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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. This is caused by the Steam Sale event: The voting. As it requires you to leave a review on something you voted on for the lvl 4 badge, and nobody (well, near nobody) would vote things they hate then leave hate-reviews. This "positive review influx" happens to most (2018) games at the moment.
  2. Are we going to collectively forget that was because MICROSOFT shafted them over? But yeah, while KS existed for a while, KS for Video-games revolved solely around things publishers don't want to publish, and not having to go around and hear no everywhere. Several corporations like, again, Larian did make quite a winning to prevent being subjegated to Publishers.
  3. Yes, but that was the entire basis for KS. So developers didn't need to rely on publishers (or be taken over by publishers) for their games. That eventually apparently all still did shows KickStarter, for gaming atleast, ended up a massive failure. Or maybe the many flops, scams etc. made people give up on it (even if the biggest KS scam is alive and well, scamming on and on). People keep saying here KS success itself is impossible, but Larian is pulling it off. So clearly, impossible it's not. You seem to have missed everything happening since 2012. 2 billion dollar on name alone (TFA). Them pissing everyone off to "get new fans" (TLJ). Then 200 million loss on their latest movie (Solo). Just an example why buying an IP then going for "new fans" over the backs of others can massively backfire. It's not a guaranteed money and fans guaranteed as made out by the user replied to.
  4. I prefer complete too. The naming for this stuff with Hero, Obsidian, Gold, PE Sawyer edition, Super Elite Kickstarter Deluxe Plus, Wael Super-All Inclusive Pack Plus is confusing to the bone. It annoyed me with PoE1 and 2 but since KS I could avoid most of it, no such luck with Tyranny having to fav 3 different Humble Bundle pages and having to keep an eye on all 3 during sales... ugh.
  5. I already left my own opinion so not repeating that, but ME2 made the same "mistake" PoE2 did with that; while it explains The Watcher/Shephard why is the rest of his team reset (Garrus, Talia, Carth, Aloth, Eder)
  6. Ah yes, they even did that dumb thing in Mass Effect 2 where they tried explaining it by blowing you up and re-building you at the start. Or was it to explain a slightly different look from the editor? Anyway it was really dumb and I'm glad they didn't really delve into it for ME3, it just happened. Much better.
  7. I just meant selling out as "selling their company". I know the other meaning, I probably should have phrased it better. Was just pointing out Sonic's "great" argument that Obsidian is a great financial genius... yet somehow in financial need for a savior. *Something* doesn't quite add up there... Yet somehow they and the "industry" are surprised people aren't happy about it... *sigh*
  8. Sorry about previous post, didn't read all the comments of previous page yet You ARE aware people are thinking the *exact* same thing over us and this deal right? Are we pathetic now to your eyes?
  9. A year later and heavily modified. It's like saying "All is fine for PC with Rockstar. You get GTA V a year later and RDR not at all, but hey... nothing changed much, right... Riiiiiiight? If they are strong, why did they need to sell out? Whoopsie. And once again I ask... if you payed like $200 to hear the BIG DIABLO NEWS and then get this **** shoved in your face... *are you not allowed to be dissapointed*? To me it's YOU people who act entitled. And I HATE Blizzard and all their games. "EA added pay-to-win lootboxes to Battlefront II because it was better for them as a company. How DARE you whine about that, that's just poor taste. Don't you know that a companies interest should be your #1 concern as fan, not... you know... their games?" Yeah. Still not buying it. Yeah, once again, heard this sham again too with Star Wars. I sure hope for LucasFilm their "new fans" was worth ****ting all over us that shelled out 2 billion just for the name. And now they're gone. Whoops. Also how's that BioWare crowd nowadays? Gotta love the universal knowledge BioWare will be executed after Anthem yet somehow BW itself is not seeing it... or is in heavy denial. Probably the latter. Once again, you're stating this about the company THAT IS SELLING OUT. It's somewhat hard to take "they are so good at business!1!11one!" as argument about the company that is selling itself to prevent going down under. Heck, you even stated numerous time it was this or bust. How can you make this argument AND the other one? I gave the tank-game as example because people really don't care for non-RPG's from Obsidian. You DID realise we kickstarted 4 million not once, but twice to prevent exactly something like this from happening right? Or did that just get overlooked in painting us off as the enemy?
