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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. It's biggest flaw, no PC version. Until they FIX that, a 0/10 from me
  2. A good flash sale... Max Payne 3 with all DLC for 7 euro. Sold! Also get Serious Sam III if you want! (I already got it) EDIT: I love Steam sales of KOTOR2. TSLRCM ranked #7 mod now...
  3. Well, thanks to a special "buy 30 days, get 60 days" promo I am subscriber again (for 60 days that is). I spend way too much money on this game 0_o
  4. Okay, yeah, then it can be as Gorth said, the sm fp's hitting all the time since they wont require a tank or healer... Though oddly enough I sometimes ended up with 2 tanks. What the hell?
  5. Yeah, was looking at Infinite and SR4, and saw, with DLC... it was too much money. So waiting some more. Got enough other games anyway. And... I was wondering why TSLRCM suddenly rose 30 spots on moddb, but it seems it's on a flashsale. 50% off though, I bought it for less last sale.
  6. Nope, HM and SM Czerka are 2 different options entirely (one granting 10 elite comms, one granting 10 basic).
  7. HM is still class based... and considering the only way to log for SM is just those 2 ("Hey, why do I only get the 2 I logged for?") I suspect the HM-random is used here
  8. I can't imagine ever replaying Drakensang or Drakensang 2. They were fun for one playtrhough, but doing it again... no thanks 0_o
  9. Oddly enough, not my experience... while Czerka was hot before, now it generally gives Athis... A LOT. It used to be only Czerka since they're needed for the Czerka weekly (and of course HM instead of SM for the 0/3 HM quest), but I guess people started doing it less when their rep got maxed.
  10. Or the perfect solution... some maps are one, some the other... you know, versity I'm pretty sure Obsidian does this internally too, and sometimes 'what makse sense' just on the look, doesn't quite work for lore, or an encounter, etc. Lots of things need to be taken into account.
  11. Heh, the "just took 10 minutes" reminds me of the previous update, how long things take, and how easy people think it should be easy or quick to change. To be fair, IMO, the touchover by Mazhlekov makes it worse for me... with the exception of the tree color diffiriation and removing those random weirdly placed bushes at a few locations, that really added a nice touch to it. For more feedback; 2. The path leads into a bunch of trees and dissapears. Not exactly commonly walked. I could see a path on top of the fire, but not below it. 5. Most people seem to want more overgrowth of the dragon, and I agree with them, not less. 6. Despite the firecamp, I don't get the feeling it's a very well-travelled area (otherwise, wouldn't someone take the bones to a museum or whatnot? Or necromance it? Etc.). 8. Well, there is a dragon corpse there, though I wouldn't object to an obstruction.
  12. Or just where you throw more money at Obsidian in exchange for more goodies
  13. Try searching something in the upside down search bar Sadly, it goes proper again once you reach an actual title site.
  14. The cats change between a few different variations upon loading the map too. I thought that nice
  15. Quoting you again (0_o), but I just noticed FTL is also on sale at GOG; http://www.gog.com/game/faster_than_light 5 euro on Steam, 3 dollar 40 (so around 2,80 euro) on GOG... seems you got a bad deal :/
  16. I... have a feeling I am loosing a bit what the discussion is about. 5 hours required for fatigue to take affect? What? I lost you... Also, comparing it to me and real-life... I haven't regenerated any skills or spells or hitpoints yet, that I know of atleast. Fractions sounds easy... but if a spell is yes or no, how do you fraction that? How do you fracture binary? How do you decide which spells to refresh? Lowest (leave their slots clear? Exploit it?)? Highest (exploitable!) Or do none? Why should 7 hours refresh no spells, and 8 hour do all? All those typical questions you need to ask. Or not, if you simply stick to a full 8 hour system, and if you get interrupted, you get nothing! I think you said it yourself before, there's a difference between complex and conviluted. Those "oodles" of other games usually used resting as a healing system, or to move time forward. Not a refreshing/buffing and who-knows-what else system resting in PoE uses. I do agree rest should be optimal during traveling to prevent that BG-syndrom of fatigue upon arrival. I just don't agree that you should be able to sleep fractional, with all the difficulties, questions and decions that come with it. In my opinion... the very uncertain benefit implenting it has seriously outweighs the extra development time and decisions (and potential bugs and exploits) such a system would bring.
  17. My sanity is up for grabs *hint hint*
  18. Yes, I am cool with the information being completely hidden. As for why, isn't that clear from my last few posts? If not, I seem to have failed to portray my intention... As for "because it doesn't make any sense for you to arbitrarily march all the way to some location to the point of depriving yourself of sleep/rest." it could if you're in a hurry. It makes sense if you go to your stronghold and rest there instead for bonusses (thanks KS update) rather than randomly in the wilderness instead on the way there. It makes sense if you're in a rush. It makes sense if you're one month away from a game development deadline... eh... well, you get the point. As for the 'why would we want a variable resttimer' I was more adding it adds needless complexity to sleeping. I'm not opposed to variable something else. Just that a variable timer will have to make developers think, and implement options to, for example, restore half a spellbook, put back the fatigue timer x hours instead of resetting it, having to add more factors to health and stamina restored than where you rest at what cost (inn-options), how (if any) stronghold buffs you get. It's just that much easier if there's a fixed 8 hour timer, and all that stuff doesn't eat more developer time... for what? Nothing I say. If you travel 7 hours, 12 hour non-sleep, that means you arrive around 19 hours. That would still leave around 5 hours of time before fatigue. Enough for whatever you want to do. If not, then there's your fatigue penalty. Don't want it, rest. Wait, that will fail your timer? Well, DEAL WITH IT. The penalty isn't simply there just to be conviently swiped just because it doesn't quite suit you that time. And if you're running short on time, and have to fight with the fatigue penalty due to that... well, that adds to the game, tactics, strategy. That's the stuff I *want* to see. Not that the penalty is cheapened by simply allowing it to be circumvented by 'oh, you have a timer... well, let's just get around that with 2 hours sleep. Wouldn't want to have a timer for a reason or something'...
