it's a lot more plausable a release date than april. So good they gave up on that after all the extra work needed for the goals.
  14. Then they can use this data to 'improve' the base game... and we get Dragon Age 2. That alone should tell you... HELL NO.
  15. Oh yeah, the addition of Gault to your team is horrible, HORRIBLE. Whoever made the BH Tatooine plot should be ashamed of themselves.
  16. And here I was expecting a troll thread, but the OP is entirely serious. Dissapointing. Also, no.
  17. Me, I'm just glad I didn't back the game. TB or RTwP, this poll and stuff doesn't show me remotely any confidence they can properly pull of a Planescape sequel. Oh well, I'll see after it's released. Buy it if they succeed, skip it if they fail. Something Kickstarter backers don't have the luxery of doing anymore.
  18. Some people say 'the wilderness is outsourced, so they just spend money, not time'... But the shown outsourced areas where definitely the least interersting or good looking of the bunch. So the question is, do we really WANT that quantity improvement, if it's a definitive quality decreasement from the other areas? And yes, content creep should be avoided in any case.
  19. I would love to see more of your kitty. Having said that, there's no proof yet the 4 million cats stretch goal even made it into the game. Obviously that needs the funds and manpower first before all the far lesser important henchmen can be added.
  20. I actually played that way first few chars. But now, it's really boring. LS/DS is mostly meaningless anyway. So I just pick the most fun/appropriate response instead of maxing out one alignment. And thuthfully, it's much more fun to play. Cause there are a lot of stupid republic LS choices or empire DS choices. I don't quite understand why all republicans pretty much always have 1 LS/2DS options and all impirials standard have 1 DS/2LS. Some developers were probably drunk...
  21. So, with the new update out, seriously no-one still cares about this "Currency Conversion" that has yet to be explained, or discussed. No-one cares? Is that even possible with even the littlest details getting their own thread or 5?
  22. I knew it, you bought your way into the system. Back in my days you still had to use intimidation and blackmail. XD As soon as you reach the max (10000) any points gained will be deducted from the other... so 0-10000 doesn't mean never *ever* a LS-option was chosen
  23. What's SA? Anyone expecting the original release date (set before any of the kickstarter backer-ranks got raised like a big multi-level dungeon is only fooling themselves...
  24. Changing your e-mail on the backer site didn't work... had to change to the forum for it to be allowed to be passed. Might be related to NOT changing passwords, and giving a 'password invalid' error, while I could simply only change my e-mail here on the forum. Site's going slow, forums going slow... it's 5.30AM... I wait for the morning to get my backing sorted out XD
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