  10. I suppose it can be from mechanical standpoint? I don't care as much about that as some other people on these forums. But PoE2 got a host of unfinishable quests and the entire random encounter system are broken. These are BIG issues and I don't recall that happening in PoE1. And I'm not even sure any of these have been fixed as of yet. But that's just my experience between the two itself of course. Different people, different likes? It seems pretty clear from the likes on other post vs. yours people here ACTUALLY prefer to start at lvl 1 rather than lvl 20 godhouses. Nothing to do with "fanboi excuses" at all. One thing a lot of people ask for nowadays is Open-World. I hate it. Another thing some people foam about is lack of New Game+. I personally never saw what's interesting about replaying the game like that. And then sometimes those are the same people that are throwing tantrums if there's a levelcap since completing content without leveling is evil (you've seen a bunch of that happening for PoE1 and 2 I'm sure.) I'm currently playing Hyperdimensional Neptunia Re;Birth 3. It even has a literal joke at the start how you went from "level 99 or higher with DLC" back to 1 again and have to re-do the entire leveling. And people love it. Also I don't think I have to tell you the series sells as hotcakes. Pokemon has been brought up aswell, same story. Infact I would say sequels that do otherwise are few and very far between. Arkham games some gadgets "stick" but most you have to unlock once more. I'm not old enough for Ultima but it's the same char like what, 12 times, I doubt they stuck progression through all those. Recent tomb raiders even though the second is a prequel so it makes sense to re-learn it then makes little sense for having to relearn it all in the first game and you can probably go on and on. And on the other side there's... BG2. Ehm... can you literally give ANY game where level and stuff was kept between 2 games (It's even a cop-out on BG2 since health and stuff gets re-rolled due to new rules). I know I can't think of ANY. If that's a gripe of someone, boy, do they have a lot of games they should have issues with.
  11. PoE1 was a mess at release? I played it back then and while it definitely had issues (surely my bugreport thread on it lingers here somewhere) it was nowhere as bad as say D:OS1. And that mess got a ton of bugs sequel that also does very well. So I don't think it's really the buginess fault. And all this WM talk reminds me how I loved WM1 as is on the difficulty I played the original, but WM2 shook the gameplay and balance up so much I couldn't be arsed learning the actual mess it became (IMO) and I just plowed through it auto-attack on the lowest difficulty since all the UI and balance and gameplay went straight to hell. Maybe I would have thought differently if I started post WM2, but that extremely jarring complete mechanics change? Yeah, not a fan. In the slightest. But yeah, PoE2 has it's fair share of issues and my first run had so many broken quests, missing random encounters, missing bossfights and all that not-so-fun stuff.
  12. Streaming services require subscriptions. Making an account on a different digital platform doesn't cost anything. I have a steam, gog, origin, humble bundle, uplay, and windows store account and none of those requires that I pay a monthly subscription. True. The worry really is biggest for Netflix rather than gaming since it's centralised position was what it had going over it, now people make it so you need to sub to 10 different services. In the end it will only result to people returning what they did pre-Netflix for easy access; Pirating. Same reason Steam combated piracy, due to easy access (and in the past, sharp pricing. RIP Steam sales). And while I too have all those accounts honestly I'm just using Steam and GOG occassionally. Origin/Uplay and whatever solely excist to grab free games off them, I'm never going to ever buy there. Ever. I also hate Valve for their monopoly and wish it was a different company but have to face the facts, having one central platform for movies/series/gaming is definitely preferable to a consumer over having to go about 30 different services, even if that would prevent a monopoly.
  13. It's the reason Netflix is a massive hit; centralised entertainment. And now everyone and their mother start their own streaming service instead, removing that one pro the service offered.
  14. Yeah, nobody hates a franchise like a fan of that franchise. (New Star Wars rules BTW.) Nothing like trading 2 billions from pre-existing fans for that promising NEW market of 400 million from people like you. Can't help but think about that when people glee about "new markets of massive untapped potential"
  15. Loyalty is hard to come by, and by no means guaranteed. They may indeed gain a lot of new customers, but whether or not there will be a remotely comparable loyalty... again, such is hard to come by. *cough cough* STAR WARS *cough cough* Signed: A former hard-core fan of Star Wars. Going for a new fanbase over the backs of your perfectly fine existing fanbase rarely works out.