  19. I'm currently playing the game of "WHY THE HECK AM I MAKING CUTSCENES IN KOTOR2? AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGH" game. Yeah, seriously frustrating stuff.
  20. I want it too, but just know it'll probably get discounted more, so I'm going to be patient .
  21. So, Skyrim for 14 euro or not Skyrim for 14 euro... I really wonder if that's cheap enough for me after Oblivion... hmm...
  22. Pretty late to the party, sorry. Only got around to reading the last few kickstarter updates lately. Should keep myself to reading them right away now to prevent them from pouring up... Anyways, yes, I think this is the best PoE update I've read so far. Very interesting stuff all around, from the spreadsheet, to the screenshot (trigger workings! Placement of NPC's and quest updates!) to the text, everything. Definitely would be interested in more background info like this! So it's an item loaded upon level loading, that then does the proper scripting (onenter, heartbeat)? There is no overhead area setting anymore, like IE's .are file or the .are/.git/.ifo from oddessey? I do wonder then how things like the Area name, music and other such info is set. Inside that level loading item? Or an overhead file, not specifically attached to one specific module? Also, I'm surprise in all these pages no-one spoke about "Currency Conversion". Does it mean we use more and different type of valuta than merely one (gold, credits)? Or is it the balance of currency, so plotting out selling prices of items, costs of upgrades at the stronghold vs. the gold acquired by the PC? I admit I too, was surprised at the 13 days requirement of a 3x3 area. Though ofcourse then it dawned that it was 13 total hours, over various people. As the bottlenecks both were 4 days, this technically means that, aside from the start and stop, a new 3x3 area could be produced per 4 days. Pretty impressive. Of course, we wouldn't want merely 3x3 maps, I wonder how big maps are (avarage, maximum... what's the biggest around), and of course the time requirement would raise somewhat exponentionally (as said, 9 maps to 16) making those. Are in those cases multiple artists working on an area (and then merge the look in the end)? Or does one artists stay on an area to provide consistency? And of course if like in the example plotting a room takes 1 day (for concept and a pre-model for testing) upon 4 days off working it out, is this actually used to try out about 4 rooms per one actually being worked out fully? I assume so since of course if a map completely stalls early on, it wouldn't take the long artists time to fully craft the map further. Anyway, I think I have asked enough questions for about now (and I can't recall more, will probably post them if I do). As said, a very interesting update. And yes, I would like to know behind the system. For interest, for potential future modding (probably no mapping though XD, but the triggers, map info, enemy placement and stuff would be useful for that), just to spend a few hours brainstorming, and see if it matches what actually experienced people conclude. So keep 'em coming!!!
  23. Oh, I definitely agree with that, it can add some nice C&C. @ Lephys; I know. But reading these forums, I do know there will actually be people who wouldn't mind rewriting quests, huge sections of story and pretty much do ANYTHING to stop the abhorrable crime that is called loading a savegame (also known as deplorable 'save scumming'!)...
  24. Not really. Can't recall people going superparanoid in the BG's for fatigue. More for spells and healing. Never been a fan of resting all that often myself, but apparently I am in the minority if JE Sawyer makes so many changes to the system due to super-sleepers being a common occurance. Hitpoints is an abstraction, a necessary evil. An intrigate real life system turned gamey because otherwise, well, actually playing would be hard. Doesn't mean we need to modify other real world factors like that. Imagine if you get poisoned by a fatal toxic (BG1 actually has this quest). It doesn't go 10% poison, 20% poison, than at 100 it gives the player the actual event and tells him they're poisoned... even if technically they should feel it's effects. Or not. But then why is the status effect there. Going a bit too deep in on the system... Heck, they could even add 'combat fatique' (a real world occurance) if you go into too much battle. With a system hidden you would be unawares of it creeping up on you till it hits you (like... you know, in real-life, I have no 50% fatigue awareness or something). With a display, as I said, I think it will get gamed instead and completely loose it's purpose. I would agree with phasing. That the fatigue penalty worsens over time instead of being one permanent debuff of fixed state. If you're on a rush, and go on a 7 hour trip, and still click rest and add 8 hours... I don't think you really can blame anyone BUT yourself. Don't click rest, don't rest, spend 7 hours. I'm not exactly seeing the problem there. Also would 1 hour restore all spells? No, 8? Why not 6 restore some? All issues that simply are raised by... why are we even want a variable rest-timer?
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