  16. Bigbazoops list is completely personal and has nothing to do with anything anyone thinks IMO. Triple's reasons are a lot more reasonable, but you really wont know the main quest is lacklustre when you buy it so that's likely not a reason for people not to buy rather than people be dissapointed and perhaps not buy another Obs game later on. I myself don't hate the setting at all as most here apparently seem to do(?), it's a fresh change from everyone doing the same boring fantasy every time. There's a reason we all absolutely reach for a space RPG. Anything but damn fantasy again. I'm not really well-known with Kingmaker at the moment to talk about that but D:OS2 definitely sailed on the success of D:OS1. Which had nothing to do with it's setting, 100% with it's combat system and elements interacting. Of course D:OS2 for some reason craps all over that in favour of PVP (Oh how I hate PvP for ruining everything... as usual), and I myself am thoroughly dissapointed by Larian right now. And Obsidian, but that's due to the takeover, not their games . (But yeah the ship combat is bad and I just auto-skip to combat all the time) I think we're overlooking all the actual reasons of a bad sale if it did so by looking at things like setting.
  17. ? Bungie was bought by MS as a fairly minor entity, but bought themselves out (ie went independent again) later after the success of the Halos. Then they went cahoots with Activision, told more lies than Peter Molyneux with Destiny 2, and are now forced to add MORE MTX to their MTX-simulator by said Activision to make up for gamers not wanting anything to do with that deceitful company. Not exactly a success-story.
  18. So at least this sounds to me that they still want these companies to produce their games mainly on PC and creating RPGs. But it would be good to know if Obsidian will now produce more casual games for the mass market (that would really be a bummer...) or if they will still produce similiar games like today. I'm pretty sure EA also said that aquiring BioWare and look at them now, making Destiny 3: Even worse than Destiny 2 edition. Also IGN with Humble Bundle and they're not exactly gotten better on it (more desperate though, definitely). I don't trust these "we wont change them." for a second. No, just you. This is in poor taste, try to show them a bit of respect. After all, We don't want to look pathetic and whiney like the Blizzard community. Nobody is whiny and pathetic in the Blizzard community bar Blizzard. Luring PC-fans in with $100 tickets for news about their newest game for it to be a mobile port literally is the scam of the century. Not only did they **** over their fans TREMENDOUSLY... THEY ASKED MONEY FOR IT. Scumminess to the next level. While that's probably true, what's best for Obsidian doesn't automatically mean the best for it's fans. Or we'd all be cheering on lootboxes since they make companies so much money over our backs. Somewhat doubt many would, and it does sound like a pretty risky proposition on paper. As publisher I would shoot that idea right down. The lack of likes on your post doesn't help selling it eitehr. Cause we're all cheering about the tank game. What do you mean, literally nobody of this fanbase remembered till I just pointed it out? It was suuuuuuch a fan-favorite (not). We ARE. What do you think leads to this "doomthinking". When indie's is all that's good in gaming nowadays, and all AAA goes down the ****ter, why should we not be concerned for an indie being swalled by one? Bethesda went out and said specifically they never EVER want another company working on Fallout and banked hard on that, and Star Wars is still in deadhold by Eletronic Arts. Not to mention Disney and Lucasfilm doing their utmost best to **** all over it that even if KOTOR3 saw the light it'll probably be a terrible terrible thing. So no, further than ever.
  19. I sometimes wonder the tastes of people. I really hate Divinity: Orignal Sin 2 even loving the first one due to the armor system just completely ruining combat entirely aside with some other picks like round robin or how every combat ends with cursed fire that's so annoying (and honestly, what else has it going for it?). Yet people praise that game to hell and back... yet most also don't finish the initial island. I mean... what? On the other hand, I mostly like PoE1 and 2 *despite* the combat, since honestly, I'm not liking it much. Fortunately RtwP generally allows you to get through it fast, and I agree it moves at lightning speed. I've long given up trying to understand all those terrible logs (really, no rounding, numbers need to be after the dot? Isn't it cluttered enough) Combat is definitely a trouble-point for RPG's in general :/
  20. F for Obsidian? (I loaded up the forums just after reading about this on Twitter... sad times)
  21. Anyone running the 2.1 beta knowing if they adressed this?
  22. Anyone can confirm for me that they added the "compare rings shows both rings now" that should have been in v2.1. It's not listed in the UI changes here, and I don't really want to install the beta just to check this if I can ask you nice guys
  23. I got a bounty to bump this topic by the Vaillians considering they felt very let down that their 100% guaranteed ally was taken away from them in this low a manner, and the Obsidian Gods don't even seem to be aware of this gross breach of Neketaka politics.
  24. Try logging into the beta and see if the fix's retro-active? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105026-beta-patch-notes-for-version-201/
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